Fall Activities,  Family,  Kids,  Raising Multiples,  Teaching our Children,  Twins

Teaching Our Children: How to Roller Blade

A few weeks ago we purchased Roller Blades ($11) for the girls at a store closing sale.  They had a handful of roller blades left and actually had the girls sizes.  They didn’t get any fancy colors but I was pleased with the two that we found in their size, one blue and one red set.  One relaxing family evening we decided to open the roller blade boxes and try them out.  It was fun watching them try to learn how to balance and move.  We started them on the carpet instead of the tile or sidewalk in case they bit the dust.  It would be better to let them get a handle on it before breaking an arm or leg.  Here is a few snapshots of them trying out the roller blades:

Daddy getting the roller blade ready for the girls

Brina’s waiting for her roller blade to go on…..is it ready yet Daddy?  Karlie is busy unpacking and checking out her cool blue roller blades.

Brina figuring out how to roller blade.

It was neat seeing the girls get the hang of using the roller blades.  Before long I could see lines on the carpet from them going in circles from the kitchen to the hallway to the living and dining room.

Brina and Karlie roller blading in the living room

They went slow at first but got more speed as they did it more.  Probably one of the hardest things for them to figure out was once they fall down how do you get back up without rolling away, pretty comical to watch.

Karlie concentrating on roller blading

Karlie was so focused on roller blading I never got a picture of her actually looking at the camera.  I guess it isn’t as easy to turn and face the camera when your wearing “shoes on wheels”!

One observation I had about the roller blades was the girls were a few inches taller.  They were investigating stuff on the tops of the cabinets and counter tops that never caught their attention before.  Also, I had to make a rule that if Mom or Dad was in the kitchen cooking they could only go on one side of the kitchen with roller blades otherwise I was getting my toes ran over or grabbed as they were passing me in the kitchen while I was making dinner.  It was fun to see them try them out and watch them learn how to move.  I was thrilled that they enjoyed learning new skills.