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STEM Club & Lego Robotics

STEM Club & Lego Robotics

Adorable Robot snack for the STEM Club Celebration!

The girls applied for the STEM Club and were accepted!  Congratulations GIRLS!!!   They took a lot of time filling out their applications and waited patiently to hear the news.  Their hard work paid off.  They are so EXCITED!  We have started another year of STEM Club and Lego Robotics.

Mrs. Johnson, one of the teachers that helps with STEM Club made super cute robot snacks for all the kids to enjoy during the STEM Club Celebration.  The robot was a juice box with four starbursts on the bottom for feet, two airheads for arms, two nuggets for head, and googly eyes.  The kids thought they were awesome.  So thoughtful and creative!

They are already working hard at STEM Club.  There is a lot work ahead of them before the robotics competition in January, but they are off to a good start.  Thankful for this opportunity for them to learn.  In order for them to remain in STEM Club they had to sign a “contract” saying they would attend meetings (if they miss more than three they will be asked to leave), keep up their grades, and more.

STEM Club Annoucement

WooHoo!  They got into STEM Club!  Here is part of their acceptance letters!


Karlie enjoying her robot snack!


Brina having fun at the STEM Club Celebration!