Christmas,  Family,  Gift Giving,  Rewards,  Swagbucks,  Twins

Gift Giving: 12 Days of Christmas Appreciation

12 Days of Christmas Appreciation for my Husband

Last year I did the 12 days of Christmas Appreciation for my husband so this year as I was putting together the 12 Days for the girls I decided to do one with Christmas gifts I had gotten for him.  The one I did last year for him had to be small because he was traveling for work several days prior to Christmas, this year he finished most of his traveling in time to start the 12 days of Christmas.  I debated back and forth about posting it this year because I know he reads my blog and didn’t want him to know in advance all the goodies I had picked up for him so instead I decided to post it a few days into the 12 days a Christmas and list the items that he has already opened.  If you want more details on what I got him or ideas on what to do for your spouse shoot me an email and I can give that to you personally without him seeing it! 🙂

Here is what Jake’s 12 Days of Christmas includes (at least the first few days):

Day 1:  Berry Blast & Vanilla Energy Strips (purchased using rewards from CVS & Walgreens)

Day 2:  Table Topics – Road Trip To Go Card Game for Upcoming 2013 Family Trips (free after a coupon) 🙂

Day 3:  Spinach & Artichoke Dip Mix (free after coupon)

The 12 Days of Christmas started on December 13th (the day he came back from one of his work trips).  Every night after dinner he opens his gift for the day.  I used a variety of boxes that the items came in or that I had already at the house.  Once the boxes were wrapped I put a bow on top and waited for him to come home.  He was surprised to see a stack waiting for him to open too.

If you don’t have time to put this together for Christmas consider doing it for Valentine’s Day (for your “sweetheart”), the month of your anniversary, your spouse’s birthday, or another special occasion.  The point is to express your love and appreciation for your spouse.

Here’s a picture of the wrapped stacks:

12 Days of Christmas

I am grateful for a loving, caring and hard working man that loves me despite all my craziness.  This is just one way to share my love with him during the Christmas Holiday.  It was a lot of fun picking out the gifts, wrapping, and giving them to my man. It is my intention to show appreciation to my husband at least once a day.  Thankful for an extra opportunity to say “I love you” to my best friend and life partner!