
  • In Memory of Grandma Doris

    As I sit here quietly for the first time in awhile I begin to reflect on my Grandma Doris and the multitudes of ways she impacted my life.  Part of me doesn’t want to think about life without you in it, but I realize that you will always be a part of my life story and many others. Even though it’s not easy there’s a time to say goodbye….I’ve never been good at goodbyes….

    I learned many lessons from Grandma over the years.   You gave me the extra confidence to do or be anything I set my mind on.  Grandma Doris was truly a one-of-a-kind person.  She was unique and loved you in her own way.

    Growing up whenever they could Grandpa Verlyn and Grandma Doris would take the time out of their busy schedules to come to see me and the other grand-kids participate in whatever sports, concerts, competitions, or activities we were involved in.  I cannot tell you how much this meant to me, just knowing that they cared enough to be there for me and be a part of my life and activities spoke volumes in my life.  They have a lot of family members and many spread out over multiple areas so I know it wasn’t always easy or convenient to make it to these events.   I never doubted their love (why else would they sit on those hard bleachers to watch us over the years).  You knew when Grandma Doris was there….her voice had a way of piercing through all the noise in the crowd and hitting straight into your heart.  She would be your loudest and proudest cheerleader in the crowd no matter how good (or bad) you were.  It was one of Grandma’s many ways of supporting and encouraging you to be your best.

    As a kid we would spend our Christmas Eve’s  at Grandpa and Grandma’s house.  There was always an amazing spread of food, fun activities, games, gifts and fun.  The house was full of many family and friends on any given Holiday.  As kids we would often play in the basement while the parents would play games upstairs.   One of our favorite games was Ghost in the Darkness…can’t remember who came up with it, but it was fun!  If we got too loud or rough we would hear Grandma Doris’ shrill voice and her footsteps on the stairs, it was pretty amazing how quickly all kids were instantly on their best behavior as soon as we heard Grandma coming.  I have no idea why Grandma and Grandma went through so many deep freezers when we were kids, but it may have had something to do with the grand-kids using the top of the deep freezer as our safety zone in a variety of games we played while at their house.  Oops!

    Grandma preferred comfort over elegance in her day to day life but enjoyed getting fancy for special events involving family and friends.  Grandma knew how to have a good time.

    It was okay with Grandma if her house wasn’t perfect as long as everyone felt welcomed.  Anyone was invited to come join the fun adventures at her house whether they we family, friends, or even strangers.  If you needed a place to crash for the night, no problem, there’s always room for one more.   The more the merrier at Grandma’s.

    Grandma wasn’t big on making fancy meals, but could make the best Mayonnaise Cake with Chunky peanut butter frosting.  Delicious! When it came to cooking, the quicker the better, as far as Grandma was concerned.

    My family lived in Grandpa and Grandma’s basement for several years while my parents were building their house.   It was an adventure in itself, but gave me additional opportunities to spend with Grandma which is something I didn’t truly treasure until later in life.

    Grandma was a bargain hunting, coke and beanie baby collecting lady.  I have often wondered over the years how many McDonald’s or other kids meals she and Grandpa have eaten in her quest to collect the special beanie babies or other cool toys!

    Life is precious,  life is short.  May this be a time to reflect on the special memories, love, and fun times with Grandma Doris.   She has made an impact on the hearts and lives of those around her.  You were always gracious, giving, and had a strong personality Grandma.

    I will always remember Grandma’s smile and cackle that came along with the twinkle in her eyes when she was having fun.  Her spunky personality, loyalty to those she loved, spirit of adventure, gift of hospitality, and so much more.

    Whenever I see a chicken, I can’t help but think of you, if I ever have a house with a big enough closet I plan to leave my Christmas tree up year round (just in the closet covered with a sheet most of the year – think how much time it would save around the Holidays decorating and un-decorating….genius Grandma!)  You always amazed me how you could walk barefoot on the gravel roads, through sticker patches, and more.  We always knew when you were walking through the front door with your friendly “YooHoo! Anyone home!”  Many times stopping by to say “Hi” or drop off a batch of fresh eggs,  garden tomatoes or other items.   Disposable cameras, toasty warm home with a crackling fire in the winter, digging out slivers, and even Vicks vapor rub remind me of you.

    Thank you Grandma for loving us and leaving your imprint in our hearts and lives over the years. I love you Grandma.  May you rest in peace today January 15, 2017 and forever.

  • Three Ways Your Family can Welcome in a New Year!

    With a new year comes a lot of excitement!  The feeling of a fresh start in many areas of our lives, planning for future events and adventures, new goals, and more!  Everyday is a blessing!  While we welcome in the New Year don’t forget to reflect on the many blessings that you have enjoyed over the past year(s).  I encourage you to initiate a conversation with your family (it can be during a family dinner, game night, or any good time when everyone is present).  During this family time focus on these three things as a family to start off your New Year right.  This time together will make a positive impact on the hearts and lives of each individual family member and is worth it:

    1. Reflect back the fun memories and blessings of 2016!  Often the hardest part with this stage is getting the ball rolling.  Before the family time create a list of several good family memories to get it started.  Mention one and let others input their memories tied into that event as well as start adding their own memories.  Give everyone a chance who wants to talk the opportunity.  If there is a pause bring up a different memory to keep them going.  Before long you’ll be laughing and the kids will be bringing up memories connected to the event or new ones that you forgot about.  This is a wonderful way to end a year and begin a new one.
    2. Take a moment to think about the tough times over the past year! While the harder times are not easy to deal with or will bring back sadness or emotions they still have an impact on our lives.  Sometimes during these times of discussion you realize that a family member is still struggling with something.  Whether it is grief over a lost pet or loved one, anger, frustration, or something else.  This is a good time to gauge how everyone is doing and give you an opportunity to encourage each other or help those family members heal.  The love and support you receive from those around you can make an incredible impact on your life as you continue to move forward.  Knowing you are not alone, you are loved, and you have a team of people who want to help you can help the family member heal more quickly.  (Do not use this time to point out problems with each other, but to talk about harder times and to encourage.  Some topics made need to be tabled for a later and more lengthy conversation)  It will give you a good insight into your children and some ideas of what to help encourage them with over the next few weeks as they continue to grow and heal.
    3. Look ahead! As one year wraps up and a new one begins it is a great time to set some goals both personally and as a family.  Use this time to set family goals together.  There may be some activities that the kids have been wanting to do, but you have been letting it slip not even realizing that it was very important to them.  The goals discussed during this family  time should be family related, although they most definitely have a personal impact on each family member.  Write these goals down and review them weekly or monthly or regularly throughout the year to remind the family members of what is important to the family as a whole.  This also provides a lead in for each of the members to think about their personal goals.  It allows a great opportunity to have a group of people focused on similar goals and encouraging each other along the way.  Some family goal ideas (eat healthier, regular family game night, monthly date night with spouse and each child, daily family devotions, learn a new skill together, plan a family vacation, weekly family night, quarterly family service project, etc…).  Make a point to write the ideas down and either make a decision that day or within a few days on the family goals.  Type up a list, print it or email it to each family member so that they can be reminded of the ways your family is working together to create stronger bonds, happy memories, and improving lives.

    Setting aside a time when everyone is together can be difficult, however it is important.  It can be during a family dinner, game night, or another time when the family is together.  Make sure it is a convenient time with as little distractions as possible.  A time when everyone is more relaxed (not hungry, ready for bed, or trying to multi-task while having this conversation).  The reflecting on memories helps create a happy bond, the tough times allow family members to see that they are not alone and have the support of people who love them, and looking ahead gives you the opportunity to improve and grow into a better individuals and family unit.  If you do write down the family goals please do your best to follow through as much as possible because these goals are important to the members.

    Life has a way of staying busy.  Taking the time to spending reflecting on good memories as a way has a way of bringing everyone together.  It may cause some laughter, tears, and healing.  It is good to be reminded of the many blessings in our life and to realize that we are journeying through this life together.   Yes, we make mistakes along the way, but we can can make the best of it and have a lot of fun too.  Many blessings to you and your family this 2017 New Year!!!

  • Intentional Living: Weekly Goals

    The week started off with the Columbus Holiday on Monday and the girls off school for Teachers Professional Training Day.  They had a blast spending time at home, playing outside, and enjoying their day off school.  We participated in a fun activity that evening instead of cramming in homework.  Jake got the more relaxing….put the model airplane together activity and I got the play a game with added instructions such as jumping jacks, stretches, squats and more (it has been awhile since I have done that many jumping jacks)!  Thankful for an opportunity to live life with my family.  Some weeks seem really busy when you look at the schedule and all that needs to be done, however, taking those extra minutes here and there to relax and play always brightens our day and creates memories together!  Here are my goals for this week:

    Last week’s goals

    Family Goals

    1. Read the chapter book National Velvet by Enid Bagnold to the kids
    2. Go through 7 more Brain Quest Flash Cards with the kids.
    3. Read through 7 more pages of History Trivia with the kids.
    4. Reflect on our blessings and prayer time with kids every night.
    5. Plan one special activity with the family
    6. Play a Game with the Kids American Kennel Club DVD Board Game
    7. Spend Quality time with each family member
    8. Coordinate and review schedules at beginning of week to confirm all obligations, appointments, and other activities
    9. Figure out the Remaining 2016 PTO & Holiday Schedules (Thanksgiving, Christmas, etc….) – figuring it out

    Kid Goals

    1. Do Homework Monday – Friday
    2. Pack Lunches and Prep for the next day
    3. Spend one-on-one time with kids each day
    4. Attend Robotics, Diggers, and Other After School Activities
    5. Appointments
    6. Schedule & Meet to have 1-on-1 Discussion time with each kid (discuss week, what’s going well, what needs improvement, and focus on each kid as an individual without the sibling being in the room)
    7. Pick a Date Night for the Kids

    Personal Goals

    1. Drink 8 glasses of water
    2. Wear FitBit (at least 10,000 steps and 10 sets of stairs every day) – wasn’t able to hit my goal every day
    3. Do Yoga at least 5 times this week – it was a tough week with yoga
    4. Appointment(s)- Massage, Annual physical

    Home (Yard & Pets) Management Goals

    1. Household Cleaning / Organization  – Plan Out Organizational Goals for last quarter of 2016
    2. Plan out the Menu for the Week
    3. Outside Project – Tree Service Quote
    4. Update Project List
    5. Add any new contacts, addresses, and special events on the calendar
    6. Confirm October Family and Individual Calendar(s)
    7. Follow up on calls and items that need my attention – did some, but have a few more to go
    8. Speed clean & pick up the house 15 minutes a night

    Business Goals

    1. Update Work Notes
    2. Get caught up on blog posts – hoping to make more headway this upcoming week
    3. Work on a few special projects
    4. Research a couple of items in regards to the blog
    5. Pick from a couple of the “extra” activity and/or product options – been hard enough to get the “normal” day to day items accomplished

    Ministry Goals

    1. Go to breakfast or lunch with a family member or friend
    2. Counting my blessings journal
    3. Attend Ladies Bible Study
    4. Read next chapter in Biblical Femininity by Chrystie Cole

    Financial Goals

    1. Pay all our bills that have arrived this week
    2. Follow up with the Bank regarding a couple of incorrect charges – trying to figure these out
    3. Start gathering information on last quarter 2016 finances and 1st quarter 2017 taxes – realign goals where needed
    4. Update Quicken Accounts
    5. Schedule a meeting with the financial advisor – work in progress
    6. Get our finances and budget back on track – getting better
    7. Pay down debt we owemade another payment
    8. Limit amount spent on Groceries, Household, and Other Items (use what we already have at home)

    My goals for the upcoming week

    Family Goals

    1. Read the chapter book National Velvet by Enid Bagnold to the kids
    2. Go through 7 more Brain Quest Flash Cards with the kids.
    3. Read through 7 more pages of History Trivia with the kids.
    4. Reflect on our blessings and prayer time with kids every night.
    5. Plan one special activity with the family
    6. Play a Game with the Kids
    7. Spend Quality time with each family member
    8. Coordinate and review schedules at beginning of week to confirm all obligations, appointments, and other activities
    9. Figure out the Remaining 2016 Quarter PTO & Holiday Schedules (Thanksgiving, Christmas, etc….)
    10. Coordinate pick up & drop off at airport in KS
    11. Pack for Trip to KS to Celebrate my Dad & Niece’s Birthdays
    12. Spend quality time with Extended Family
    13. Plan Family Halloween Celebration

    Kid Goals

    1. Do Homework Monday – Friday
    2. Pack Lunches and Prep for the next day
    3. Spend one-on-one time with kids each day (in person or on phone / hangouts when traveling)
    4. Attend Robotics, Tailgating Student Council Party, Diggers, and Other After School Activities
    5. Appointments
    6. Schedule & Meet for Jake & I to have a  1-on-1 Discussion time with each kid
    7. Pick a Date Night for the Kids
    8. Prep in advance Homework, Review, Permissions & other School Items prior to traveling

    Personal Goals

    1. Drink 8+ glasses of water
    2. Wear FitBit (at least 10,000 steps and 10 sets of stairs every day)
    3. Do Yoga at least 5 times this week
    4. Appointment(s)
    5. Get full nights rest & take immune boosting vitamins so don’t pick up any traveling sicknesses

    Home (Yard & Pets) Management Goals

    1. Household Cleaning / Organization  – Maintain and Clean
    2. Plan out the Menu for the Week
    3. Outside Project – Remove Fallen Tree & Fix Goat Fence
    4. Update Project List
    5. Add any new contacts, addresses, and special events on the calendar
    6. Confirm October Family and Individual Calendar(s)
    7. Follow up on calls and items that need my attention following traveling

    Business Goals

    1. Get caught up on blog posts
    2. Work on a few special projects
    3. Pick from a couple of the “extra” activity and/or product options

    Ministry Goals

    1. Go to breakfast or lunch with a family member or friend
    2. Counting my blessings journal
    3. Be a blessing to someone specific
    4. Let Lindsey know that I will not be able to attend Ladies Bible Study this week
    5. Read next chapter in Biblical Femininity (2nd edition) by Chrystie Cole

    Financial Goals

    1. Pick up groceries & run errands for family prior to traveling
    2. Pay all our bills that have arrived this week
    3. Follow up with the Bank regarding a couple of incorrect charges
    4. Update Quicken Accounts
    5. Schedule a meeting with the financial advisor
    6. Get our finances and budget back on track
    7. Pay down debt we owe
    8. Limit amount spent on Groceries, Household, and Other Items (use what we already have at home)

    I think it is important to share and encourage each other as we seek to improve our lives and the lives of those around us.  I want to live intentionally not just hope all my dreams and goals come true.  When I focus on small steps of improvement I am able to see results as I get closer to my goals.  Some weeks I get closer to the goals I have in my life and other weeks a take a few steps back (life happens, emergencies occur, people get sick).  Once the goals are written down and shared

    it provides a guideline for what I aim to accomplish this week.

    Why Share My Goals?

    • To keep me accountable
    • To share a piece of my life with you as I strive to be a better Child of God, Wife, Mom, Friend, Homemaker, Entrepreneur and the many other roles I have each week
    • To have my goals consistently written down so I can gauge progress more accurately
    • Create healthy habits in my life
    • To encourage you to share your goals with me as you continue to grown and learn

    How did you do this week on your goals?  Feel free to share or link to your list of weekly goals.

    The picture above is one that I created for my own purposes, however, The “SMART” acronym was originally coined 30 years ago by Peter Drucker in his classic work, Management by Results

  • Counting My Blessings: Week In Review

    It was a wild week full of a lot of emotion.  Some co-workers and friends live near Charleston.  Thankful that Hurricane Matthew did let us a little bit so it wouldn’t do any more damage.  A lot of people will be cleaning up for awhile after it’s visit.  Our hearts go out to the families that lost loved ones, homes, and businesses as it went through.  It was really strange looking at pictures of flooded streets and places we have visited some many times like Battery Park and downtown Charleston.  Despite all the weather this past week there was a lot to be thankful for during our week.  You don’t have to look very far to find good in the world around you.  Blessed and thankful!

    I want to be accountable to you so the following are snip-its of some of the things I am thankful for this past week.

    Counting My Blessings – Week In Review:

    Monday –Thankful that I get to pick the girls up from school and hear about their days at school as well as their adventures after school.

    Tuesday – Thankful that the girls are working hard on their homework projects at school.  Some evenings some longer when we are trying to get it all done, but for the most part they have a great attitudes about everything they have to do.

    Wednesday – Thankful for a co-worker who willingly pitched in to help on a couple of items at work since my week was very busy.

    Thursday – Thankful for Jake taking care of the girls, finishing dinner, homework, and other normal evening activities so I can go to to Ladies Bible Study

    Friday – Thankful that the girls had a fun movie night at school and for a chance to go out on a date night with my Man!

    Saturday – Thankful for an opportunity to rest for a little bit.  Grateful for answered prayers that Hurricane Matthew slowed down more, it was already devastating enough, but grateful that it wasn’t any worse.  A lot of people, homes, and businesses were impacted by it.

    Sunday – Thankful for a place to worship and learn more.  Grateful that the girls have a chance to meet with kids their age and learn too.

    What are you thankful for today?  I encourage you to take the time to write down a few blessings that you have in your life today.  It will help cheer you up and turn your focus on the amazing blessings you encounter each day.

  • Intentional Living: Weekly Goals

    Thankful for some time with the family this week.  Jake had to travel again for work, but thankfully it was only 2 days.  We had a mix of work, school, and fun activities throughout the week.  Grateful for the opportunities and blessings in my life.

    While it was a busy week and a lot got done at work and around the house not everything was accomplished.  Guess that’s why you set your goals high….it stretches you to get those activities accomplished in your life.  I don’t know if I was in a hurry or what I was doing, but forgot wear fitbit multiple times this week (of course those were my most active days so I missed that goal).  Here are my goals for this week:

    Last week’s goals

    Family Goals

    1. Brina is picking out our next chapter book to read together Brina picked out National Velvet by Enid Bagnold for us to read together
    2. Go through 7 more Brain Quest Flash Cards with the kids.
    3. Read through 7 more pages of History Trivia with the kids.
    4. Reflect on our blessings and prayer time with kids every night.
    5. Plan one special activity with the family – used Jake’s Father’s Day gift this past weekend and went to the Saluda Archery as a fun family activity (we all had a blast)
    6. Play a Game with the Kids
    7. Create Memories with the Family
    8. Spend Quality time with each family member
    9. Do a new, unique, or different activity with the family this week
    10. Coordinate and review schedules at beginning of week to confirm all obligations, appointments, and other activities

    Kid Goals

    1. Do Homework Monday – Friday
    2. Pack Lunches and Prep for the next day
    3. Spend one-on-one time with kids each day
    4. Attend Robotics Club and Other After School Activities
    5. Appointments

    Personal Goals

    1. Drink 8 glasses of water
    2. Wear FitBit (at least 10,000 steps and 10 sets of stairs every day) – forgot to wear my FitBit multiple times
    3. Do Yoga at least 5 times this week – almost 5 times
    4. Appointments

    Home (Yard & Pets) Management Goals

    1. Household Cleaning / Organization  – Work in the Laundry Room – had some other items come up
    2. Plan out the Menu for the Week
    3. Clean & Organize Paperwork
    4. Speed clean & pick up the house 15 minutes a night
    5. Remove most of the Spring / Summer items from Closets – work in progress

    Business Goals

    1. Update Work Notes
    2. Get caught up on blog posts – working on it
    3. Work on a few special projects
    4. Update my LinkedIn Profile
    5. Research a couple of items in regards to the blog
    6. Confirm the tasks my plate as I transition to a new team
    7. Pick from a couple of the “extra” activity and/or product options

    Ministry Goals

    1. Go to breakfast or lunch with a family member or friend
    2. Counting my blessings journal
    3. Attend Ladies Bible Study

    Financial Goals

    1. Schedule a meeting with the financial advisor – picked out some advisors we want to meet with
    2. Get our finances and budget back on track – getting closer to our goals
    3. Pay down debt we owe – paying it down, made 2 extra payments this week and getting closer to our goal
    4. Limit amount spent on Groceries, Household, and Other Items (use what we already have at home) – went over our amount for the week

    My goals for the upcoming week

    Family Goals

    1. Read the chapter book National Velvet by Enid Bagnold to the kids
    2. Go through 7 more Brain Quest Flash Cards with the kids.
    3. Read through 7 more pages of History Trivia with the kids.
    4. Reflect on our blessings and prayer time with kids every night.
    5. Plan one special activity with the family
    6. Play a Game with the Kids
    7. Create Memories with the Family
    8. Spend Quality time with each family member
    9. Do a new, unique, or different activity with the family this week
    10. Coordinate and review schedules at beginning of week to confirm all obligations, appointments, and other activities
    11. Jake – Haircut

    Kid Goals

    1. Do Homework Monday – Friday
    2. Pack Lunches and Prep for the next day
    3. Spend one-on-one time with kids each day
    4. Attend Robotics Club and Other After School Activities
    5. Appointments
    6. Pick up Karlie’s New Glasses

    Personal Goals

    1. Drink 8 glasses of water
    2. Wear FitBit (at least 10,000 steps and 10 sets of stairs every day)
    3. Do Yoga at least 5 times this week
    4. Appointments
    5. Schedule our annual physical
    6. Haircut

    Home (Yard & Pets) Management Goals

    1. Household Cleaning / Organization  – Plan Out Organizational Goals for last quarter of 2016
    2. Plan out the Menu for the Week
    3. Outside Project – Tree Service Quote
    4. Update Project List
    5. Input all contacts, addresses, and special events on the calendar
    6. Confirm October Family and Individual Calendar(s)
    7. Follow up on calls and items that need my attention
    8. Speed clean & pick up the house 15 minutes a night

    Business Goals

    1. Update Work Notes
    2. Get caught up on blog posts
    3. Work on a few special projects
    4. Update my LinkedIn Profile
    5. Research a couple of items in regards to the blog
    6. Confirm the tasks my plate as I transition to a new team
    7. Pick from a couple of the “extra” activity and/or product options

    Ministry Goals

    1. Go to breakfast or lunch with a family member or friend
    2. Counting my blessings journal
    3. Attend Ladies Bible Study
    4. Read next chapter in Biblical Femininity by Chrystie Cole

    Financial Goals

    1. Pay all our bills that have arrived this week
    2. Sign up for our Open Enrollment regarding our 2017 Benefits
    3. Start gathering information on last quarter 2016 finances and 1st quarter 2017 taxes – realign goals where needed
    4. Schedule a meeting with the financial advisor
    5. Get our finances and budget back on track
    6. Pay down debt we owe
    7. Limit amount spent on Groceries, Household, and Other Items (use what we already have at home)

    I think it is important to share and encourage each other as we seek to improve our lives and the lives of those around us.  I want to live intentionally not just hope all my dreams and goals come true.  When I focus on small steps of improvement I am able to see results as I get closer to my goals.  Some weeks I get closer to the goals I have in my life and other weeks a take a few steps back (life happens, emergencies occur, people get sick).  Once the goals are written down and shared it provides a guideline for what I aim to accomplish this week.

    Why Share My Goals?

    • To keep me accountable
    • To share a piece of my life with you as I strive to be a better Child of God, Wife, Mom, Friend, Homemaker, Entrepreneur and the many other roles I have each week
    • To have my goals consistently written down so I can gauge progress more accurately
    • Create healthy habits in my life
    • To encourage you to share your goals with me as you continue to grown and learn

    How did you do this week on your goals?  Feel free to share or link to your list of weekly goals.

    The picture above is one that I created for my own purposes, however, The “SMART” acronym was originally coined 30 years ago by Peter Drucker in his classic work, Management by Results

  • Intentional Living: Weekly Goals

    It was a busy week!  Thankful for family and that we were all back together.  Jake was traveling with work this week so he was greatly missed.  The girls had a busy week of school and work was full of fun activities too.

    We have another busy week ahead of us and some fun stuff planned.  Thankful for all the opportunities that we’ve been given.  Even though I had a lot on my goals list several other projects came up that required more time and attention than I originally planned so I didn’t get as much as I wanted to on my goals list. Hopefully I will get more done this week.  Here are my goals for this week:

    Last week’s goals

    Family Goals

    1. Read the book The Land of Stories – The Wishing Spell by Chris Colfer to the kids – the kids enjoyed the book and reserved the next one in the series from the library
    2. Go through 7 more Brain Quest Flash Cards with the kids – still going through the new set of Flash Cards
    3. Read through 7 more pages of History Trivia with the kids – learning more interesting information going through it with the kids
    4. Reflect on our blessings and prayer time with kids every night.
    5. Plan one special activity with the family
    6. Play a Game with the Kids we played As You Wish
    7. Create Memories with the Family
    8. Spend Quality time with each family member
    9. Coordinate and review schedules at beginning of week to confirm all obligations, appointments, and other activities

    Kid Goals

    1. Do Homework Monday – Friday
    2. Pack Lunches and Prep for the next day
    3. Spend one-on-one time with kids each day
    4. Attend Robotics Club and Other After School Activities
    5. Appointments – Orthodontist

    Personal Goals

    1. Drink 8 glasses of water
    2. Wear FitBit (at least 10,000 steps and 10 sets of stairs every day) – I didn’t hit my goal every day this week
    3. Do Yoga at least 5 times this week – I didn’t do it as consistently
    4. Appointments

    Home (Yard & Pets) Management Goals

    1. Household Cleaning / Organization – Organize my Paperwork, Folders, and Projects Stack – started working on it
    2. Plan out the Menu for the Week
    3. Clean & Organize Storage Room – got a chunk done
    4. Speed clean & pick up the house 15 minutes a nightsome
    5. Remove most of the Spring / Summer items from Closets – still working on it

    Business Goals

    1. Update Work Notes – got some done
    2. Get caught up on blog posts – trying to get there
    3. Work on a few special projects
    4. Update my LinkedIn Profile
    5. Research a couple of items in regards to the blog
    6. Confirm the tasks my plate as I transition to a new team – getting some items transitioned
    7. Pick from a couple of the “extra” activity and/or product options

    Ministry Goals

    1. Go to breakfast or lunch with a family member or friend
    2. Counting my blessings journal
    3. Attend Ladies Bible Study – hostess was out of town

    Financial Goals

    1. Schedule a meeting with the financial advisor  – confirming times on our schedules
    2. Get our finances and budget back on track – catching up
    3. Pay down debt we owe – made another payment
    4. Limit amount spent on Groceries, Household, and Other Items (use what we already have at home) – close, but went over

    My goals for the upcoming week

    Family Goals

    1. Brina is picking out our next chapter book to read together
    2. Go through 7 more Brain Quest Flash Cards with the kids.
    3. Read through 7 more pages of History Trivia with the kids.
    4. Reflect on our blessings and prayer time with kids every night.
    5. Plan one special activity with the family
    6. Play a Game with the Kids
    7. Create Memories with the Family
    8. Spend Quality time with each family member
    9. Do a new, unique, or different activity with the family this week
    10. Coordinate and review schedules at beginning of week to confirm all obligations, appointments, and other activities

    Kid Goals

    1. Do Homework Monday – Friday
    2. Pack Lunches and Prep for the next day
    3. Spend one-on-one time with kids each day
    4. Attend Robotics Club and Other After School Activities
    5. Appointments

    Personal Goals

    1. Drink 8 glasses of water
    2. Wear FitBit (at least 10,000 steps and 10 sets of stairs every day)
    3. Do Yoga at least 5 times this week
    4. Appointments

    Home (Yard & Pets) Management Goals

    1. Household Cleaning / Organization  – Work in the Laundry Room
    2. Plan out the Menu for the Week
    3. Clean & Organize Paperwork Room
    4. Speed clean & pick up the house 15 minutes a night
    5. Remove most of the Spring / Summer items from Closets

    Business Goals

    1. Update Work Notes
    2. Get caught up on blog posts
    3. Work on a few special projects
    4. Update my LinkedIn Profile
    5. Research a couple of items in regards to the blog
    6. Confirm the tasks my plate as I transition to a new team
    7. Pick from a couple of the “extra” activity and/or product options

    Ministry Goals

    1. Go to breakfast or lunch with a family member or friend
    2. Counting my blessings journal
    3. Attend Ladies Bible Study

    Financial Goals

    1. Schedule a meeting with the financial advisor
    2. Get our finances and budget back on track
    3. Pay down debt we owe
    4. Limit amount spent on Groceries, Household, and Other Items (use what we already have at home)

    I think it is important to share and encourage each other as we seek to improve our lives and the lives of those around us.  I want to live intentionally not just hope all my dreams and goals come true.  When I focus on small steps of improvement I am able to see results as I get closer to my goals.  Some weeks I get closer to the goals I have in my life and other weeks a take a few steps back (life happens, emergencies occur, people get sick).  Once the goals are written down and shared it provides a guideline for what I aim to accomplish this week.

    Why Share My Goals?

    • To keep me accountable
    • To share a piece of my life with you as I strive to be a better Child of God, Wife, Mom, Friend, Homemaker, Entrepreneur and the many other roles I have each week
    • To have my goals consistently written down so I can gauge progress more accurately
    • Create healthy habits in my life
    • To encourage you to share your goals with me as you continue to grown and learn

    How did you do this week on your goals?  Feel free to share or link to your list of weekly goals.

    The picture above is one that I created for my own purposes, however, The “SMART” acronym was originally coined 30 years ago by Peter Drucker in his classic work, Management by Results

  • Date Night with My Man

    The girls had a church Youth Group event on Friday night so Jake and I were able to get away for a couple hours together.  LOVE spending time with Jake.  Always enjoy a date night when we can relax, talk as a couple, laugh, and catch up with each other for a little bit.

    I dropped off the girls at church and met Jake at Los Amigos restaurant in Powdersville.  He already had a table saved for us!  When I arrived I found a beautiful rose laying on the table waiting for me! Love his thoughtfulness and the way he makes me feel appreciated.

    We had an enjoyable dinner, other than we probably ate too much, ha!  We didn’t have a whole lot of time after dinner before we had to pick the girls up from the church event so we headed over to Walmart to pick up a couple of items that we needed and to stretch our legs after a big dinner.

    We picked up the girls and headed home.  Once the kids were showered and tucked into bed we headed back downstairs for an at home movie night together.  It was wonderful spending the evening with my Handsome Man!  Always enjoy these moments together even when they are more spontaneous.  It has been very busy lately so it is nice to be intentional and carve out time when we can relax together as a couple.

    I love you Jacob Wesley Hayes!  Thanks for everything you do for me!!!  You’re the best!!! XOXO

    Date Night Rose from My Man

    Love my beautiful rose!  Thanks Handsome!

  • Hotels: Hampton Inn – Anchorage, Alaska

    While in Anchorage, Alaska we stayed at the Hampton Inn at 4301 Credit Union Dr, Anchorage, AK 99503.  Once we arrived at the airport in Anchorage, Alaska we called the hotel shuttle which comes by every 10 to 20 minutes 24 hours a day.  I think we had to wait about 10 minutes which the kids thought was “forever” in the cool drizzly mist outside the airport, but it wasn’t bad.  We just were not used to the cool rainy temperatures in the summer being from South Carolina plus we were tired.  It was 5:00 am our time back home.  The 4 hour time change had us a little bit off schedule and even though we napped on the plane it wasn’t like a full nights sleep!

    The Hampton Inn was a fairly quick drive from the airport and the driver was pleasant.  There was only one other couple in the van with us.  We were able to check into the hotel, settle into our room, shower, and crash for a few hours before getting up and heading out on the town.  It was wonderful getting a hot shower and crashing into a comfortable bed after being up over 30 plus hours.

    Why did we choose Hampton Inn?  There are multiple reasons, but here is a handful that swayed our family in the direction of going with Hampton:

    1. We are Hilton Honors Members – a lot of time when we (mostly Jake) travels for work the nearest hotel is Hampton so we tend to stick with the Hilton line
    2. Quality and service at the Hilton Hotels is pretty consistent
    3. Clean Rooms
    4. Comfortable Beds – we have slept in a variety of rooms / beds over the past 16 years of our marriage and Hilton beds typically more comfortable then other hotels that we have been at while traveling. A good nights sleep can make a huge difference on the following day!
    5. Swimming Pool – most of the Hilton’s we have been at have either an indoor or outdoor pool which is always a hit for the kids
    6. Continental Breakfast – decent and predictable breakfast (which is especially convenient when traveling with a family member that has food allergies or food intolerances) Not all the Hilton hotels have continental breakfasts, but all the Hampton Inn’s we have stayed out do have breakfast which is always a benefit when you have a hungry family every morning

    The Hampton Inn not only had shuttle service to/from the airport, but also to several spots around Anchorage.  After some sleep and a good breakfast we were ready to hit the town and explore Anchorage.  We were the only ones on the shuttle at that time.  We asked the driver for recommendations on “must see” places to visit, shop, eat, and tour while we were in Anchorage (especially since we were only going to be in town 1 day, we wanted to squeeze in everything we could during our time there).

    After we asked the question the driver took the time to pull over the van in a safe location, got a map of Anchorage out, started to circle and draw an outline of where we need to go that day, how to get there, and a variety of activities from sight seeing, shopping, tours, and great local places to eat or visit.  We did EVERYTHING recommended that morning, except 1 of the restaurants and that was only because we got hungry earlier than we expected and stopped to eat prior to getting to the restaurant which was delicious too!

    It was thoughtful and AWESOME having that 2 minute explanation and highlights of the town.  It gave us a clear path to follow throughout the day without wasting time wondering around and trying to figure out what to do.  We left the hotel at 9 am that morning and didn’t actually get back to our home to start getting ready for bed until almost 11 pm that night.  Thankful that Hampton Inn hired good drivers who go the extra mile.  It made our day in Anchorage fun, memorable, and enjoyable for the whole family.  We got to see a lot more with his assistance then if we had just roamed around on our own.  It made it more efficient and we got to pack more into our one day of Anchorage than we ever anticipated.

    I would definitely recommend that Hampton Inn in Anchorage if you are looking for a place to stay.  It is not the one downtown Anchorage but in the suburbs.  It was clean, family friendly, and a great place to stay.  It was the first hotel we had been in that had crayons and postcards that the kids could color in with crayons in the lobby and mail out.  Which was a neat “extra” piece for families traveling with kids.

    Photo Credit

  • Travel & Vacation: Family Vacation…..Way Up NORTH!!!

    Picture of the last Alaska Airline plane we got on!

    North to ALASKA!!!  We took a family vacation to Alaska this summer!  We had a blast!  We packed a lot in our time in Alaska.  We flew Alaska Airlines.  The girls did amazing on all the flights.  We flew through the night both on the way to Alaska and on the way home too.  They went through the airports fine, helped with the luggage, entertained themselves on the plane (and even rested).  Thankful for kids who love to travel and explore new places.

    Jake and the girls getting on the plane….notice they are entering the back half the plane.  First time on this type of plane!

    Sleeping Beauty on the plane!

    Another one bites the dust….

    The “Travel and Vacation” series is an insight into our trips together as a family, ways we relax, and tips on how to make trips more enjoyable.  Life is short and we were thrilled to have the opportunity to build memories with family and explore of of the most amazing places during our time away.  Explore with a good attitude, look for fun, and it will be an awesome trip jammed packed with positive memories.  It is refreshing having some time away from the regular routine.  Make it a once in a lifetime opportunity to meet new people and learn.  You just might see or try something new that takes your breath away!