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Travel & Vacation: Jeep Safari – Orange County Kabini, India

Wild boar by the Kabini River as we watch the sunrise

We got up before dawn the second day at Kabini to go on a Jeep Safari.  Everyone was excited but moving a little slower. We took a boat over to an island on the other side of the Kabini River.  On the other side we got our jeep and set out on our adventure.  It was a lot of fun exploring the jungle and seeing the wildlife with Matt, Jen, and the kids.

Our tour guide standing up and alert as he looks for some animals.  He was great about spotting animals, stopping so we could take pictures, and giving us descriptions on the animals, plants, trees, and other facts about the area.  He went to Kabini as a kid on a family trip.  In school he studied to be a software developer but after a few years he decided to come back to Kabini and work outside giving tours.  He led both our boat and jeep safaris.

Oh look….a monkey in the tree right beside the jeep!  He was just casually looking at us.

Elephant walking casually through the jungle next to our jeep.  It was neat watching him walk, stop for a few seconds munch on a stalk or grass then continue on his merry way.  This guy must have gotten into a fight at some point because his one tusk has been broken off.  He turned to face us but continued eating his breakfast while watching us in the jeep.

Momma and her baby were grazing on grass before we drove up.  As soon as they saw us they were alert and it wasn’t long before they went deeper into the tall grass away from us.  I think Momma didn’t want us getting too close to her baby.

Monkey see….monkey do….. A group of monkeys hanging out together. It looked like they were digging for grubs or some type of bug.

Beautiful peacock strutting his stuff right next to the jeep

Two male peacocks were down in a ditch fighting with their tails fluffed up and in the air.  We could hear them but this is the only picture we could get of the tails because the ditch was so deep. Their feathers look pretty amazing when they are all spread out.

Guess if an elephant is crossing it wouldn’t be a good idea to run into it….at least not for your vehicle anyway!

Matt in the back seat protecting the kids from the tigers and leopards.  Rachel was a little concerned!

Beautiful tree, you see many of these yellow flowers hanging from vehicles everywhere.  I cannot remember the name of the flower but I believe it is a symbol of good luck.  Our driver stopped to hang one up in our jeep.

Leopard paw print, we were literally following the leopard through the jungle…..soooo neat! 🙂

I didn’t realize this before, but do you know why tigers and leopards will often be seen walking on the roads instead of in the woods?  The pads on their paws are tender and they like to walk on the softer dirt road (it’s more comfortable for them).

Monkey hanging out in the tree next to us.

Fresh TIGER tracks on the road right next to our jeep!!!  These are a little harder to see with this camera angle, but now we know one is in the area.  We never did catch up with the tiger but it was pretty cool to be driving down the same path only moments behind one.

Red squirrel flying from tree limb to tree limb.  They are fast and pretty!

Bison leaving after getting a drink from the small pond.

Deer eating peacefully.

Did you know that deer make a distinct noise when they sense danger (like a tiger or leopard)?  It was really interesting hearing their danger call and watch them bolt as we sat there in the jeep looking around to see if we could spot a tiger or leopard near us. Not sure who was smarter in that decision, ha!

Large nets hanging from the trees for the kids (and our guide) to climb and play on.

The boats that took us on the boat safari and across the river for the jeep safari

Going on the jeep safari was truly awesome.  We got to see so many animals in the jungle as we were driving through.  The guide was really good about stopping to let people take pictures and point out different plants, trees, animals along with tidbits of information.  I loved seeing the animals up close…..just wish we could have seen the leopard or tiger that we were following as well.  Although I am not sure what we would do if we caught up with an hungry and aggressive tiger or leopard since we were in an open jeep.

Thankfully the animals seemed to be pretty well fed and use to traffic.  It was a blast going on the jeep Safari.  I am grateful for the time with spent with Jake’s cousin Matt, Jen and their family.  It was really neat hearing the kids dialogue as we would spot different animals.  If you are ever in Orange County Kabini, India I highly recommend this going on this adventure!

The “Travel and Vacation” series is an insight into our trips together as a family and ways we relax.  Life is short and we were thrilled to have the opportunity to build memories with family and explore of of the most amazing places during our time away.  Explore with a good attitude, look for fun, and it will be an awesome trip jammed packed with positive memories.  It is refreshing having some time away from the regular routine.  Make it a once in a lifetime opportunity to meet new people and learn.  You just might see or try something new that takes your breath away!