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Love It – Neato XV Signature Pro Vacuum (Robotic Vacuum)

Neato XV Signature Pro Pet & Allergy Robot Vacuum Cleaner

Last year for Christmas my husband got me the most AMAZING gift ever!!! Seriously!!!  I LOVE our Neato XV Signature Pro!  It has been the best gift that continues to be a blessing in our busy household.

I never thought I would get so excited about a vacuum….until I had this one!  The Neato XV Signature Pro is a robot vacuum that has been a huge time saver for our family.  I absolutely love coming home to freshly vacuumed floors!  It makes me so happy!  🙂

If you are looking for the perfect Holiday, Birthday, Anniversary, Wedding, or another gift for that special someone I cannot recommend this vacuum enough.  We have been using it for a year now and it is still going strong as well as a huge help when it comes to cleaning around the house.

I have been asked for more information and some feedback from various family members, friends, and guests who have seen our vacuum!  I LOVE the Neato vacuum Jake got me for Christmas!  As long as the girls pick up their little items like toy necklaces, bouncy balls, etc…. it works beautifully.  Occasionally, it doesn’t make it all the way back to the charger, but that isn’t very often.

Jake did quite a bit of research prior to picking the vacuum he got for me – Neato website. He choose the Neato Signature vacuums because they are more advanced and have a more powerful motor than the other ones.  The ‘Signature” line is the one you’ll want to go for if you are looking at getting one.  He got the Neato XV Signature Pro for us which has been awesome!  The Signature ones only come in black.

The Neato XV Signature Pro has an extra brush and filter (which gives you two types of brushes) – it basically adds the Pet & Allergy Upgrade Kit, but really any the Signature vacuums would work because they have the better motors.

The Roomba’s are really popular too, but after reading a ton of reviews my husband went with the Neato (and I am glad he did).  Amazon has a lot of reviews which were really helpful if your trying to decide between different ones.I LOVE our vacuum!!!!  🙂

I am not sure how well it works on the hardwood floors, but it has been AMAZING on our floors (carpet, tile, and linoleum)!  It has worked awesome for the carpet.  The kitchen floor gets more stuff on it so I still have to spot clean, mop, and do the edges at times, but it gets the majority of items off the floor.  It does a great job downstairs on the tile too.  I still need to do the edges with a broom or vacuum every couple of weeks, but otherwise it does everything for me.  Occasionally, it will miss something, but overall it is pretty thorough. I love having clean floors!

The only real problem we’ve had so far is the first battery wouldn’t hold its charge for more than 30 minutes and it should last an hour or so.  We emailed them right away and got a new battery within a couple days.  Every once in awhile it will get stuck on an item (usually in the kids rooms) or lost, but that doesn’t happen very often.  I seriously have considered running it daily because I love having the clean floors.  Right now, we have it scheduled to vacuum 3 times a week, but you can have it vacuum any time in between those scheduled times as well.

It does take it longer to vacuum than if you did it yourself, but it saves you time in the long run because you don’t have to do it yourself.  If company is coming soon it would be quicker to do it by hand or better yet plan ahead to have your Neato XV Signature Pro vacuum earlier in the day so it is it clean before company arrives. One positive result so far – the girls have been keeping their rooms cleaner and more picked up because they don’t want “Runner, Runner” (the name given to our Neato vacuum) to eat their toys, ha!

I know you’d love it too!  It really is wonderful, now if we can only get a robot to cook meals, clean toilets, etc…!  Never thought I would be so excited about a vacuum cleaner, hehehe!  If you have any additional questions you can comment, contact me or check out the Neato website.

Honestly, the biggest negative is the initial cost of the vacuum.   However, if you are already in the market for a vacuum it really is worth it.  Also, I have seen it listed on “deal” sites and Amazon has been known to have it on sale as well.  If you have some Swagbucks accumulated you can use them to help purchase your Neato XV Signature Pro from Amazon too!

Hope you enjoy having freshly vacuumed floors as much as I do!  Now I am off to clean something else while our robot vacuum takes care of the floors for me!  Happy Cleaning!!!

“Love It” is a series of posts on items that I use regularly in my household that I love!  There are some items in our daily lives that make life more enjoyable, efficient, or just plain fun.  I will be sharing with you some of the products that have been given to us (or to me) that have made it to the top of my list.  It’s my way of giving a huge thumbs up!