• Song: “God of This City” by Chris Tomlin


    Great song!  There are so much we can do each day to help others.  My favorite phrase of this song is “greater things are yet to come, greater things are still to be done in this city” because it reminds us that making our world / city a better place is something we be a part of.   We have the choice every day to make a positive impact on the people around us.  What impact are you making on the lives of others?

  • Song: “I’m Gonna Sing” by Chris August

    I am not a “singer” but I love music.  Chris August has some great songs and the chorus “I’m gonna sing, I’m gonna dance, I’m gonna praise You…..”  stood out to me because even though I cannot carry a tune God is still honored and pleased by my worship to Him.  He knows your heart and loves it when you sing his praises even if that is only during your quiet time alone with Him.   Go ahead I give you permission to sing.

  • Song: “It Is You” by Newsboys

    Jake and I were able to attend the Winter Jam 2011 when they came to Greenville, SC and hear the Newsboys in concert that night.  “It Is You” was one of the songs I enjoy from the Newsboys.  It realigns my focus and helps me remember who/what life truly is about.

  • Song: “Starry Night” by Chris August


    This song stands out to me and makes me appreciate our creator.  “The only One who makes the moon reflect the sun…”  In January we had the opportunity to go on a cruise and we got a glance of some of the earth’s amazing treasures.  If you think about it even for a few minutes you will see the beauty of the world we live in.  Take a moment this week to go outside and look at everything we have to be thankful for around us (birds, flowers, starry sky, sun, and so much more).

  • Song: “What Faith Can Do” by Kutless

    We were able to see Kutless in concert during our Valentine’s Date at Winter Jam in Greenville, SC.  It was neat to hear their songs that night.  Since then several of their songs have been ringing through my head, this is one of those songs.  We all fall and make mistakes, however, it’s how we pick ourselves up that matters.  Having faith in something so much greater than ourselves gives us the additional strength and hope we need to get through any situation.  We have the privilege of seeing miracles happen when we have faith that God can and will provide exactly what we need.

  • Song: “Glory Of It All” by David Crowder Band

    Jake and I were able to hear the David Crowder Band in concert at the Winter Jam 2011 in Greenville, SC.  The phrase “We Will Never Be the Same” really stood out to me in this song.  Do I look like everyone else or is there something different about me?  I have the privilege to know the one true God, yet there are days I am convinced no one sees His love, kindness and mercy in my life.  He knew me before I was born and will be with me until the end of time.  May we reflect His goodness in our lives because he truly is the one who deserves our praise “for the glory of it all”!

  • Song: “God With Us” by MercyMe

    I have heard this song multiple times but two weeks ago I a phrase in this song jumped out at me and has been stuck in my mind.  Great song!  The phrase that has stood out to me is “Such a tiny offering, compared to Calvary”  The time I take to have quiet time, taking a meal to a friend in need, eating healthier, and other activities are such a tiny offering when you look at what He did for me.  Yet there are days I complain about the busy schedule and curve balls life throws my direction when those are merely speed bumps to get my attention.  Hope you enjoy this song as much as I did.

  • Song: “Beautiful” by Francesca Battistelli


    We were able to hear Francesca Battistelli in concert a couple months ago.  It was great hearing her sing and learn a little more about her.  She sang several songs that evening so it was hard to pick one of my favorites.  This song stands out to me and I love beautiful things.  The most beautiful gift I have been given is grace and mercy even though I am totally undeserving.


  • Song: “Rescue” by Newsong

    We got to hear Newsong in concert at Winter Jam 2011!  It was great hearing them sing, they have several really neat songs.  I picked this song for the week because He has to rescued me many times in the past and I know he will continue to in the future.  He is faithful every day even when I fail.

  • Song: “Words I Would Say” by Sidewalk Prophets


    I think it is important to share our joy with others.  Each one of us has the opportunity to make a positive impact on the lives of those around us.  It was great hearing Sidewalk Prophets in concert at Winter Jam 2011.  This is one of the songs they sang during the concert.  As I think about the song even after the concert the more I realize how convicting the message is because I often shy away from a chance to share with the people in my life.  Actions do speak louder than words but sometimes a simple word of encouragement or sharing a testimony of how God is working in your life may go long way!