• Song: “7 x 70” by Chris August


    Jake and I was able to hear Chris August sing this song at Winter Jam 2011.  Even though everyone’s circumstances are unique we all have past mistakes, guilt, and hurt in our lives.  There were two simple phrases from the song that stood out to me that night  “I thought the pain was here to stay, but forgiveness made a way” and  “I forgive you”.  We often hold onto the past or struggle with the present.  As humans we will make mistakes every day and hurt the people we love.  I am thankful that we the opportunity to forgive and be forgiven so we can allow God heal the wounds in our lives.


  • Song: “Only You can Save” by Chris Sligh


    Jake and I had the opportunity to attend Winter Jam 2011 in Greenville, SC at the Bi-Lo Center a few weeks ago where we heard Chris Sligh sing this song live.  The chorus beginning with “I wanna love because you love….” stuck in my head.  Great song about God’s love and that he alone can save us.  A couple really neat facts about Chris Sligh is that he was on American Idol and is from Greenville, South Carolina.  If you haven’t heard this song you should listen to it.

  • Song: “Lifesong” by Casting Crowns

    Great song that makes you think about your life.  How do I react in certain situations?  What does my lifesong look like?

    Our families probably see our “lifesong” more clearly than anyone else.  Let’s remember that we the opportunity to make a positive impact on the lives of our spouse, kids, extended family, friends, neighbors, and anyone we come in contact with throughout our days.

  • Song: “Love Never Fails” by Brandon Heath

    It isn’t encouraging to know you are loved.  “Love Never Fails” is a great way to put it. God is love and he allows us to experience love on earth as well through our relationships with our spouses, kids, family, and friends.

    Happy Valentine’s Day!

    May you be able to enjoy time with someone you love today!

  • Song: “He is With You” by Mandisa


    It is comforting to know that we are not alone.  There is a season for everything and no matter which season we are currently in He is with us.

    A Time to Laugh

    A Time to Cry

    A Time for War

    A Time for Peace

  • Song: “From The Inside Out” by Hillsong

    Even though I fail many times every day He is always faithful.   The first verse of this song hits home for me every time I hear it:

    “A thousand times I’ve failed

    Still Your mercy remains

    And should I stumble again

    I’m caught in Your grace.”

    I am thankful to have a Savior who chooses to extend grace, mercy, and love to me even though I don’t deserve it.

  • Song: “Healing Begins” Tenth Avenue North


    It is easy to put walls up around us when we are going through a trial.  The tough times are when God is molding and stretching us.  Just because someone looks like they have it all together, doesn’t mean everything’s perfect, God knows our hearts.   Having the support and prayers of family, friends, and church body makes an eternal impact on our lives.  Do you have family and friends praying for you?  Are your walls coming down?