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Fun Activities on the Last Few Days at School

I was able to go spend a morning volunteering at the girls school recently. Thankful that I have had a number opportunities throughout the year to participate in their classroom. One of the benefits to having twins in the same classroom is you don’t have to split your time between several different rooms. The girls LOVE it when Mommy hangs out with them at school and Mommy is excited they still want to have me be a part of their school group. The last several days of school are always busy with extra activities. One of the days I was able to help out with was their annual Field Day which is a full day outside competing in a variety of kid games.

Karlie working at a picture for one of her friends!
Brina thrilled that Mommy is taking a moment to watch her draw while helping with their class!
Karlie and Brina resting in between games on Field Day!
Brina's turn to carry the bean bag in the relay for her team on Field Day!
Karlie was one of the few kids that made it all the way hopping down and back without losing the ball between her knees. I was pretty impressed, probably couldn't do that myself!
Brina doing the sack race, she was a trooper for her team!
Almost to the finish line! Go KARLIE Go!!!

It is hard to believe the school is done and they are out for the summer.  We have many fun activities already planned for the summer and I know we’ll come up with even more stuff to do.  They have already listed several things that we did last summer tat they want to do again (guess that’s good because last summers memories were positive)!  Glad they enjoy hanging out with Mom because I love these months at home with the kids!