
  • A Rainbow of Snow Colors


    Brina painting a huge  rainbow heart on the snow!

    We had a blast in the snow!  One of the things we did this week was get some old spray bottles fill them with water and add a few drops of food coloring to it!  We filled and refilled those spray bottles several times over the last few days as we painted pretty pictures in the snow!  The girls had a great time!

    I would like to take the credit for coming up with this awesome idea all on my own, but my amazing and creative cousin suggested we do some snow painting when I spoke with her earlier this week.  Yes, it was a huge hit like all her fun ideas, thanks Renelle!  The neighbor kids even came over and had a grand time painting pictures in our yard.


    Pretty red heart in honor of Valentine’s Day spray painted in the snow by the girls!


    Coloring the front porch steps!  Coming up to our house was a rainbow of colors for several days, thanks to Brina & Karlie!


    A friendly “Hello” to greet our friends and neighbors coming into our yard!


    Pretty rainbow on the snow!


    There were all kinds of random paintings all over the yard and driveway!


    Karlie Kool Kat having fun painting the snow!


    Brina Bee painted her name on the driveway!


    Someone even did my name, so sweet!


    A little more defined green star!


    Someone painted Dad’s name on the yard too!


    Karlie, Brina, and Skipper standing at the top of the driveway where they painted the word “Welcome”


    I thought it was cute that they painted a smiley face next to the mailbox to bring some winter cheer to our mailman!  Sweet kids!


    Brina’s armed with a spraying, wonder what she’s going to do next!


    The rocks, trees, bushes, and various random items had been marked by the spray painters!


    The well covered was sprinkled with paint like confetti!


    Skipper even got a pretty painted dog house.  It looked like a big decorated gingerbread house when they were done!

  • Snow Animals!


    Skipper jumping up to catch a snowball that was tossed into the air! She was having as much fun as the kids!

    Our outdoor pets were not quite sure what to think about the snow at first, especially the goats since the snow covered all their delicious leaves.  They did enjoy having the kids and the family outside more often this week to play!  The goats and Skipper followed the kids around the yard joining in the fun as much as they could.  Sometimes it was a little crazy riding a sled down the hill and having goats and dogs almost hopping into your lap, but it gave us a good laugh!


    Skipper trying out the sled as Oreo watched.  She wasn’t overly excited about being on the sled by herself!


    Our South Carolina dog enjoying the snow!


    It was amazing the amount of snow that piled up on these two!  It showed up better on Oreo, but Snowball definitely had a thick layer too.  They didn’t see to mind the cold from snow at all!


    Snowball hanging out with the family!  He was more camouflaged this week!


    We always had a trial of critters following us through the woods.  The goats especially liked it when we rustled up some good leaves for them!


    Snowball peeking around the tree at Skipper


    Skipper still guarding the front porch!

  • Extra “SnowCATION” with the Kids!


    Really concentrating on her throw!

    In South Carolina we really don’t get a lot of snow.  If we get a sprinkle here or there everyone gets excited and we might have a day or two off from school.  Also, it is likely that many people will lose power.  Somehow the last few years we have been lucky and haven’t lost our power!  We haven’t have a big snow storm in South Carolina for several years.  The girls have been waiting, hoping, and wishing for snow all winter.  Their wishes came true this week.

    We have several inches of snow and they have been out of school since Tuesday.  They think its AWESOME they got an unexpected 6 day weekend or Snowcation (snow-vacation) in the middle of the school year.  They have been having a BLAST playing outside several hours every day.  It has been a lot of fun having them home and spending extra time with them this week too.  Jake was home for most of those days too, but he still had to work.  One of the “benefits” of having a job that he can work from home at times, but he got to join in on the fun here and there (we didn’t leave him out)!

    Snow Storm

    One of the snowy morning the girls and Jake were up  at the break of dawn to work and play. Their three smiling faces were first thing I saw this morning as they were bringing me breakfast in bed! Snow days are rated pretty high in my book already, but this makes them even better!!! I had a great breakfast of fresh strawberries, yogurt, cashews, homemade Egg McMuffin, and a huge glass of ice water. Feeling very blessed! Love my family!


    Karlie all smiles!  She got her wish of a big winter snow storm so she could play for several days in the snow!


    Brina very excited to have a snow day.  Snow is always fun and it gives them a little break from school.  She loves playing outside with her animals (as you can see Skipper is loving the attention too)!


    Karlie was definitely more into snowball fights this year.  You had to watch out because every time you turned around another snowball would be zooming right at you followed by lots of giggles!


    Here it comes!  DUCK!


    Here she comes again!  LOOK OUT!


    Skipper was excited to be out and playing in the snow with the kids all week too!





    There’s just something about time spent playing in the snow followed by a good hot cup of hot chocolate or apple cider.  Of course, the marshmallow and candy cane stir stick was an added bonus!


    Gingerbread men and sugar cookies hit the spot too!

    P1100371cSnack time!

  • Date Night with My Sweet Girl


    My sweet date tonight wanted to eat at McDonald’s.

    Last weekend I was able to go on a date night with my sweet Brina Bee!  She was very specific about what she wanted to do that night so I went along with her date night plan.  First, she wanted to go to the Goodwill Clearance Center, walk through a craft store, browse through used book store, and eat at McDonald’s.  We had a blast going through the bins at the Goodwill store looking for treasures.  Her big find was a cute FurReal pet dog (new it retails for about $90) and we paid between $1 to $2 for it (the goodwill clearance store charges by the pound).  All it needed was a good cleaning and some fresh batteries.  She was so excited!

    It was a lot of fun walking, talking, exploring, and eating dinner with my sweet Brina.  Love my time with her, listening to her talk, and watching her get excited.  She is a real sweetheart.  I didn’t take any pictures of us shopping, walking, and exploring because the only time we stopped moving was when we finally sat down to eat at McDonald’s!  She kept us going.  We packed a lot of fun into one evening.  Love you Brina!

    date night with Brina

    Love listening to her tell stories, laugh, and have fun together!


    Thankful for extra time with my sweet B!

  • STEM Event at Roper Mountain Science Center


    Jake & Brina working on her model!


      Karlie’s creation is done, now it’s ready to see if it will survive the test! She’s proud of her creation and confident it will pass the testing….


    Brina adding the finishing touches on her creation!


    All ready for testing! Proud of her cool design.


    Karlie watching carefully as they get ready to drop the big board on her creation. The goal was to make a creation out of the bag of goodies that they give you that will not change its shape once the board has been dropped on it (including none of the balloons popping). She did it!!!Brina putting her creation on the testing platform, she was concerned about her balloons popping, but it passed with flying colors! Way to go Brina!


    Jake was a pro in no time at riding the Segway!


    Brina riding a Segway all by herself, she did well!


    Karlie learning how to ride the Segway!  She’s getting the hang of it!

    STEM Event at Roper Mountain Science Center

    Karlie watching the show at the Planetarium

  • Snow Day!


    snow day

    It’s snowing!!

    Since we live in South Carolina, when it snows during the winter it is a big deal, especially for the kids.  The girls have been waiting all winter for the snow to come to SC.  They were so very excited when we finally got a snow storm and they got a day off from school so they could play in the snow.  The pets enjoyed some extra play time with the kids too.  We packed in a lot of fun activities during their time off of school.  We even got to try out their new sled!


    Brina so excited that it is finally snowing this winter here in South Carolina!


    Karlie running around in our first snow!


    Brina’s first rainbow “snow” cone


    Karlie loving her rainbow snow cone!


    The goats are not really sure about all this white stuff.


    They made a mini snowman!


    Brina loves sledding down the side yard!  Fun snow day adventures!


    She’s laughing, but trying to avoid hitting the tree at the same time!


    The goats with their thick winter coats were more concerned by the snow covering their food (leaves) on the ground then the cold!


    Karlie was a little more cautious on the sled, but she zoomed down the hill several times!


    Brina having a blast!


    So excited to play in the snow!

    snow day

    “Hey Mom!  Let’s go sledding!”


    Very excited about having a snow day off from school!


    Karlie all smiles!


    Skipper loved having the girls home and playing outside for the day!

  • Disney On Ice: Princesses and Heroes

    One of the girls big surprise Christmas gifts were tickets to “Disney on Ice Princesses and Heroes”!  We made this crossword puzzle to share the surprise with them.  It took them a couple minutes to make the connection, but they were very excited and couldn’t wait to go on this adventure!

    Karlie doing her Disney on Ice Word Search

    Brina doing her Disney on Ice Word Search

    Disney on Ice - Princesses & Hereos

    We made it to Disney on Ice!  So excited!  We got their a little early to find our seats (we got great seats were a perfect view)!


    Tinker Bell, Mickey, and Minnie Mouse


    It was beautiful watching all the characters skate.


    Bell and gang on the ice!

    Disney on Ice - Princesses & HereosMickey and Minnie Mouse




    Seven dwarfs


    The fire was super cool!


    Cinderella coming onto the ice in her carriage


    So much fun!


    Watching all the characters on the ice

    The girls were literally on the edge of their seats during the show.  They had a blast!  It was a lot of fun and wonderful watching them get so excited too.  Thankful for a fun evening with my family!

  • American Revolution – Cowpens Battlefield

    Cowpens Battlefield - American Revolution

    For the last few weeks we have been studying the American Revolution with the girls.  It has been a fun unit to study and they have learned a lot about our country and pieces of our history during this section.  As we were studying this unit I decided to check and see if there were any American Revolution  battle re-enactments in our area.  I found the Cowpens Battlefield was having its annual celebration this January in memory of the American Revolution battle that took place.

    We decided to surprise the girls and take them to the Cowpens Battlefield for the celebration weekend.  They were so excited, had a lot of fun, and they learned a lot of neat information about our country’s history.  We watched them shoot off cannons, muskets, calvary demonstrations, walked the battlefield while listening to historical information both on the American Patriot and British side, talked with various “characters” regarding their roles in the battle, listened to the army band, and much more.

    What a fun trip.  I even learned a lot on this adventure too!!!  Thankful for an opportunity to experience a piece of history first hand.


    Guns blasting off, muskets and other rifles.  The men on the left are American Militia men and the ones on the right are the Scottish Highlanders that fought with the British during the American Revolution.


    They fired two canons the “Grasshopper” (the girls favorite) and twelve pound Mountain “Howitzer” (it was called a 12 pound mountain Howitzer because it was the size of shell it could launch)!     The picture is of the bigger canon, the “Howitzer” firing.


    The girls checking out the canons up close.  This one is the “Grasshopper” canon.


    The calvary did demonstrations on horseback.  One of the girls favorite parts, mainly because they loved watching the horses!


    Getting ready to run through the practice course.


    The girls thought the kids that got to put on the cabbages for the soldiers to hit in practice were very lucky (guess it looked like a fun job)!


    Demonstrating how a soldier would practice using cabbages.


    They wanted a picture next to the horses after the discussion and demonstration.


    After the walk through the battlefield where we learned key pieces of history both from the American Patriots and British Red Coats sides we got to meet some of the army’s band players.


    Brina with a big smile along our walk through the woods.


    Karlie giggling as she peeks out from behind the tree on the trail.


    Brina writing her name with a quill pen, a lot harder than she thought it would be.


    Karlie writing with ink and a quill.  A little harder to control, but it was legible.


    Plaque with the American leaders at the battle at Cowpens.


    One of their favorite parts of the event, learning how to shoot a musket (complete with the instructions and commands soldiers would hear on the battlefield).


    Listening to the soldier give commands.


    Karlie putting her “powder” in her gun, Brina is already done loading her gun.


    Checking to make sure their guns were ready (there was a specific command for this step too).


    Waiting for the next order!

    It was a lot of fun watching them go through the steps.   It was almost an hour long drill and they got the steps down by the end!

  • STEM Robotics Competition


    The “Crosswell Flares” logo and design the kids came up with for this year.

    The girls STEM Robotics Team – The Crosswell Flares – did a great job this weekend! It was their first year in the competition and a long day (left the house at 7 am and wasn’t back home until around 7 pm that night), but all their hard work paid off they got 2 Trophies!!! The girls had a blast, learned a lot, and met a lot of people from various schools in the area!


    The tagline they came up with was “Keep your flame in the game” which was on the back of their shirts along with the list of team members.

    STEM Robotics Competition - Crosswell Flames

    With so many people around the robot table during the competition this was the best picture we could get that day.  This is their robot going through the course.   They were able to accomplish all their missions that they had programmed and practiced.


    The team getting ready to start the competition!

    STEM Competition Brina

    Brina very excited about her “swag bag”! As part of the competition each team made swag bags for their team members then they would have the opportunities to trade items with other teams. It stimulated a lot of interaction among the various teams. They were actually judged on this piece of the competition as well.

    STEM Competition - Karlie

    Karlie showing off her swag bag! Their team actually won a trophy for this part of the competition which included their sportsmanship and values.

    STEM Competition - Team Crosswell Flames

    They won 2 trophies! It was a long day and a lot of work, but they did fantastic! The kids were troopers! This was the teams first year competing against 17 teams (most of which have been competing for several years). Proud of all the kids and coaches for all the hard work. Good Job!!!

  • Brina and Karlie’s Show

    Brina and Karlie's Show
    Brina and Karlie put on a show for us recently.  It was called “The Town of Twenty”.  It was quite an interesting performance.  Full of singing, dancing, acting, audience participation, and more fun.  It is wonderful seeing them use their creativity and come up with some neat ideas.


    Brina singing during one of her parts in the play.

    Brina and Karlie's Show

    Another fun part of the play.


    Karlie playing one of her parts.


    Brina all smiles


    Chatting with the girls after their play.  Love watching them act out their show and having some time to chit-chat with them afterward.  Thankful for our girls, their creativity, and their excitement about life.