Creative Kids,  Family Activities,  Fun,  Kids

Creative Kids: Lego Fun

Karlie’s Lego Rocket

One of the best parts about legos is that pretty much all kids enjoy playing with them…..boys…..girls……toddlers (with the bigger legos) all the way up to grown ups.  It’s one of those toys you can have in the house and pretty much any kid (or kid at heart) will have fun playing with and building cool items.  Even though the girls are twins they have very different tastes when it comes to what they like which isn’t a problem when it comes to legos because they have all kinds of sets, styles, colors, and more.  I love watching the girls sit down, follow the directions and put the legos pieces together until they create a master piece.

Brina’s Log Cabin

Above are just two of the ones they have done over the past few months.  Karlie did the rocket one and Brina did the log cabin.  The neat part is the first time or two they put together their lego creations when they were younger we had to help almost every step of the way.  As they continue to put together different ones we have to help less and sometimes they’ll completely surprise us with a new design which is fun too.  I think learning to follow directions, using creativity, and skills are just a few benefits of playing with legos.  I have found the legos can keep our girls entertained for quite a long time too!  Do your kids enjoy playing with legos?  What was one of their recent creations?