Family,  Gift Giving,  Kids,  Travel,  Vacation

Travel & Vacation: Swag Carpet

Swag carpet…..

Growing up my grandparents had a bright orange shag carpet in their basement….boy that brings back memories…..well instead of “shag” carpet we changed it up a bit and did “swag” carpet not too long ago.  When we travel without the kids it is always fun to bring back something little for them as a special treat or surprise.  It is not always the same thing and we try to present it differently as much as possible to spice it up a little bit.  Awhile ago Jake went on a trip to a conference and got a lot of “swag” gifts, you know all the goodies that vendors give out as gifts to market their products to you.  He arrived home a few hours before the girls got home from school so we decided to take all the swag (along with their special gift) he had gotten and cover their bedroom floor.  At the conference he received a lot of  t-shirts so he should be good on those for awhile now!

Brina discovering the necklaces and Karlie finding the airplanes

When the girls opened the door they stopped……in…..their….tracks…..what in the world!?  They were totally surprised to find their entire floor covered with shirts, cups, and various other swag goodies.  Brina was the first to find the necklaces Daddy picked up for them and Karlie was fascinated by the paper airplane cutout that you put together.  It was hilarious seeing their expressions!

Cute little fish necklace Jake brought back for the girls

Jake brought home a cute necklace for each of the girls.  They loved their pretty necklaces and have worn them to church, on Date Nights or other special occasions.  But most of all enjoyed having Daddy home to play with again!

Karlie and Brina fascinated by the blue silly putty

They each picked out one of Daddy’s swag shirts to keep as a nightshirt.  Karlie picked out one that had a rocket on it and Brina picked out one that had a splash of bright colors (a “rainbow of colors”).  After trying on their shirts they sat down to play with their cool blue silly putty for awhile.  It is amazing how entertaining little goodies can be.

Even though I love to travel it is always wonderful coming home.  I am thankful for the amazing opportunities Jake, myself and our family have been given.  It is an adventure traveling and exploring new places, but hanging out at home making memories together is just as precious!