Books,  Family,  Gift Giving,  Kids

Book: Giant Storybook Treasury by Richard Scarry

The girls love Richard Scarry’s Giant Storybook Treasury and can often be seen toting it into the van to read as we drive around town.  Our family has spent some extra time in doctors office these past two weeks and the girls brought this book along for the adventure (to give you an idea of how long we were in the waiting room, we read the entire book and then some….).

The book contains 12 classic stories in one book.  One of the best parts of the books is its great illustrations with colorful pictures of pigs, cats, foxes, and more.  Some of the stories in this book:

  • Mother Cat’s Busy Day
  • The Firefighters’ Busy Day
  • Miss Honey’s School Bus
  • Mr. Gronklers Busy Day

The girls have enjoyed this book for a long time (even before they could read).  If your looking for a fun and fascinating book this is a great one to check out.