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Book: “Gulliver’s Travels” by Jonathan Swift

My Mom started reading The Great Illustrated Classic  Gulliver’s Travels by Jonathan Swift to the girls while I was in India.  This week we finished it and both girls enjoyed reading about all the different places Gulliver traveled to, the people he met, and the adventures he had on his journeys.   A couple parts had the girls on the edge of their seats because they might be scary but it ended up being fine.

Gulliver traveled and met people who were only six inches tall, the Lilliput’s who took him as their prisoner.   On another adventure he encountered the Brobingnag’s which were giants even the flies were huge compared to him.  He encountered many more interesting people in his journeys around the world including the Yahoos, Laputas, Lagados, Glubbdubdribs, and more!