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Giveaway: “Wits & Wagers Family” Game by North Star Games

I am thrilled to announce a new giveaway on Blessings Multiplied!   The winner of this giveaway will receive a copy of Wits & Wagers Family by North Star Games!  As a Mom, wife and friend I am always looking for ways to entertain my family and guests.  After playing Wits & Wagers Family several times with my family (see my review) I know many of you will enjoy this game too!  This game has quickly become a favorite with our family.  Here’s how to enter the giveaway:

  1. Sign up to follow my blog (if you haven’t done so already) and leave a comment below telling us how you follow Blessings Multiplied.  Sign up to receive Blessings Multiplied via email or like on Facebook.
  2. You can get a bonus entry into the drawing if you leave a separate comment below sharing what types of game you enjoy playing.

All comments must be made by March 31st at 10:00 PM EST to be entered into the drawing.

You can learn more information about this great book and my review on Wits & Wagers Family by North Star Games.

*A special thanks to North Star Games, specifically Dominic Crapuchettes and Luke Warren, for the providing this game for the giveaway!