
Girls Weekend Away

Beth Moore in Charleston, SC

I was able to go on a girls weekend away recently.  After meeting up with my sweet friend Ashley with Reflecting on the Simple Things in Life and a couple other great people from her church we headed to Charleston for a Beth Moore Conference.   The majority of our weekend was spent at a Beth Moore conference, but we squeeze in some fellowship, delicious food, and a few hours of sleep.

Spending a weekend relaxing with friends and being fed the word was wonderful and refreshing.  Although, I had mixed feelings after leaving the conference because there were so many areas that God had touched in my heart over the weekend that I knew it would take me several weeks (maybe months) to process and work through everything.  Here are the main points that I took away from the conference with Beth Moore, hopefully they can be an encouragement to you as well.

  • We are here to become more honest versions of ourselves.  (God continues to work in my heart.)
  • We cannot walk in our full birthright as part fraud. (Am I telling the truth ALL the time?)
  • We’ve got to stick a “with” back in the way we work with people. (working with people not working people)
  • It’s time to go face down & face up. (How much time have I spent in prayer today?)
  • Children of faith cannot wrestle with people without wrestling with God. (Many times God uses people to help me grow. We have an obligation to treat people like God wants us to.)
  • God can use a crippling defeat to bring about our greatest victory. (I cannot come up with a plan better then the one God has for me.)
  • God can bring a shocking peace to our fiercest wars. (I have enough, God has richly blessed me.)
  • We’ve grasped the blessing when we keep trying to give it away. (The more selfish I am makes it more obvious that I do not know rich God’s blessings.)

Praise and worship team led by Travis Cottrell

I am thankful for the awesome opportunity to get away for a weekend.  It was great spending time with friends, worshiping and learning more about my Savior.   God continues to work in my life and heart even after attending the conference.  I am grateful for my sweet husband for taking care of the kids so I could get away for a weekend.   The girls had a wonderful time with Daddy while I was gone.  I even came home to a special surprise…..I will have to share that with you soon.  Thanks Jacob! XOXO