
Book: “Our Boys” by Joe Drape

I started reading Our Boys by Joe Drape  a couple years ago but never finished.  I came across it again recently and since I have been spending extra time in the car waiting in car line and other places I thought it would be a great book to pick back up. Our Boys is not the typical book I read but since it is about a town near where I grew up and where my parents are currently living I decided it would be a fun one to read.  It is a neat story about a small town High School football team in Smith Center, Kansas.  How does a team from a small rural area set a national record with the longest high school winning streak?

I have to smile when I read the authors descriptions of the town and the local businesses because I have visited many of them.  Even some of my extended family members are in the book.  I think it is neat that the author moved his family from New York City to Smith Center, Kansas to live while he was writing this book.  The author, his wife and child were able to experience the town and its unique culture first hand.  The story is about a local High School football team and their record setting perfect season.

My favorite quote from the book was from Coach Barta:

Life is not about winning or losing; it’s about competing. It’s about working hard and getting a little bit better each day.

While the story is inspiring and encouraging I have seen and heard tidbits about the Smith Center High School Football team from a variety of different perspectives.  I did not go to school in Smith Center, however, my parents, brothers, and several other family members have graduated from Smith Center.  Some of them very involved in sports and others not.  It is interesting hearing their insights regarding the High School Football team.

If you have kids that love sports especially football this is a great story to read.  It is about how a small community can come together, encourage their children, work hard, and be successful both on and off the field.  None of the people mentioned in the book are perfect but by working together they did manage to accomplish some amazing records.  Another piece that fascinates me is how much of an impact not only the community and parents had on the team but the coaches.  It doesn’t matter who you are or what you do in life everyone has the opportunity to make a positive impact on the lives of others.