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Free Ebooks: Holiday Dinners, Best Healthy Holiday Recipes, Gifts in Jars, and more!

The price to download these books is currently $0.00 (although the price may change at any time, please confirm prior to downloading).  The ebooks are specifically for Kindles, however, you can click here and download the free application that allows you to read Kindle ebooks on your PC.

Download a free copy of Holiday Dinners – Recipes, Articles, and Equipment by Dennis Weaver

Download a free copy of Best Healthy Vegan Holiday Recipes – Christmas Recipes, Quick & Easy Vegan Recipes by Jonathan Vine

Download a free copy of Gifts in Jars – Recipes for Easy, Delicious, Inexpensive DIY Gifts in Jars (Jar Recipes, Jar Gifts, Homemade Gifts) by Margaret Lowe

Download a free copy of The Perfect Pie – A Handbook for Pie Lovers by Dennis Weaver

Download a free copy of Before Bethlehem by James J. Flerlage

Download a free copy of 925 Ideas to Help You Save Money, Get Out of Debt, & Retire A Millionaire So You Can Leave Your Mark on the World by Devin D. Thorpe

Download a free copy of Everything You Need to Know About Personal Finance in 1,000 Words by C. J. Carlsen

Download a free copy of How To Improve Your Vision Naturally – Strategies and Exercises to Restore Your Eyesight by Nick Stanton