Travel,  Vacation

Travel & Vacation: First McDonald’s in HiTech City, Hyderabad

First McDonald’s to open up in Hi-Tech City, Hyderabad, India

While Jake was in Hyderabad the first McDonald’s opened up in Hi-Tech City!  Everyone was so excited to have a McDonald’s nearby.  I am sure he was wildly excited to be part of this historical moment in Hyderabad!  🙂

One thing I didn’t realize about McDonald’s (as well as other food chains) in other countries is that although the logo is the same the menu may be very different.  Some of the chains Jake visited tasted exactly the same (for example Chili’s), but many of the chains we recognized did not.  The unique thing about McDonald’s in the area we were located in Hi-Tech City they did not serve any beef products.  Everything on the menu was chicken or vegetarian!  So if you are in Hi-Tech City and looking for a Big Mac…… may be disappointed.

If you wanted a pizza from Pizza Hut it will most likely have corn on it and Pepperoni isn’t a choice.  KFC was pretty similar except all the chicken had some curry added to the fried chicken batter.  I never did eat at their local McDonalds or really any of the normal chains you see around here but Jake had a chance to experience most of them since he was in Hyderabad for several weeks.  It was pretty fascinating looking at the menu options at the various places although I chose to go to more traditional Indian restaurants and experience their food.

I think it’s smart of the company to adjust their menu slightly to match the taste of the area, unless you are looking for something specific from the fast food or restaurant!   While you can’t get a Big Mac at the local McDonald’s in Hyderabad I have to say the food I ate at the local Indian restaurants was simply delicious.  There are some dishes I ate while there that I would love to re-create now that I am back in the USA but have no clue what was in them.  Have you had similar experiences when traveling abroad?