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School: STEM Club & First Lego League (FLL)

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An awesome and delicious brownie cookie made by one of the Mom’s!

As the school year comes to an end I want to share with you a few highlights over the last couple of months.  I was going through my pictures recently and realized I hadn’t posted on some of the kids big activities for the school year.  We have been so busy trying to wrap up everything that needs to be done with the end of school some things just got away from me.

It is hard to believe that my babies will be finishing up 4th grade in just a couple of days.  Although they put in a lot of work, time, and energy this school year we managed to learn a lot and have some fun along the way too.  I am thankful for the teachers and administration who helped our girls throughout the school year.

The girls had a blast in STEM Club this year!  It was a great year of learning, working together with other students, competing, and many other wonderful activities.  It was a big time investment especially at the beginning of the year when they were meeting twice a week after school, but it paid off and they won a trophy and the golden ticket to state competition (a picture below)!   Very proud of their hard work!


First Lego League: Robotics STEM Competition – Solar SySTEM!


Party celebrating their achievements at district level!

They went on to compete at State and did very well.  This was their first time at state (the club started last year).  They competed not against a lot of other elementary schools, but also against middle schools as well.  It was neat seeing all the kids work so well together.  The coaches did an amazing job encouraging the kids.  Grateful for this opportunity to our kids to learn and compete!

They won the judges award at State Competition!  First Lego League (FLL): State STEM Lego Robotics Competition

STEM Club & Lego Robotics

Cute treat made by one of their coaches for their Congratulations Celebration! STEM Club & Lego Robotics

Thankful that the girls had the opportunity to participate in STEM Club and First Lego League competitions this year.  It was a lot of fun yet big learning experience.  They couldn’t have done it without the assistance of all their coaches who invested a lot of time into the kids.  It has sparked the girls interest in robotics and technology as well as developed more team building, life skills, and so much more!