
Reviving Relationships

happy girl with globeAs the days fly by you may not necessarily realize how long its been since reconnecting with certain people in your life.  While at a family members house during a recent trip to the Midwest I was able to attend a local BBQ.  There were multiple people at the BBQ that I hadn’t seen in years, a few it had been 20 plus years.  When people get busy with their lives and you live across the country from each other you just cannot get together on a regular basis.  The reunion was not planned but it was really neat that we all timed our visit right around the same time.  It was an avenue to reunite with each other and catch up on the lives of those we have not seen for quite awhile.

We are grateful to have so many different ways of communicating these days through phone, email, Facebook and other Social Media.  Although even with distance between family, friends, and business connections we have more ways to interact with each other regularly.  However, face to face interaction is definitely more personal and more memories can be created together.   Having these multiple venues for staying connected in between the face to face reunions help us stay involved in the lives of family, friends, and business acquaintances.  You may meet someone and get to know them first online before meeting them in person.   Many great business relationships have been started via Social Media.  We are thankful to have these tools available for us to both initiate and continue conversations with people in our lives.

How do you stay connected to family, friends, and business contacts?