• How Do You Like Your Commitments? Rare or Medium or Well Done

    Steak When you make a commitment do you follow through until completion?  Do you do what you say you will do?  It seems pretty simple, however, I am finding that it really is more difficult then people realize.  There can be many reasons for not following through with a promise or commitment.  Here are some common trends I have noticed:

    • Forgetfulness – did not write it down or completely forgot to do it for whatever reason.  Maybe it was a conversation in passing, for example, you ran into a friend that you haven’t spoken to in a long time at the grocery store and you mention that you need to get together for lunch sometime to catch up.  You promised send an email that night with available times to meet for lunch.  You didn’t have a place to write it down and you truly forgot.  If this happens follow up as soon as you remember with apologies.
    • Over Booked –  promises to too many people therefore making it impossible to complete all the commitments you have made.  You are in the doctors office for an appointment with your little one and they have to run tests.  The doctor promises to call tomorrow with the results and  the next day comes and goes with no word from the doctor.  We only have 24 hours a day, until we figure out a way to increase that amount of time we have make sure to allot enough time to fulfill those commitments that must be done each day.
    • Something Better – a promise was made to help someone but something more exciting comes up.   What if you had a babysitter lined up to watch your kids while you were at a business event and she decided to go bowling with her friends instead that night leaving you scrambling to find someone to watch the kids.  Be considerate and treat others with respect.
    • Emergency – this is a valid reason for postponing a commitment, however, if everything is an emergency people will quickly realize that it is an excuse.  It is important to not over use this one.  Car accidents, death in the family, and other true emergencies are understandable and most people will allow you plenty of time to catch up.  Make sure to let people know what is going on as soon as possible.
    • Miscommunication – we all have different ways of communicating and a commitment can get muddle in translation from one party to the next.  When someone says they will send the information over to you “soon” what does that mean (today, tomorrow, within the next week or within the next month, etc….)  What you say can be translated into something very different for those on the receiving end.  Make sure to be as specific as possible and clarify as often as necessary.  If your schedule is booked this week offer to do it the following week.  Be honest and make sure you understand what the expectations are before making the commitment.

    Use common sense when making promises to family, friends, and business acquaintances.  Whenever possible try to use definite and attainable goals.  Give people a deadline or point of reference.  If you do state a specific day or time make sure you follow through.  When possible get it done earlier then promised and you will win even more brownie points for future projects.  Treat others with the respect and honesty you would want.

    Have you noticed other common reasons for not following through?  What ways do you keep track of the commitments you make?  How do you make sure that you have followed through on your promises?

  • Spread the Entrepreneurial Spirit

    team Are you a contagious entrepreneur?  Have you considered starting a business?  Do you own a small business?  I love spotting the entrepreneurial spirit in people.  They are excited about their business and their passion shines through in their lives.

    Growing up in a family business instilled the passion for entrepreneurship in me at an early age.  I felt compelled to start my first business in junior high school with my siblings doing custom hay and harvesting work for local farmers.  Again in college I started a residential cleaning company to help pay for college.  I am excited to have the opportunity to interact with some of the most amazing entrepreneurs through my current business InSource Executives and Enterprise Launch.  I want to encourage those who are entrepreneurs, small business owners, or new startups because you can accomplish anything you want.

    Signs you are a contagious entrepreneur:

    • Share your Excitement – as an entrepreneur you are passionate about the products and services you have to offer.  When someone sees your excitement they will want to know more.  Many entrepreneurs are passionate about what they do and it shows!
    • Help Others – when you have the opportunity to pitch in and help someone do it.  Whether it is in your personal or professional life you need to be a part of their journeys as well.  Be giving of your time and energy when you can.  Everyone needs to be treated with respect and we all have times when help from a friend is the perfect pick-me-up.  Bring a meal to a new Mom, help a friend move, spend time to help a client complete a project, babysit so your friends can have a night out, share contact information that will be beneficial to someone else, etc…
    • Spread the Positive – what comes around goes around.  I truly believe that sharing the positive will stimulate a positive chain of reactions.  Always remember to spread good cheer to those around you.  Life is full of hurdles so try to look at the bright side of every situation.  Positive attitudes are contagious and much more encouraging to be around.

    The entrepreneurs that I have the opportunity to meet are incredible!  Seeing their entrepreneurial spirit shine through is encouraging.  I am thrilled to be a part of the business community and look forward to meeting the more great people this week.  Are you a contagious entrepreneur?  What are ways you spread the entrepreneurial spirit?

  • A Balanced Life

    Kreativität Life can be a juggling act when trying to balance your schedule with work, family, friends, appointments, social activities and everything that squeezes into a day.  The days fill up and schedules will overlap but we can still use our time effectively.  Here are some quick ways to help organize your schedule so you have the joy of accomplishment without the extra stress:

    • Color Coded Calendar – our family has a color coded calendar on the wall so everyone can see the activities for the day.  We know what each family member is doing at a quick glance.  Even our young children get excited to see a special family event with their color on the calendar.  You can have a color coded calendar just for you with one color for business appointments, another color for social time, a color for doctor visits, etc….
    • Clean Out Your Inbox – some days it feels like I can spend the entire day writing and responding to emails.  Try scheduling an hour first thing in the morning when you get into work and an hour at the end of the day to focus on sending and responding to emails.  Handle your work emails during those times and respond to personal emails in the evenings and on weekends.  Focus completely on emails during that time, put your phone on silence or close your office door if you need to.  Avoid interruptions so you can get it done.  If you think you’ll go too long set a timer and when it buzzes, stop.
    • Time to Talk – schedule phone time each day for returning calls, initiating calls, scheduling appointments, and completing projects.  It is important to follow up with business connections as well as family and friends.  Keep your personal calls during work hours to a minimum and utilize that time to schedule business appointments and work related calls.  Call family and friends in the evenings or weekends to make sure you have enough time to catch up with them.
    • Plan your Dinner – plan your week of meals prior to going to the grocery store.  Lay out the recipe  and any items you can prior to leaving for work that morning so when you get home it is ready to be put together.  If you have a crockpot they are fabulous for people working that want to come home to a meal.  Put the main course in before work and when you come home add a side of veggies and fruit then your dinner is ready.  Pack the leftovers for lunch at work.
    • Double Duty Meals – you can easily accomplish multiple tasks when you work through an occasional breakfast and lunch.  Have lunch with your business partner and brainstorm about the business.  Meet a friend for lunch to catch up and let the kids run out their energy while you talk.  Take lunch at your desk so you can get through an extra project.  You have to eat so mix up your meals and pick a couple days when you will meet someone during a mealtime.  If on a budget or tight schedule grab coffee together.
    • Project Creativity – time needs to be set aside daily to complete projects both personally and professionally.  Determine what needs to be accomplished that day and make sure you have time allocated to get it done including projects that you are doing with your clients.  Same goes for the personal side of life somehow the laundry doesn’t get done on its own and the house cleaned unless you take the time to do it.  Take into consideration the amount of energy and concentration you will need for the project and make sure it fits into your day at an ideal time.
    • Quick Sweep – clean off your desk, organize your office, file papers, and other office work items 15 minutes a day (set a timer if you need to).  By dedicating even a brief time to this on a daily basis you will be able to maintain a cleaner more organized office space. I have been known to let it pile up over several days and then it can take hours to dig myself back out.  Make it brief and daily so that it is more effective and organized.

    It is important that your time is utilized efficiently.  You will have  interruptions, however, doing your best to schedule time to complete specific tasks throughout the day will allow you to be more productive and focused.  Every one of us has the same 24 hours in a day and we must make choices on how to use the time given to us.  What are some activities you do that help keep your day balanced?

  • Accountability Partners

    PartnersAs we come to the close of the 2009 year take some time to reflect back on all the good times, the challenges, and fun memories that have been made over the past few months.  Great business projects have been completed.  Kids are a year older and have learned many new skills.   We are a little wiser after the year we have gone through.

    We all have wonderful people that are active in our families and lives.  It is essential both personally and professionally to have accountability partners to help encourage us to continue to succeed.  You probably have some of these people in your life already.  One of your personal accountability partners could be another Wife and Mom who is the same season of life as you or someone who has already gone through it and more experienced.  Maybe you need an accountability partner that encourages you to eat right, exercise, and get your rest.    Your business accountability partner can be someone who is starting or a seasoned business owner.  Pick people that are positive and encouraging to be around.  Here is a list of a few attributes to have in your accountability partners:

    • Trust – you will be sharing both your successes and struggles so  you  need someone who you can trust.  Having an established relationship or common bond is beneficial.  An accountability partner that has been successful in the area that they are encouraging you in builds the trust as well.  (For example – if you are a Mom another Mom as a parental accountability partner would be better than having a teenager.  OR  Someone that has a successful business would be more beneficial to you if you are starting or have a business than someone who has never done it nor has the desire to own a business).
    • Honest – it is important to have accountability partners that will be honest with you even if it is hard to hear what they have to say.  Having someone listen and give feedback is essential.  No one has the perfect solution for every problem but together you can come up with some amazing ideas that will help you get to the next stage in life and business.
    • Creative – having someone who can offer creative solutions that will help you make the current situation or projects you are working on even better is crucial.  When two or more people brainstorm together ideas will come alive.  Life can throw some difficult situations your way so having the ability to creatively come up with ways to successfully move forward is vital.
    • Available – you will need to meet on a regular basis with each of your accountability partners.  Whether it is once a week, month, or quarter make it part of the schedule.  You do not have to meet for hours each time but at least allow enough time to catch up and work through some specific details that are going on in your life.

    It is good idea to have more than one personal and professional accountability partner.  Whether these people are family, friends, paid  professionals or coaches it is important that they reflect on the positive and have a good level of success in their personal and professional lives.  You will receive a great mix of wisdom from these people in your life.  You may be unofficially doing this with family and friends already, make it official and part of your routine.  Take time to sincerely thank the people who are your accountability partners because they have invested their time and energy in your life.

    Be an accountability partner for others as well.  You will be blessed by helping family, friends, and business professionals.  It is a positively rewarding experience having the opportunity to listen, encourage and be a part of other peoples lives.   If you know someone you want to encourage then step up and volunteer to help them.  It is profoundly beneficial for all parties actively involved in an accountability partnership.

    Think about the people you want to be your accountability partners and ask them to be a part of your life.   Get started by covering the important areas in your life (personally, physically, spiritually, and professionally).  You will quickly notice the blessing of having these people in your life.  Who are your  partners and what are their best attributes?

  • “Amazing People”

    Amazing PeopleAll of us have people in our lives that are fascinating and motivating to be around.   It has been a privilege to have these people in my life both personally and professionally.  What makes a person “Amazing”?

    As I reflect on the people in my life I began to notice some common attributes:

    • Respectful – they are polite and show consideration for others.   Whether your a parent teaching your children manners or a professional working in the business community respect for others goes a long way in building positive relationships.
    • Exciting – they know how to motivate others to action with a high level of energy that is contagious.  A lot of passion is put into their activities and projects which makes others want to be a part of it.
    • Integrity – they uphold a code of ethical principles and sound character.  They are consistent and do what they say they will do both personally and in business.
    • Trustworthy – they are a confidant and person you trust to be honest to the people in their lives.  They know how to speak the truth because it is their desire to improve the lives of their family, friends, and business partners.

    First, think about what it takes to be an amazing person and strive to be one yourself.   Each day enrich the lives of those around you through respectfulness, excitement, integrity, and trust.  Surround yourself with amazing people both personally and professionally.  Together as a business community or as a group of family and friends you can make a positive impact in the lives of others.   Do you have “Amazing People” in your life and if so what are some of their attributes?

  • A Gift of Thanks!

    When is the last time you were given a thoughtful gift from the heart?  A gift that made a positive impact on your life?  I love Thanksgiving because it is a truly wonderful time of the year when people are thankful for all the blessings in their lives.  We need to make a real effort to continue the spirit of thankfulness every day of our lives.  Take time every day to make a meaningful contribution into a person’s life.  Everyone desires to be  appreciated and thoughtfulness for others goes a long way in both our personal and professional lives.  Giving “A Gift of Thanks” does not mean it has to be time consuming, expensive, or stressful.  Here are a few quick ways to express your “Gift of Thanks” and thoughtfulness to those you interact with in your day to day life:

    • Share a Smile – you may be the only smile someone encounters that day.  Make it a point to specifically smile at people you interact with throughout the day.  Smile when you are greeting people prior to a business event, shopping at the grocery store, waiting in line, welcoming them into your home, or making an introduction.
    • Give a Hug – greet a personal or professional contact with a hug.  Some people love hugs and others really need a hug.  This is true in both personal and business situations.  A hug  is more personal than a handshake and demonstrates an appreciation for the recipient.   Use discernment and common sense  because not everyone will be comfortable with a hug.  Reserve big bear hugs for close friends and family.
    • Note of Appreciation – a handwritten note of thanks, appreciation or thoughtfulness still means a lot.  Whether it is a client you haven’t heard from in a couple weeks, a friend who has recently lost a loved one, a family member on your mind and heart, a birthday, or reconnecting with a business contact.  Take the time to write a  note and touch the lives of those connected to you.
    • Call of Encouragement – use the phone as friendly reminder that you care.  If they do not answer please be courteous and leave a message.  New business owners are excited about their products or services, call to see how things are going for them, listen, and encourage them.  A Mom with a newborn may appreciate a call from a friend to share new milestones or to encourage her.  Some people love a long chit chat and others do not.  Practice ways to give a “word” of encouragement while respecting their time.
    • Cup of Coffee or Tea – share a cup of coffee or tea with a business contact, friend, or family member.  It is important to reconnect with someone you haven’t seen in awhile.  Make it a time to catch up and learn about what’s going on in their life and/or business.  It is not a time to sale or pry into deep problems but a few moments to help and encourage.

    Take time every day to give  “A Gift of Thanks” to someone connected to you both personally and professionally.  Reaching out to others will be a rewarding experience for everyone.  Let’s help each other remember the importance of showing appreciation and kindness to others as a daily routine.  Please share a story of how you were impacted or how you impacted another person by giving “A Gift of Thanks” with us.

    Wishing you a safe and Happy Thanksgiving!