• Song: “10,000 Reasons” by Matt Redman

    There are so many reasons to sing praises.  I am thankful for a loving God who is “rich in love and slow to anger” because I get life wrong so often.  One of the reasons I love music so much is it can express my thoughts clearly and bring my heart into a state of worship.  Here are some of the lyrics from the song that I enjoy:

    The sun comes up, it’s a new day dawning
    It’s time to sing Your song again
    Whatever may pass, and whatever lies before me
    Let me be singing when the evening comes

    Bless the Lord, O my soul
    O my soul
    Worship His holy name
    Sing like never before
    O my soul
    I’ll worship Your holy name

    You’re rich in love, and You’re slow to anger
    Your name is great, and Your heart is kind
    For all Your goodness I will keep on singing
    Ten thousand reasons for my heart to find

  • Song: “By Your Side” by Tenth Avenue North

    When days get busy and life picks up pace we tend to fill our lives with activities and things that will make feel better or complete us.  This song is a great reminder of where my focus should be.   Here is a glimpse at the song:

    Why are you striving these days
    Why are you trying to earn grace
    Why are you crying
    Let me lift up your face
    Just don’t turn away

    And I’ll be by your side
    Wherever you fall
    In the dead of night
    Whenever you call
    And please don’t fight
    These hands that are holding you
    My hands are holding you

  • Song: “Miracle Maker” by Delirious

    I am not sure where or when I first heard this song but a couple phrases stuck in my mind recently…. The other day as I was thinking about everything that has happened so far in 2012 I was reminded of the One who holds my life in His hands.  He is the “miracle maker” and is working in my life as well as in the lives of those around me.  How often do I seek Him, pray for a miracle, and step back to let him work in my life as He sees fit?  He created me to serve during this time and place on earth am I making a positive impact on the lives I touch?

    I am the type of person who enjoys having a schedule and being prepared for what I need to do for the day.  Sometimes I have a hard time adjusting quickly to changes in my life.  The phrase that really stood out was “I’m waiting here for my life to change, When the waters stir you can rearrange me.”  I like a fresh outlook and change every now and then but the word “rearrange” seems like a pretty dramatic change which could be uncomfortable.  Praying that God continues to move and direct my heart even when it calls for me to change areas in my life.

    Here are some of the lyrics that caught my attention:

    I’m waiting here for my life to change,
    When the waters stir you can rearrange me.
    Just one touch is all I need,
    I’ve nothing much but the wounds I feel,
    I’m looking for the hand of the miracle man.

    Holy, you are holy,
    Who was and is and is to come.
    Holy, you are holy, Saviour, Healer,
    I’m standing at the feet of the miracle maker.

  • Song: “Who Am I?” by Casting Crowns

    I like this song, it reminds me that my life has meaning and purpose.  What really matters is who I am in Christ.  Life goes by quickly.    Am I using every day to the best of my ability?  Am I bringing honor to Him?  When I take a moment to think about the many blessings I have in my life and allow God to use me it opens doors to make a positive impact on the lives of others as well.  He can use me, scars and all.  I am thankful for a Savior who excepts me for who I am.

  • Song: “The Blessing” by Dennis Jernigan


    I was thinking about the wonderful Christmas Season that we just celebrated with our family when I came across this song.  The song is about having a relationship with Him.   It is a great reminder as well as a peaceful and encouraging song.

  • Song: “I Need a Silent Night” by Amy Grant

    After a busy week of celebrations this song came to my mind.  Sometimes we get so “wrapped” up in all the activities we don’t take the extra time to truly enjoy the reason for the Christmas season.  In the chaos of the season’s activities take a some time to spend in quiet reflection.

  • Song: “Do You Have Room?” by Shawna Edwards

    I heard this song for the first time last week.  It is a beautiful song with a wonderful Christmas message.  The music is peaceful and asks an important question “Do You Have Room?”  Are we making time for what really matters this Christmas Season?  I sometimes find myself getting caught up on all the extra activities and stuff that needs to be done that I don’t take enough time to focus on the most amazing part of this Season.  The phrase that hit home with me was “There was no room for Him in the inn.  Do you have room for Him in your life?”

    Do you have room for the Savior?

    And do you seek Him anew?

    Have you a place for the One who lived and died for you?

    Are you as humble as a shepherd boy, or as wise of men of old?

    Would you have come that night?

    Would you have sought the light?

    Do you have room?

    There was no room for Him in the inn.

    Do you have room for Him in your life?

  • Song: “Better Is One Day” by Kutless


    It is refreshing to know that life has a much deeper meaning when lived within the presence of the Savior.  Even the best day on earth is nothing compared to our time with Him.

    Better is one day in Your courts
    Better is one day in Your house
    Better is one day in Your courts
    Than thousands elsewhere

  • Song: “Your Hands” by JJ Heller

    The artist has a beautiful voice and this song is peaceful.  I am thankful that even “when my world is shaking heaven stands…..and I never leave your hands”.  There are seasons in my life with unanswered prayers for our family, for friends and extended family.  My heart goes out to those who have gone through a rough season recently but I am confident that the Father is holding us in his hands and knows the exact plans he has for our lives.

  • Song: “Praise You in the Storm” by Casting Crowns

    This song got my attention after a recent event with dear friends who lost a little one.  I rarely know the answers to the “storm” that is going on in my life or in the lives of others, but I have the confidence in knowing that God is in control of every situation.  My prayer for each one reading this is that you have family and friends to rally around you and pray with you during your storms.  The storm passes much more gently when you have hope in something greater.  We may never understand the reason behind the storm until much later.