Life Simplified,  Organization,  Organized Chaos

Organized Chaos: Storing Our Vitamins


 Organized Family Vitamins

We store our family vitamins on the top shelf of our medicine cabinet in the kitchen.  Each basket contains vitamins for our family members.  Jake and I have our own baskets, but Brina and Karlie share a basket containing all their vitamins.

Once a week I get the vitamins down and refill everyone’s individual vitamin containers for the entire week.  This system has worked pretty well for our family over the past couple of years.  Plus it keeps all the vitamins organized and in one location.  I picked up the baskets on clearance at Staples (they were sold in packs of 3 or more and were a $1 or less).  If you cannot find them at Staples I have seen them around at other stores as well.


 Our medicine cabinet with the vitamins on the top shelf.