
  • Brina & Karlie’s Awards Ceremony! Congratulations Girls!


     Brina and Karlie with Ms. Osbey.  They loved spending time in the library as Library Assistants helping her!


     Proud of these two girls!


    Karlie receiving her Accelerated Reading Trophy! 🙂  She broke the school record in AR points!  Loves her books!  Way to go KARLIE!!!


    Fifth Grade Awards Ceremony!


    Hanging out with friends between Graduation and the Awards Ceremony


    Safety Patrol!


     Brina’s fantastic Homeroom Teacher this year Mrs. Husso!  She was an amazing teacher and Brina learned a ton in her class!


     Brina’s reading teacher for the past several years Mrs. Whitmire!  She is AWESOME and has helped Brina so much with improving her reading skills!  Wish we could take us with Brina to Middle School!!!


    Karlie & Brina – 5th Grade 2016 Class Graduation & Awards Ceremony!  Proud of these girls!

    Karlie & Brina 5th Grade Awards Ceremony

    Both Karlie & Brina were the Highest Student in Social Studies for their home class!


    Karlie & Brina were the highest student in READING for their home class!  WooHoo Brina, she has learned so much over the past few years even with handling dyslexia.  Proud of both of our girls!


    Karlie highest student in Science for her home class!


    Jet Toy Competition!  Both Karlie and Brina’s individual teams went on to compete in the Regional Jet Toy Competition this year!


    Brina won her class Science Fair and went on to win 1st Place Grand Prize in our Regional Science Fair competition!  Very proud of Brina and all her hardwork!  We calculated that she made over 400 cupcakes throughout her Science experiment!  Way to go BRINA!!!


    Award for Academic Excellence!

  • Counting My Blessings: Week In Review

    It was a week packed full of a lot of emotions.  With the girls wrapping up at a school they have been attending the past 7 years it has been quite a stepping stone for us.  We are grateful to all the teachers and administration at Crosswell Elementary for the amount of time, energy, and attention they have invested in our girls education.  They have made a positive and lasting impression on our kids.  Wish we could take some of the amazing teachers with us to Middle school.  We are excited to see what Middle School will bring and know that the kids will probably adjust quicker and better than at least their Mom because with them moving up a school their growing up seems more real.  Love my girls and very proud of what they have accomplished over the past year!     There was so much to be thankful for last week.

    I want to be accountable to you so the following are snip-its of some of the things I am thankful for this past week.  Counting My Blessings – Week In Review:

    Monday –Thankful to have the laundry room renovation started and that we were still able to get the laundry done so none of us have to run around wearing dirty clothes!

    Tuesday – Thankful for the opportunity to spend some time with the girls after school that didn’t include doing a bunch of homework.  We even had a few extra minutes to do a rapid quick clean up around the house and read some more of our books together.  LOVE catching both of the girls reading independently on their own during free time (for those who know our family you know that for one of our kids this is a really big deal)!

    Wednesday – Thankful for time after work to spend with other Mom’s at school prepping for the kids 5th grade Graduation Celebration Party.   We were able to get a lot accomplished and organized during our time together.

    Thursday – Thankful for Brina’s hard work on her “Cupcakes on the Rise” Science Fair Project because we were able to see her accept a 1st Place Trophy, Medals, Certificate, and Cash Prize (we had no idea there was a cash prize as well) for the Regional Science Fair!  Very proud of our Brina Bee!

    Friday – Thankful for an opportunity to watch the girls Graduation and Awards Ceremony!  They did fantastic and both kids received numerous awards, medals, pins, certificates, trophies and other cool awards for all that they had accomplished throughout this year.  Also, Karlie received a trophy for getting all A’s her entire Elementary School years.  Super proud of these kids and the effort they put into their learning.  Praying they continue to have the love of learning as they get older!

    What are you thankful for today?  I encourage you to take the time to write down a few blessings that you have in your life today.  It will help cheer you up and turn your focus on the amazing blessings you encounter each day!

  • What’s for Dinner: Our Weekly Menu Plan


    It is official, we now how two sixth graders in our house.  The girls did amazing this year.  It was a lot of hard work and even a few tears to get it all done, but it was evident in the during graduation and awards ceremony that they did fantastic!  Proud of my girls!  They only have two more days left this school year even though graduation was held last Friday.  As summer is quickly upon us our schedule is adjusting again.  I hope to continue to keep up to date with the posts (and even catch up a little bit too).  We have a lot of fun activities planned for the upcoming month.  I am keeping the menu simple as we transition into the summer schedule.    Here is our menu plan for the upcoming week:

    Our Weekly Menu Plan

    • Monday (Beef or Pasta Entree): Memorial Day Holiday Celebration
    • Tuesday (Seafood or Soup Entree):  Baked Tilipia, Garlic Bread
    • Wednesday (Chicken or Vegetarian Entree):  Cracked Mustard Grilled Chicken, Grilled Vegetables
    • Thursday (Pork Entree or Kid‘s Night to Cook):  Crockpot Pork Roast, Mash Potatoes
    • Friday, Saturday, & Sunday:  Leftovers, Family Preference, and Hosting

    I have a general pattern I try to follow for my weekly Menu Plan (for example Monday we have a beef or pasta entree and so forth).  It is my goal, at least in the beginning, to have at least the main dish and one side planned.  I will put together the remaining side dishes (veggies / fruits) based on the food items that need to be used up first and compliment the main entree.

    Setting a weekly menu plan helps me utilize my time better, thus freeing up extra time to spend with my family.  On the days that I am working longer hours I can prep the meal in advance so it will be easier to pull together once I am home.  As I go through the menu planning process I will try to share some of our favorite family recipes.  If there is a specific recipe you would like please let me know and I will do my best to accommodate (some recipes are a toss together meal and I do not use any set measurements).

    As a family of four our life can get busy.  What’s for Dinner is our weekly menu planning series and one of the ways to help keep us organized, on schedule, and within budget.  Our family typically eats 6 to 7  dinner meals at home a week.  We do try to go out to eat at least once a month as a special treat.  Breakfasts are eaten at home before work and school, lunches are eaten at work, school, or home, so dinner is our main meal together as a family.  Dinner is our time to reconnect, share, and enjoy being together after a busy day.  Our weekly menu plan covers Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday only because the weekend (Friday, Saturday, and Sunday) is our time to spend with family and friends.  The weekends tend to be more spontaneous and my husband (who is the better cook) likes pitching in therefore we keep the menu open for variety.  We use up the leftovers throughout the week for our lunches and on the nights that we are busy or can’t cook.

    Photo by Liz

  • Intentional Living: Weekly Goals

    Last week was crazy, but good as we celebrated a lot of great rewards that the girls had earned for all their hard work throughout this past school year including watching them graduate.  Thankful for our girls and their excitement to learn.  They had a lot of activities and times when it was tough to get everything done, but they pushed through it.  Jake and I are proud of our girls.

    I have added a “kid goals” section to my list of goals.  Now that they are getting older and realizing the importance of improving and maintaining goals I want to be intentional about keeping up with their learning as they grow older.   Here are my goals for this week:

    Last week’s goals

    Family Goals

    1. Finish reading Escape from Mr. Lemoncello’s Library by Chris Grabenstein to the kids. – was not able to finish with all the extra school activities this week, but read a couple of night
    2. Read 7 Stories from the Bad Pets on the Loose by Alan Zullo book to the kids. – read a couple, but not 7
    3. Go through 7 more Brain Quest Flash Cards with the kids. – did a handful only
    4. Read through 7 more pages of History Trivia with the kids. – hoping to pick this back up again this week
    5. Do devotions and prayer time with kids every night. – prayers yes, but it was really late a few nights so kept it short
    6. Plan one special activity with the family
    7. Play a Game with the Kids – we didn’t have enough free time in the evenings to play a game
    8. Spend time Monday –Friday helping the kids with Homework
    9. Attend After School Activities – attended all the activities including celebration / graduation meetings, regional Science Fair Competition & Awards, Graduation, Awards Ceremony
    10. Lunch Boxes & Book Bags packed the night before
    11. Prep for upcoming Family Adventure(s) – working on it, but still has some more to go
    12. Prep & Figure out Schedule for upcoming Summer Break – getting closer to finalizing everything
    13. Ride Bikes with the Kids – the extra activities took more time than expected
    14. Work on family projects togetherwe worked on several items together as a family including items in the house including the laundry room.  The girls LOVED helping paint!
    15. Brina & Karlie’s Graduation Ceremonygreat seeing the girls graduate!
    16. Brina & Karlie’s Award Ceremonythe girls received A LOT of amazing rewards!  Both received trophies, several certificates, award pins, medals, and more.  Once again we were blown away by how well they did and all they received.  Evidence that the hours they spent working on school work really did pay off.  They were part of several great groups and had a wonderful team of teachers / coaches.  We will miss this school that they have been at for 7 years, but looking forward to what middle school has to offer!
    17. Prep & decorate for Graduation party (Meet with people Mon / Wed) after school
    18. Take Brina to the Science Fair Competition – not only did we take Brina to the Regional Science Fair Competition – SHE WON!!!  FIRST Place in the Regional Science Competition so proud of her!  Way to go Brina!  She received a trophy, medals, certificates, and a cash prize!  She was shocked, but excited.  The last 3 months of baking cupcakes for her “Cupcakes on the Rise” Science Fair project were worth it.  We calculated that she made over 410 cupcakes by herself these past 3 months.  She’s gotten really good at making cupcakes!

    Personal Goals

    1. Drink 8 glasses of water each day
    2. Keep up with my FitBit Goals – did so well this week with the exception of forgetting my fitbit at home on a day where I did a lot of moving around at work and after school activities.  Oh well…
    3. Do yoga at least 5 times a week
    4. Go to my Appointments Scheduled this week – Jake took Brina to set up for the Science Fair over lunch on Thursday so I could work my regular hours, thanks Babe!
    5. Update Counting My Blessings and Other journal entries daily
    6. Tackle some lingering projects on my “to do” list – I did get several things moving forward, but nothing completely crossed off so officially I cannot cross this off my list….

    Home (Yard & Pets) Management Goals

    1. All laundry for the week washed, folded, and put away in one day my laundry room is still being renovated, I was unable to get in to do laundry on my normal schedule.  Hopefully this will be complete or at least in a more working condition by the end of next week! 🙂  It’s going to look awesome though, Jake has done a fantastic job and the girls have pitched in and helped a lot too!
    2. Weekly Dinner Menu planned out for the week
    3. Clean House (Focus – Laundry Room Remodeling Work (get all of the subflooring cleaned and help Jake with getting at least 1/2 of it completed) – flooring is up and was stalled a little bit by another issue that caught our attention that needed to be fixed prior to doing more in the laundry room (thankful for a husband who can do so much).  Having an older home can have a lot of fun and unexpected surprises that take extra TLC! 🙂
    4. Organize Chaos (Focus – Find Bins / Containers / Baskets to put on shelves in Laundry Room once up) – I have some ideas, but waiting a couple more days until I figure out how the new laundry room layout will look like prior to committing to any specific bins/containers/baskets.  I want the items I get to be practical, efficient, and uniform as much as possible.
    5. Yard / Garage Cleanup (Focus – Plant Lilly Flower and Blueberry Bush – weather permitting) – the laundry room took up more time than we expected as well as a couple extra activities with school and other events were more time consuming than we original planned.
    6. Pet Care (Focus – Give Skipper her vitamins) – Brina especially is good about keeping up with Skippy’s vitamins!
    7. Repairs – (Focus – Refinishing our Laundry room, tearing out the old linoleum and sprucing it up) – All the old flooring is up, we are starting to paint and work on other areas.  Looking better already, cannot wait until it is complete!  Will be very nice!

    Business Goals

    1. Work on ideas for upcoming blog posts
    2. Respond to Inquiry – Business Relation Emails – few more need to be completed
    3. Keep up with the day to day items that need my attention – a couple of days got away from me with all the activities last week, hoping as we get into rhythm with the new summer schedule I can tackle a few more of this necessary items
    4. Work completed for clientshave a couple more projects to complete
    5. Notes typed for work – I got them started (kids and other family activities took priority this past week.)
    6. Folders Labeled for work – I actually got a decent start of this one.  I finished some of the categories that I was doing, but have a handful more to wrap up before I am officially done. 
    7. Desk drawers organized – getting closer….does that count?!

    Ministry Goals

    1. Meet a friend or family member for Breakfast or Lunch

    Financial Goals

    1. Schedule a meeting with the Financial Advisor – have a couple I need to follow up with this week
    2. Payoff Other Outstanding Debt – made another extra payment
    3. Pay Bills & File Paperwork
    4. Go grocery shopping one time this week and stay within budget – went over with the graduation party celebration and other big activities that filled up our week

    My goals for the upcoming week

    Family Goals

    1. Finish reading Escape from Mr. Lemoncello’s Library by Chris Grabenstein to the kids.
    2. Read 7 Stories from the Bad Pets on the Loose by Alan Zullo book to the kids.
    3. Go through 7 more Brain Quest Flash Cards with the kids.
    4. Read through 7 more pages of History Trivia with the kids.
    5. Do devotions, reflecting on our blessings, and prayer time with kids every night.
    6. Plan one special activity with the family
    7. Play a Game with the Kids
    8.  Attend After Work Activities
    9. Lunch Boxes packed the night before work & other planned activities
    10. Prep for upcoming Family Adventure(s)
    11. Prep & Figure out Schedule for upcoming Summer Break
    12. Ride Bikes with the Kids
    13. Work on family projects together
    14. Start packing suitcase for next family adventure
    15. Daily 15 minute “Speed Clean” for entire family to keep the daily clutter under control

    Kid Goals

    1. Have kids do 1st week in Summer Workbook(s)
    2. Encourage Kids to read independently at least 30 minutes a day
    3. Sign up kids for the Easley, Anderson, & Greenville County Summer Library Reading Programs
    4. Sign up kids for Barnes & Noble and other similar reading programs
    5. Have kids work on our approved educational websites to encourage growth (at least 2 hours for the week)
    6. Have kids work for at least 1 hour on this week on improving their typing skills
    7. Each kid finish creating at least 2 blogs posts for their Fun with Sis blog
    8. Spend time Monday –Friday encouraging the kids to find creative ways to learn and grown their skills
    9. Kids start packing suitcases for next family adventure
    10. At least 30 minutes of outside play, fresh air, or activity time a day

    Personal Goals

    1. Drink 8 glasses of water each day
    2. Keep up with my FitBit Goals
    3. Do yoga at least 5 times a week
    4. Go to my Appointments Scheduled this week
    5. Update Counting My Blessings and Other journal entries daily
    6. Tackle some lingering projects on my “to do” list

    Home (Yard & Pets) Management Goals

    1. All laundry for the week washed, folded, and put away in one day
    2. Weekly Dinner Menu planned out for the week
    3. Clean House (Focus – Laundry Room Remodeling Work Completed
    4. Organize Chaos (Focus – Refill Kids Snack Bins – hope to focus again on the laundry room in the future once further along)
    5. Yard / Garage Cleanup (Focus – Plant Lilly Flower and Blueberry Bush – weather permitting)
    6. Pet Care (Focus – Replant grass in Goat pen)
    7. Repairs – (Focus – Refinishing our Laundry room, painting and laying new flooring)

    Business Goals

    1. Work on ideas for upcoming blog posts
    2. Respond to Inquiry – Business Relation Emails
    3. Keep up with the day to day items that need my attention
    4. Work completed for clients
    5. Notes typed for work
    6. Folders Labeled for work
    7. Desk drawers organized
    8. Do at least 5 blog posts this week
    9. Catch up on Hootesuite
    10. Upload pictures from last few weeks and update

    Ministry Goals

    1. Meet a friend or family member for Breakfast or Lunch
    2. One-on-one quality time with Jake (talking, date night, or doing an activity together)
    3. One-on-one quality time with Brina (talking, date night, or doing an activity together)
    4. One-on-one quality time with Karlie (talking, date night, or doing an activity together)

    Financial Goals

    1. Schedule a meeting with the Financial Advisor
    2. Payoff Other Outstanding Debt
    3. Pay Bills & File Paperwork
    4. Go grocery shopping one time this week and stay within budget
    5. Sell, giveaway, donate, or through away items no longer use
    6. Take items to the recycling distributor
    7. Make meals with items from pantry, refrigerator, and freezer to use up what we have and eliminate any extra spending

    I think it is important to share and encourage each other as we seek to improve our lives and the lives of those around us.  I want to live intentionally not just hope all my dreams and goals come true.  When I focus on small

    steps of improvement I am able to see results as I get closer to my goals.  Some weeks I get closer to the goals I have in my life and other weeks a take a few steps back (life happens, emergencies occur, people get sick).  Once the goals are written down and shared it provides a guideline for what I aim to accomplish this week.

    Why Share My Goals?

    • To keep me accountable
    • To share a piece of my life with you as I strive to be a better Child of God, Wife, Mom, Friend, Homemaker, Entrepreneur and the many other roles I have each week
    • To have my goals consistently written down so I can gauge progress more accurately
    • Create healthy habits in my life
    • To encourage you to share your goals with me as you continue to grown and learn

    How did you do this week on your goals?  Feel free to share or link to your list of weekly goals.

    The picture above is one that I created for my own purposes, however, The “SMART” acronym was originally coined 30 years ago by Peter Drucker in his classic work, Management by Results.

  • What’s for Dinner: Our Weekly Menu Plan


    The upcoming week will be a really busy schedule with work, school, and extra activities.  I am not sure if we’ll get it all done, but we are going to try!  This week is the girls last full week of elementary school.  After only a few more days will be watching them graduate and moving onto Middle School.  I know they will love it and adjust well, but this Momma is having a harder time seeing my babies growing up.  Going to 6th grade seems like such a big leap especially since they have been at the same school since K4!  We have been blessed with a lot of great teachers, awesome administrators, and friends at this school.  Wish a good chunk of them could head on up to 6th grade with our girls!  It will feel weird the first few weeks going back to school and arriving at a totally differently building.

    Looking forward to a great week celebrating with our girls.  Also one of the girls won the Science Fair Award and is advancing to the next level of the Science Fair Contest which is this Thursday along with a Field Trip, Bowling, celebrations, and more good stuff.   Proud of them, but never a dull moment with these kids!   Several evenings I have activities in preparation for their big event on Friday so I am trying to keep the menu simple.  Here is our menu plan for the upcoming week:

    Our Weekly Menu Plan

    • Monday (Beef or Pasta Entree):  Mongolian Beef Stir Fry, Fresh Veggies
    • Tuesday (Seafood or Soup Entree):  Grilled Salmon, Macaroni & Cheese
    • Wednesday (Chicken or Vegetarian Entree): Sweet & Sour Chicken, Fried Rice
    • Thursday (Pork Entree or Kid‘s Night to Cook): Apple Bourbon Pulled Pork, Beans
    • Friday, Saturday, & Sunday:  Leftovers, Family Preference, and Hosting

    I have a general pattern I try to follow for my weekly Menu Plan (for example Monday we have a beef or pasta entree and so forth).  It is my goal, at least in the beginning, to have at least the main dish and one side planned.  I will put together the remaining side dishes (veggies / fruits) based on the food items that need to be used up first and compliment the main entree.

    Setting a weekly menu plan helps me utilize my time better, thus freeing up extra time to spend with my family.  On the days that I am working longer hours I can prep the meal in advance so it will be easier to pull together once I am home.  As I go through the menu planning process I will try to share some of our favorite family recipes.  If there is a specific recipe you would like please let me know and I will do my best to accommodate (some recipes are a toss together meal and I do not use any set measurements).

    As a family of four our life can get busy.  What’s for Dinner is our weekly menu planning series and one of the ways to help keep us organized, on schedule, and within budget.  Our family typically eats 6 to 7  dinner meals at home a week.  We do try to go out to eat at least once a month as a special treat.  Breakfasts are eaten at home before work and school, lunches are eaten at work, school, or home, so dinner is our main meal together as a family.  Dinner is our time to reconnect, share, and enjoy being together after a busy day.  Our weekly menu plan covers Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday only because the weekend (Friday, Saturday, and Sunday) is our time to spend with family and friends.  The weekends tend to be more spontaneous and my husband (who is the better cook) likes pitching in therefore we keep the menu open for variety.  We use up the leftovers throughout the week for our lunches and on the nights that we are busy or can’t cook.

    Photo by Liz

  • Intentional Living: Weekly Goals

    Last week was an incredibly busy week with everything going on, but we made positive progress in the right direction for some of the items on my list.  There were a lot of activities and later nights.  I am thankful for that the grading part of the school year is done now for all the year end parties, activities, graduations, and other excitement over the next week and half.

    I have had a lot of big projects going and have been keeping track of the progress personally, however, I have not been faithful in updating my blog like I used to do.  Even though the busy summer days with the kids at home are just around the corner I am going to try and be more consistently with my weekly goals and other postings for you.  Here are my goals for this week:

    Last week’s goals

    Family Goals

    1. Finish reading Escape from Mr. Lemoncello’s Library by Chris Grabenstein to the kids. – got a great start on it, but wasn’t able to finish with all the extra activities this past week
    2. Read 7 Stories from the Bad Pets on the Loose by Alan Zullo book to the kids. – only read a couple
    3. Go through 7 more Brain Quest Flash Cards with the kids. – was only able to get through a few cards
    4. Read through 7 more pages of History Trivia with the kids. – got through some, but not very many this week
    5. Do devotions and prayer time with kids every night. – devotions we were not very consistent on, but we did do prayer time
    6. Plan one special activity with the family – working on it
    7. Play a Game with the Kids – spent most of the extra free time on projects that were due soon
    8. Spend time Monday –Friday helping the kids with HomeworkBrina finished her “Cupcakes on the Rise” and Karlie finished her “Less = More” Science Fair Projects.  Both did really well.  Brina won for the 5th grade class and will be going on to the next level of competition this Thursday, 5/26/16. 
    9. Attend After School Activities  – Brina and Karlie finished their last day of swimming lessons, they loved it!
    10. Lunch Boxes & Book Bags packed the night before
    11. Prep for upcoming Family Adventure(s) – working on it
    12. Prep & Figure out Schedule for upcoming Summer Break – have some activities planned, but need to finalize the rest
    13. Ride Bikes with the Kids – did was a rainy week and spent most of our time working on projects that were due.
    14. Work on family projects together – started working

    Personal Goals

    1. Drink 8 glasses of water each day
    2. Keep up with my FitBit Goals – did better some days than others
    3. Do yoga at least 5 times a week – did it more than once, but was not consistent
    4. Go to my Appointments Scheduled this week – had to re-schedule one due to a conflict, but did everything else
    5. Update Counting My Blessings and Other journal entries daily
    6. Tackle some lingering projects on my “to do” list – somehow the list continues to grow ever longer….

    Home (Yard & Pets) Management Goals

    1. All laundry for the week washed, folded, and put away in one day – we were working on the laundry room so the washer and dryer were unavailable a good chunk of this past weekend
    2. Weekly Dinner Menu planned out for the week
    3. Clean House (Focus – Laundry Room Remodeling Work (get all of the subflooring cleaned and prep and help Jake with getting at least 1/2 of it completed) – work in progress
    4. Organize Chaos (Focus – Find Bins / Containers / Baskets to put on shelves in Laundry Room once up) – starting to look but haven’t decided what I want yet
    5. Yard / Garage Cleanup (Focus – Annual Termite Inspection)
    6. Pet Care (Focus – Give Skipper a Bath)Brina and Karlie helped get this one done
    7. Repairs – (Focus – Refinishing our Laundry room, tearing out the old linoleum and sprucing it up) – working on it

    Business Goals

    1. Work on ideas for upcoming blog posts
    2. Respond to Inquiry – Business Relation Emails – have some more to go through
    3. Keep up with the day to day items that need my attention  – some days I didn’t have time to get it all done
    4. Work completed for clients – couple special projects that need to be done still
    5. Notes typed for work – didn’t get to it
    6. Folders Labeled for work – got a couple done before getting pulled away
    7. Desk drawers organized – working on it.

    Ministry Goals

    1. Meet a friend or family member for Breakfast or Lunch

    Financial Goals

    1. Schedule a meeting with the Financial Advisor – made reached out, waiting to confirm with schedules
    2. Payoff Other Outstanding Debt – working on getting it eliminated
    3. Pay Bills & File Paperwork – paid all bills that came in this past week but need to do some filing
    4. Go grocery shopping one time this week and stay within budget – went to several stores and spent extra money for Brina & Karlie’s graduation celebration.

    My goals for the upcoming week

    Family Goals

    1. Finish reading Escape from Mr. Lemoncello’s Library by Chris Grabenstein to the kids.
    2. Read 7 Stories from the Bad Pets on the Loose by Alan Zullo book to the kids.
    3. Go through 7 more Brain Quest Flash Cards with the kids.
    4. Read through 7 more pages of History Trivia with the kids.
    5. Do devotions and prayer time with kids every night.
    6. Plan one special activity with the family
    7. Play a Game with the Kids
    8. Spend time Monday –Friday helping the kids with Homework
    9. Attend After School Activities
    10. Lunch Boxes & Book Bags packed the night before
    11. Prep for upcoming Family Adventure(s)
    12. Prep & Figure out Schedule for upcoming Summer Break
    13. Ride Bikes with the Kids
    14. Work on family projects together
    15. Brina & Karlie’s Graduation Ceremony
    16. Brina & Karlie’s Award Ceremony
    17. Prep & decorate for Graduation party (Meet with people Mon / Wed) after school
    18. Take Brina to the Science Fair Competition

    Personal Goals

    1. Drink 8 glasses of water each day
    2. Keep up with my FitBit Goals
    3. Do yoga at least 5 times a week
    4. Go to my Appointments Scheduled this week
    5. Update Counting My Blessings and Other journal entries daily
    6. Tackle some lingering projects on my “to do” list

    Home (Yard & Pets) Management Goals

    1. All laundry for the week washed, folded, and put away in one day
    2. Weekly Dinner Menu planned out for the week
    3. Clean House (Focus – Laundry Room Remodeling Work (get all of the subflooring cleaned and help Jake with getting at least 1/2 of it completed)
    4. Organize Chaos (Focus – Find Bins / Containers / Baskets to put on shelves in Laundry Room once up)
    5. Yard / Garage Cleanup (Focus – Plant Lilly Flower and Blueberry Bush – weather permitting)
    6. Pet Care (Focus – Give Skipper her vitamins)
    7. Repairs – (Focus – Refinishing our Laundry room, tearing out the old linoleum and sprucing it up)

    Business Goals

    1. Work on ideas for upcoming blog posts
    2. Respond to Inquiry – Business Relation Emails
    3. Keep up with the day to day items that need my attention
    4. Work completed for clients
    5. Notes typed for work
    6. Folders Labeled for work
    7. Desk drawers organized

    Ministry Goals

    1. Meet a friend or family member for Breakfast or Lunch

    Financial Goals

    1. Schedule a meeting with the Financial Advisor
    2. Payoff Other Outstanding Debt
    3. Pay Bills & File Paperwork
    4. Go grocery shopping one time this week and stay within budget

    I think it is important to share and encourage each other as we seek to improve our lives and the lives of those around us.  I want to live intentionally not just hope all my dreams and goals come true.  When I focus on small steps of improvement I am able to see results as I get closer to my goals.  Some weeks I get closer to the goals I have in my life and other weeks a take a few steps back (life happens, emergencies occur, people get sick).  Once the goals are written down and shared it provides a guideline for what I aim to accomplish this week.

    Why Share My Goals?

    • To keep me accountable
    • To share a piece of my life with you as I strive to be a better Child of God, Wife, Mom, Friend, Homemaker, Entrepreneur and the many other roles I have each week
    • To have my goals consistently written down so I can gauge progress more accurately
    • Create healthy habits in my life
    • To encourage you to share your goals with me as you continue to grown and learn

    How did you do this week on your goals?  Feel free to share or link to your list of weekly goals.

    The picture above is one that I created for my own purposes, however, The “SMART” acronym was originally coined 30 years ago by Peter Drucker in his classic work, Management by Results.

  • What’s for Dinner: Our Weekly Menu Plan


    It was a busy week with a lot of extra activities going on!  The girls are busy with a bunch of year end school projects.  After school and work there is the evening year end activities.  The girls have been doing well with their swimming lessons.  We have been impressed with how much they have been learning over the past few weeks.  It is hard believe they are going to be finishing up another year.  Now that the weather is warmer and it looks like a clear week I am ready to plan more grilling meals into our dinner menu this week.  Here is our menu plan for the upcoming week:

    Our Weekly Menu Plan

    • Monday (Beef or Pasta Entree):  Grilled Steak, Grilled Veggies
    • Tuesday (Seafood or Soup Entree):  Baja Tacos, Fresh Garden Salad
    • Wednesday (Chicken or Vegetarian Entree): Chicken & Veggie Stir Fry, Steamed Vegetables & Rice
    • Thursday (Pork Entree or Kid‘s Night to Cook): Grilled Pork Chops, Italian Herb Bread
    • Friday, Saturday, & Sunday:  Leftovers, Family Preference, and Hosting

    I have a general pattern I try to follow for my weekly Menu Plan (for example Monday we have a beef or pasta entree and so forth).  It is my goal, at least in the beginning, to have at least the main dish and one side planned.  I will put together the remaining side dishes (veggies / fruits) based on the food items that need to be used up first and compliment the main entree.

    Setting a weekly menu plan helps me utilize my time better, thus freeing up extra time to spend with my family.  On the days that I am working longer hours I can prep the meal in advance so it will be easier to pull together once I am home.  As I go through the menu planning process I will try to share some of our favorite family recipes.  If there is a specific recipe you would like please let me know and I will do my best to accommodate (some recipes are a toss together meal and I do not use any set measurements).

    As a family of four our life can get busy.  What’s for Dinner is our weekly menu planning series and one of the ways to help keep us organized, on schedule, and within budget.  Our family typically eats 6 to 7  dinner meals at home a week.  We do try to go out to eat at least once a month as a special treat.  Breakfasts are eaten at home before work and school, lunches are eaten at work, school, or home, so dinner is our main meal together as a family.  Dinner is our time to reconnect, share, and enjoy being together after a busy day.  Our weekly menu plan covers Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday only because the weekend (Friday, Saturday, and Sunday) is our time to spend with family and friends.  The weekends tend to be more spontaneous and my husband (who is the better cook) likes pitching in therefore we keep the menu open for variety.  We use up the leftovers throughout the week for our lunches and on the nights that we are busy or can’t cook.

    Photo by Liz

  • What’s for Dinner: Our Weekly Menu Plan


    SURPRISE!!!  I’M BACK!!!  Yes, I am still alive and kicking (in case you were wondering)! 🙂  The past few weeks (umm….months really) it has been a little wild around our house.  All good stuff, but a lot of transitions, adjustments, work, school, travel, and everything else.  Also, was experiencing some technical difficulties with my blog and my IT person was super busy so I didn’t want to bug the daylights out of him.  Now that everything seems to be back up and running smoothly again, it is my desire to get everything back up and moving along for you.  A big shout out to those who have commented, emailed, called, texted, and checked in with me to make sure I was still alive during this little blogging siesta.  A huge THANK YOU for being patient and hanging in here with me as my family made some adjustments.  Will have to share more about what has been going on these past few weeks….lots of good stuff and a very full calendar!  It gets easier and quieter as the kids get older, right!?

    It is my goal to stay on top of our dinner menu once again.  We have found a good rhythm for the most part (now that school is wrapping up for the year, ha).  We are finalizing several details regarding our summer schedule, but overall I hope to be available and more up to date in the blogging world.

    It is nice to have people who help keep me accountable and organized throughout my week.  It is encouraging to know that other Moms have to work through all the balancing fun of family, work, home, and a multitude of other activities that I seem to experience.  If you have it all figured out, let me know because I would love to be able to get my ducks in order, have a positively balance life in every area plus a happy family and clean house (at least longer than 5 minutes).  If you haven’t reached that level yet, no worries, I am there with you.  We can do our best and   I am going to give it my best shot to stay on top of everything and organized so here we go!!!!  Here is our menu plan for the upcoming week:

    Our Weekly Menu Plan

    • Monday (Beef or Pasta Entree): Crockpot Roast, Mash Potatoes & Brown Gravy
    • Tuesday (Seafood or Soup Entree):  Tilapia Fillets, Italian Herb Bread
    • Wednesday (Chicken or Vegetarian Entree): Sweet & Sour Chicken, Steamed Rice
    • Thursday (Pork Entree or Kid‘s Night to Cook): Mesquite BBQ Pork Tenderloin, Green Beans
    • Friday, Saturday, & Sunday:  Leftovers, Family Preference, and Hosting

    I have a general pattern I try to follow for my weekly Menu Plan (for example Monday we have a beef or pasta entree and so forth).  It is my goal, at least in the beginning, to have at least the main dish and one side planned.  I will put together the remaining side dishes (veggies / fruits) based on the food items that need to be used up first and compliment the main entree.

    Setting a weekly menu plan helps me utilize my time better, thus freeing up extra time to spend with my family.  On the days that I am working longer hours I can prep the meal in advance so it will be easier to pull together once I am home.  As I go through the menu planning process I will try to share some of our favorite family recipes.  If there is a specific recipe you would like please let me know and I will do my best to accommodate (some recipes are a toss together meal and I do not use any set measurements).

    As a family of four our life can get busy.  What’s for Dinner is our weekly menu planning series and one of the ways to help keep us organized, on schedule, and within budget.  Our family typically eats 6 to 7  dinner meals at home a week.  We do try to go out to eat at least once a month as a special treat.  Breakfasts are eaten at home before work and school, lunches are eaten at work, school, or home, so dinner is our main meal together as a family.  Dinner is our time to reconnect, share, and enjoy being together after a busy day.  Our weekly menu plan covers Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday only because the weekend (Friday, Saturday, and Sunday) is our time to spend with family and friends.  The weekends tend to be more spontaneous and my husband (who is the better cook) likes pitching in therefore we keep the menu open for variety.  We use up the leftovers throughout the week for our lunches and on the nights that we are busy or can’t cook.

    Photo by Liz

  • School Activities, “Snow White & The Prince,” and Roller Skating!

    'Our girls!'
    Our girls at Falls Park

    These last few weeks have been a whirlwind of fun with Jake & I going on our anniversary cruise, the girls school activities, fun adventures, work, and more! 🙂 Here’s a little snip-it of some of the school and fun activities Brina & Karlie have been up to lately -“Snow White & The Prince” Play at the Peace Center, a School Roller Skating Fundraiser, Beta Club Induction Ceremony just to name a couple. Very proud of both girls for their hard work at school. They were both accepted into Chorus, STEM Club, National Beta Club (for maintaining an A or A-B grades for their past year in school), Library Assistants, Safety Patrol as well as a number of other school related extra-curricular activities. I had no idea how busy 5th grade could be! Thankful for their hard work, positive attitudes, and their love of learning!

    'Ready to go see "Snow White & The Prince" as a family!  Thankful for Jake's willingness to take his girls to these fun events!'
    Hanging out with the family!
    'Having fun skating with Daddy!'
    Skating with Daddy!
    'Proud of these two kiddos for working hard, maintaining their grades, and getting accepted into the National Beta Club!  Good Job Girls!  Love You!'
    Beta Club inductions!
    'Waiting for the Snow White play to start!'
    Snow White & The Prince at the Peace Center
  • Volunteering at School

    Bridgette Hendrich Hayes's photo.
    Crazy day volunteering at school, watching both girls speak in front of their classmates, teachers, and parents – they did awesome! After running errands, sharing a surprise with someone who has been a blessing to our family, and various other activities I was able to finally sit down, eat a late lunch, and soak in the beautiful sunny Fall view from our back deck. Thankful for the colorful landscape!