• Way to GO!

    So proud of my man! XO

    My husband has to travel occasionally for work since he has teams he manages in various areas.  Sometimes the traveling is due to speaking engagements as well.  Earlier this year he had to travel for a Technology Summit speaking engagement where he was a keynote speaker.

    I am so proud of him and thankful for all his hard work!  He is a great provider for our family.  God has truly blessed us with many great opportunities.

    When he came home from this speaking engagement I had a case of Orange Crush waiting for him in the fridge.  On the carton was a note from me “Jake, Way to Go on your presentation! I love you! XOXO – Bridgette”

    Taking the time to pick up a special item, write a note, or some other activity to show appreciation for someone only takes a few minutes of your time, but the positive impact of your action is usually much greater.  Spend a few minutes coming up with a way to show someone you love how much you appreciate them today!  You and the one on the receiving end will be blessed by this thoughtful action.

  • Thoughtfulness Goes Both Ways in Relationships!

    I am proud of my husband and thankful for all he does for our family.  A few days ago I had a little extra time carved out in my day so I decided as a special surprise to make Jake some Cinnamon Rolls.

    Making Cinnamon Rolls!

    I used a box mix that was in the pantry.  The mix was a starter kit that included the flour and yeast so you could make bread, rolls, crescents or a variety of other breads, I chose to make Cinnamon Rolls that day.  After mixing, letting it rise then kneading the dough it was now ready with melted butter, cinnamon and sugar (pictured above).  Next I sprinkled some dried cherries and raisins over it, rolled it up, cut into cinnamon rolls and placed it into the pyrex to rise for another 30 minutes.  Just as Jake was leaving work I put the cinnamon rolls in the oven to bake.

    Hot Cinnamon Rolls with Raisins & Cherries rolled inside!

    I made frosting by mixing 1 cup powder sugar, 1 teaspoon vanilla, and 1 tablespoon of milk together.  The cinnamon rolls came out of the oven within a couple minutes of Jake arriving at home.  I poured the frosting over the cinnamon rolls and we enjoyed them as a dessert at the end of the meal.  We typically do not have dessert for an evening meal, however, this was a special treat.  Jake was able to enjoy the remaining cinnamon rolls for his breakfasts and/or snacks over the next few days.

    I was not aware that at the same time I was making secret cinnamon roll treats for Jake he was picking up a bench for me.  The girls and I spend a lot of time outside during the summer months when they are out of school.  He picked up a bench that was on sale for us to use outside.  It will be a terrific having a place to put items for the swimming pool and outside equipment.  I am thankful for his thoughtfulness and help with the upcoming busy months of summer activities!

    My New Bench was Quickly Adopted by the Girls for their Crafts!

    Within in a few minutes of getting my bench the girls had their chairs pulled up to it and were working on crafts.  They were excited about the new “desk” for them to work on.  The bench will be a tremendous help for outside storage this summer!

    One of the amazing parts about being a family is the joy it comes from being generous to those within your family.  It was one of those days when Jake and I happened to be thinking of each other at the same time.  I am thankful for a husband who loves me and is thoughtful.  Making those cinnamon rolls were an easy way for me to show how him my love and care for him.  It is human nature to be selfish, only when you make the choice give to others starting with your spouse and family you will see even greater blessings and love.

    Thoughtfulness goes both ways in a marriage relationship. It was neat to have the special surprises timed on the same day even though neither one of us knew what the other spouse was doing.  Not every day goes so smoothly in our home, but I am thankful that we love each other despite the tough moments and we continue to have many wonderful memories together.  What are some thoughtful activities that you do to make your spouse and family feel loved?


  • A Picnic in the Park


    Legacy Park in Greenville, SC

    Recently, I was able to meet Jake during lunch hour since I was in his area after an appointment.  I packed PB&J sandwiches and goodies for our picnic in the park.  We met at Legacy Park to eat our picnic lunch in the swing over looking beautiful flowers and enjoying a few minutes to catch up.  After eating we took a walk together around the park.  It was great spending some time with my man relaxing and talking for a little bit in the middle of the day.

    If you haven’t been to Legacy Park you should check it out, it is beautiful, quiet, and family friendly.  You will see kids playing on one of their two playgrounds, families having a picnic on the grass, kites flying, and people walking leisurely on the paths.  It is right off Roper Mountain Road across the road from Embassy Suites.

    Go ahead and take a picnic in the park with your husband or family.  It is a great way to get fresh air and spend quality time together.  It doesn’t have to be expensive or fancy.  Find a location near you so you save on gas and meet even if it is over lunch.  Having those extra few minutes to relax and communicate are valuable in every relationship!

    Going for a walk with my man at Legacy Park.
  • Family Celebrations: Valentine’s Date with My Man!

    Winter Jam 2011 at Bi-Lo Center in Greenville, SC!

    Jake and I had the opportunity to celebrate Valentine’s Day on Friday, February 11, 2011.  We had friends swap  babysitting duties with us so we knew the girls would be in good hands while we were out for the evening.   While we were brainstorming fun and unique ways we could spend our Valentine’s Date we realized that it was the same night that Winter Jam 2011 was coming to Greenville.  Since neither of us had ever been to any concerts before we decided to give it a try since it only cost $10 per person to get in.

    After deciding what to do we talked with a couple friends and realized that the concert usually sells out so we had backup plans just in case.  That night Jake picked up Subway sandwiches and we ate while standing in line to get into the Bi-Lo Center.  When we arrived the lines were pretty defined but after only a few minutes it soon became a crowd with standing room only.  I am not a tall person and thankful that I don’t get claustrophobic in large crowds standing because every one was standing close together.

    We made it into the Bi-Lo Center and managed to get front row balcony seats!  When I went to the restroom Jake left a small pretty gold package on my chair……  I hadn’t realized it but he had saved up his money to buy me a necklace that I could wear with the other one he gave me for our 7th Anniversary for dressier events! He is so sweet and thoughtful!  I share will with you in a later post a little more about the necklace!

    We have never been to a concert much less a Christian Concert with so many people and artists!  It was neat hearing their songs and testimonies throughout the night.  The night starting off with Chris Sligh who is from Greenville, South Carolina.  We also heard songs from Chris August, Sidewalk Prophets, NewSong, Red, Francesca Battistelli, Kutless, David Crowder Band and the NewsBoys.  Tony Nolan gave an encouraging and challenging message and KJ-52 was an entertaining MC.  Here are some pictures from our Date Night.  It was a neat experience and moving to see so many people in attendance worshiping together.

    Chris Sligh from Greenville, SC started the Winter Jam 2011 evening.
    Chris August at Winter Jam 2011

    "Sidewalk Prophets" started with their backs to us!

    "Red" had neat fire and smoke shooting through the air at various times. The speakers were blown on our side after their performance, it was pretty loud!
    KJ-52 was a great MC at Winter Jam 2011!
    "Newsong" at Winter Jam 2011!
    Francesca Battistelli at Winter Jam, neat songs and her husband plays the drums in her band!

    Tony Nolan sharing scripture & his testimony with everyone at Winter Jam 2011
    David Crowder Band at Winter Jam 2011
    Winter Jam 2011 - "Kutless" performing!
    "Newsboys" drummer at Winter Jam 2011!
    Newsboys singing at Winter Jam 2011

    Newsboys on risers at Winter Jam!
    Winter Jam 2011 was a sold out crowd at the Bi-Lo Center in Greenville, SC!
  • Love It – Lenovo G460 Laptop

    I am very excited!  I just received my first “new” laptop!  My husband was able to get a great deal on a Lenovo G460 Laptop a few weeks ago.  When it arrived my husband let me open the package first.  It was shiny, sleek and running in a matter of only a few minutes.  It is much faster and one of the nicest pieces of technology I have ever owned.  Love that it is quick, portable, and looks great.  I never thought a piece of technology could be so awesome!

    Why did I need a new laptop?  Having a computer is wonderful but like any technology it doesn’t always run perfectly.  The last few months my “hand me down” laptop screen got a crack and other issues were starting to pop up.  I had to keep decreasing the screen size as the crack spread. It was hard to transport the old one because movement would cause the crack to worsen.  Although I was grateful for a computer and it got the job done (most days), but with the crack and more issues we decided it was time to consider upgrading.  I have been very fortunate to not have to purchase a computer for many years.  In the past, my husband has been able to piece together computers for me with parts that he has and I am thankful for a man who is very knowledgeable in doing that because it has saved us a lot of money.

    My sweet husband has been looking for a couple months for a great deal on a new computer for me.  We were thinking that a laptop would be the best fit because it is light, portable and fits with the projects that I have been doing recently.  Since I spend a lot of my time working on the computer this allows me to be more mobile and efficient.

    I have been using my new Lenovo G460 laptop for only a couple days and I am still amazed at the difference!  Very thankful for such a wonderful computer and for a husband that researched to found the perfect one for me.  I plan to use it for many years to come!

  • Giving Thanks

    I am blessed!  There are so many things in my life to be thankful for today and everyday.  Life may not always go as planned but I do have a lot of blessings in my life.

    I am thankful for…

    • My husband who is my best friend, loves me, makes me laugh, encourages me, cheers me on, lifts me up when I have fallen,  takes care of me and our girls and so much more.  Love him to pieces!!!
    • Our kids bring a lot of laughter and joy to my life.   Each one brings their own dynamics to the family and I am proud of my girls.
    • Fun Memories with my family and friends.  I have blessed with a lot of amazing memories, events, and great times with the people in my laugh.
    • Family is an important part of my life both my immediate and extended family members.  Thankful to have so many family members that love us, pray with us, and are an active part of our lives.
    • Friends who have been with me through the joyous parts of my life as well as some tough times while being an encouragement, blessing and prayer partner. I am thankful for those true blue friends in my life.
    • A Home to live in and provide shelter for my family and a place to host fun events with family, friends, and neighbors.
    • Our Pets have been a blessing in my life, whether it is relaxing on the couch with my hubby watching the fish or taking a walk with Skipper.  They all have left a mark on my heart for which I am thankful.
    • Neighbors because they have become part of my life and provide opportunities for us to help, pray, and encourage others.
    • Food we have never had to go starve or go without a meal.  My husband is an amazing cook and I love it when he cooks for the family.
    • Clothes we have always had plenty of clothes to wear.
    • Hugs & Kisses are a true treasure.  A hug from my girls or friend and a kiss from my husband are a blessing.
    • Snuggles provide the quiet time with my family I enjoy very much, whether it is reading, watching a movie or just sitting on the couch and talking I am thankful for these precious moments.
    • And Most Important God’s Involvement in my life, He has shown me a lot of love, grace, and mercy in the past 30 plus years for which I am very thankful.

    Thanksgiving is a great time to look at all the blessings in our lives.   Let us try to remember all the good things in our lives everyday.  Life is more enjoyable when we have a positive outlook.


  • Song: “While I’m Waiting” by John Waller

    There have been seasons in my life when I am “waiting”.  For those you who are currently waiting to find out what is in store for you I hope this song encourages you.  “While I’m Waiting” by John Waller was in the movie “Fireproof”.  My husband and I had the opportunity to see the movie in theaters.  I am very thankful for a loving husband.  It is always good to be reminded of ways we can help each other in our journey together.