Fresh & Healthy,  Kids,  School

Fresh & Healthy: Lunch Box Meals

Karlie is ready to pack up her lunch!

I found fresh strawberries marked down at the grocery store last week and after picking out 1 bad strawberry the rest were perfect.  The girls were excited to get strawberries in their lunch this week for their fruit. 🙂

Lunch Box Meal:

  • Peanut Butter & Jelly or Almond Butter & Jelly Sandwiches
  • Fresh Strawberries
  • Fresh Carrots
  • Cashews or Peanuts
  • Strawberry Yogurt
  • Ritz Cheese Bits or Elf Grahams
  • Bugles or Corn Chips
  • Whole Grain Crackers
  • Cherry Kool-Aid Jammers or Yahoo Chocolate Milk

 Fresh strawberries, carrots and more!

The girls are always excited to help with their lunches and they do a great job.  This year we have a lot of extra activities going on after school so it has been hard to get all the activities, homework, dinner, baths, lunches made, and everything else done after school so I have been pitching in to help them when it is getting too close to bed time.  If they don’t get a chance to pack their lunches before beds they are always eager to find out what is in them.  Many times I catch them sneaking a glance in their lunches at breakfast or on the way to school.