Family,  Kids,  Twins

Don’t Leave Home Without: Your Phone

We live in a society with cell phones.  They store our contacts, calendars, and contain many pieces of information.  Some people have even replaced their home phone with a cell phone to save extra cash.  Cell phones make us more accessible for anyone wanting to get in touch with us.

On my way to a meeting recently I realized that I left home without my cell phone and going back to get it would make me really late so I continued on my way.  I was going to be back in the area in a couple hours and decided I would pick up my phone then, emergencies rarely happen so it shouldn’t be a problem.  Boy was I wrong!  During the meeting another person in attendance received an emergency text for me.  I used her phone to call my husband to find out what was going on.

The school was calling because one of the girls was sick and they needed someone to pick her up right away.  My phone was on my desk therefore they left me a message then went on to call my husband at work but his phone was disconnected.  Later we found out that they didn’t dial his number correctly (switched some numbers around).  The school nurse proceeded down the list of contacts for the girls.  They got a hold of my brother who happened to be out of state working in Kansas at the time, obviously, he would not be able to pick her up any time soon.  Thankfully my brother knew my husband’s phone number and was able to get the message to him so he could reach another person in my meeting.

I left my meeting early and had her picked up within 45 minutes of the initial phone call.  It is amazing the domino effect that happens when someone needs to get in touch with you and the cell phone is left at home.  Don’t leave home without your phone because that could be the day when an emergency occurs.

The crazy thing about all the commotion was my daughter wasn’t even sick….grrrr….she saw a classmate throw up at school and when the teacher asked she said her stomach hurt too.  She had no fever,was  bouncing off the walls, and eating well although I made her take a nap.  Maybe a little rest was necessary for her that week, who knows!

I am a firm believer that you are only as organized as you need to be.  Don’t Leave Home Without……is a mini-series of items that you really shouldn’t leave home without in today’s society.  Most days I am organized which saves time and energy for the entire family, however, there are times that life gets crazy and items somehow manage to find another location in my home.  If something is not in it’s place (even though the spot it is in makes perfect sense) it can cause additional drama, scurried moments, and in the end laughter. Hope you enjoy the humor as I have (later in the day or in some cases later in the week).