
  • Someone’s Excited for Spring Break!

    We were not the only ones who were excited to see the kiddos come home for Spring Break. The old dog heard us talking about the girls coming home earlier in the week and was looking for them all week. She may be old but she does pick up on cues and knew they would be coming home soon.

    She was so worked up the day they were coming home we ended up letting her sit by the front door and watch for them. As soon as the first vehicle was near the top of the driveway she was ready for them. They timed it almost perfectly and arrived home within a couple minutes of each other. The puppy dog is absolutely thrilled to have her favorite family members back home again for a few days.

    We are grateful that both of their colleges have Spring Break on the same week. Definitely looking forward to spending extra family time together!

  • You Make Everything Better

    It’s the simple and thoughtful gestures that can make the biggest impact in our lives. The other day I opened up my lunch bag and found this sweet note from my handsome man. It was a special surprise and made me smile.

    Sometimes it is the little acts of kindness that make you feel the most loved and appreciated. Life is crazy busy but taking a few minutes to show someone you care can make a huge difference in their days.

    I am very blessed and sometimes I forget how truly lucky I am. Thankful for this little note because it was a great reminder that I am loved and do matter to someone.

    If you are looking for ways to show your spouse or someone you love that you care, I would encourage you to take a few minutes to leave a surprise note in their lunch bag or on their mirror or in their car. It’s a simple yet effective way to brighten up their day and let them know that they are special to you.

    Everyone wants to be noticed, loved, and valued. These little expressions of love really do matter!

  • Look Out World! I am BACK!!!

    Guess what!? I am BACK! Did you miss me? Well I missed you a lot!!!!

    It means a lot to know you are here even though it has been quiet around Blessings Multiplied for quite some time. I know it has been a long hiatus. Thank you to my sweet followers from the earlier years who have hung on with me. Many have continued to be a blessing and encouragement to me even in the quiet years on this blog. I am grateful to have you along for the journey again. I have missed it.

    The past season has been a whirlwind of many precious days with my family. Now as I start turning towards a new chapter in life I decided it was time to dip my feet in the water and get back into blogging world again.

    The years away from blogging have been valuable for my family. As the kids were getting older, life crazier, and work busier I was finding myself spread out too much. I was overwhelmed and struggling to keep everything balanced and since the kids are only “home” for so long I decided to take some time away from blogging to be able to spend more time with my family. Did I use every second of the time away as wisely I should? Umm… no, but there were a lot of amazing moments, fun adventures, and great times together. It was worth being able to spend more intentional and quality time with my family. Some days were better than others, I still shed a few tears (mostly over silly stuff) but overall it has been a great time of joy.

    I do not have my blog ideas and goals 100% figured out know yet or even how often I will be posting especially as I start back up and get things rolling again. Hang on with me as I take the first step and dip my toes back into the water again. Looking forward to seeing you around! Give me a shout if you pop in. I would love to hear from you!

  • Penguins Winter Family Puzzle

    Every year we typically do a puzzle during the winter. This year “Penguins” was the puzzle of choice!  I enjoy doing the puzzle, but if it stays out for a really long period of time it starts bothering me so usually we try to do it in a timely manner. The various members of the family can walk by and put in a puzzle piece here and there. Also, during family movie time the puzzle gets some more work done on it. Once we finish we will leave it out for a few days, take a photo of the puzzle then we donate it. Does your family have a winter activity you do together at home?

  • Creative Kids: Wooden Flower

    Karlie made me this beautiful “wooden flower”

    I received this super special flower from Karlie.  She found the wood, cut it into the perfect length, carved out the flower and presented it to me in a field of evergreen leaves.  Love it!  It was a creative, thoughtful, and beautiful gift.

    It makes me smile seeing the kids use their creativity and often I am blessed with getting to enjoy the end product.  The best part of this pretty flower is that I don’t have to water yet it stays gorgeous. My type of low maintenance and beautiful decoration that lasts for a long time.  Grateful for Karlie’s talent and thoughtful gift.  I know this took her a good bit of time to design, create, and put together which means a lot to me. Love my girls!

  • Big Apples & Beautiful Plants

    The big apple and beautiful plant on my desk!

    These past couple of weeks I have been in a bit of a funk…. Some little unexpected things happened that I let pile up and bother me. Instead of letting these incidents roll off of me and turning my focus towards the many blessings in my life I let these little disappointments and inconveniences capitalize too much of my energy.

    All I have to do is look around me to how truly see blessed I am and yet at times I struggle with being content.  My negative attitude is not benefiting myself nor those who are in close proximity of me (family, friends, co-workers). In reality it is probably pretty toxic to myself and those who have to be in my presence.  While my life is not even close to being “perfect” mostly because I manage to mess it up more than I care to admit, it really isn’t bad by any means either. There are a lot of people that are going through far more challenging situations.

    As I was thinking about some of these recent events, situations and incidents that got me into this little funk I was reminded of big apples and beautiful plants.  I know it sounds random, but sometimes it’s silly little objects that help bring clarity and focus to my messes of life. Often times these objects remind me of the person who thoughtfully and gave or made them for me which in return makes me smile.

    My husband will randomly get me something that he knows I will enjoy.  An apple is a common fruit found in my work lunch, one day he surprised me with a very large apple as my work snack. It made me laugh because the apple was so big it barely fit in my lunch bag and ended up being part of my snack and lunch.   I love all kinds of plants and flowers, however, I have a black thumb which means it is a miracle if I keep a plant alive for a year or more (yes, I have managed to even kill a cactus….). One day he brought home an adorable potted plant for me.  I took it to work and had so many files on my desk that day that it ended up finding a home next to my monitor and in front of my main work space.  He is thoughtful and knows how to make me smile. The photo above is the day I had the big apple next to my beautiful plant. While these are just two visual examples of ways I am reminded of him and the many blessings in my life there are many more if I take a moment to look around me.

    Unfortunately, there are many days when I am busy with tasks that I overlook the big apples, beautiful plants, and the many other little reminders of the multitude of blessings in my life. Some days I get sucked into tackling a variety of “to do” items or choose to focus on disappointments which tend to weigh on me instead of working hard while appreciating the positive blessings all around me.   It’s time to break out of this funk and remember who really is in control of my life.  When left up to myself I get off track, my focus is not on what truly matters in life, and I am not the easiest person to hang around.  I am ready to get back on track, anybody else ready?

    A few ways to encourage us to turn our focus towards positive blessings:

    • Look – What do you see around you that makes you smile or brings are certain special person to mind?  You probably have more blessings than realize you once you take a few minutes to look around and think about it.
    • Relax – The to do list is always growing, don’t set unrealistic expectations for yourself.  You can relax every once in awhile without being considered lazy, it’s actually healthy for us.
    • Breathe – Take a few deep breaths, it helps clear your minds and relaxes your body
    • Focus – Choose to focus on the good parts of your life.  The hard times and inconveniences will come, but they do not have to monopolize all your time and energy.
    • Time – Spend quality time with family, friends, and people you love. Life really is short, make a point to invest time in people.

    Here’s to a life full of many blessings!  May we always remember what’s truly important and if we forget hopefully we’ll get back on track quickly.

  • Creative Kids: Woodworking Class

    Brina made this cool piece in class

    Well we have made it halfway through the 2019-2020 school year! WooHoo!!!  While there are aspects of school that can be quite exhausting there are other parts that are fun.  Brina recently brought home this neat project.  It’s cool to see everything that they are learning in their classes. She had a great time doing this at school and it turned out really well. I think it’s awesome that she is learning how to use and operate a variety of tools. The first projects she made when she was little were treasured works of art as well, but she has come a long way from the crayon scribbles on a sheet of paper.  Thankful for the opportunities for the kids to learn and use their creativity.

    Like anything in life some projects are more fun and exciting to do! Whether you are doing tasks around the house or work some are going to use a lot creativity and be more enjoyable while other projects that are just as important will not be as much fun (laundry, washing dishes, etc).  May we always continuing learning and growing no matter what stage of life we are in whether it is doing something creative and fun or tackling the necessary life activities for that day.

  • Atalaya Castle (Murrells Inlet, SC)

    Hallway through the center courtyards, the water tower is in the middle

    During our stay at Huntington Beach South Carolina State Park our family visited the Atalaya Castle. There is a small fee to tour the house, if you want you can purchase an audio tour for an additional fee.  We choose to do the tour on our own.

    Atalaya has a neat history!  It was built by Acher and Anna Huntington during the Great Depression. Archer was their philanthropist from New York City and Anna was an artist. They built the house in South Carolina as a place to stay during the winter after Anna was diagnosed with tuberculosis. They designed the house after Spanish and Moorish architecture. The house has 30 room with a center courtyard full of native plants and a water tower. The Huntington’s insisted that the house be built by people from local community to help boost the economy in that area during the Great Depression.  The house was once on 9,000 acres of land.

    If you are in the area and have some extra time we recommend stopping by for a visit.

    One side of the inner courtyard

    Touring the castle

    Anna was a sculpture and she designed these wrought iron pieces to cover the windows. They are both decorative and serve as protection from hurricanes.

    Entry doorway

    Vine growing up through the window

    In the kitchen….

    My crew!

    Outside of Atalaya Castle

  • Marshes & Campground at Huntington Beach (Murrells Inlet, SC)


    We had nice walks along the boardwalks near the marshes at Huntington Beach State Park in Murrells Inlet, South Carolina. The boardwalks went out over the marshes where you could see a variety of wildlife and enjoy the beautiful weather. There was at one point a nature center, but it was currently being rebuilt when we were there.  It will be another great addition to the park once it is complete. There were not a lot of bugs in the evenings when we went for walks which was really nice.  It was a good place to visit, explore, and spend time together with the family.

    The Huntington Beach campgrounds were nice. We had electricity and water hookups at our campsite.  There was only one trash dumpster in the whole campground and it is near the visitor center / gift store so depending on where your site is located you may have a good hike to get rid of your trash. The bathrooms only had 2 showers and there were not a lot of bathhouses on the campground. We went after school started so it was not the busiest season but there were still lines to get into the showers most days.  Overall it was a great park and we enjoyed it.  The biggest improvement would be in the bathhouses, they could have been a little cleaner and larger.

    Sunsets were beautiful

    We stayed at campsite 111. It was gravel and level

    Nice walk at dusk through the marshlands

    Awesome boardwalk that takes you through a good bit of the marshes

    Sun is going down

    The clouds looked pretty neat

    Enjoying the last few rays

    Sunset reflecting off the clouds

    Quiet day at the marshes

    Last rays of the sun going over the horizon

    Huntington Beach State Park Chairs

    Love this sign!

  • Beach Fun at Huntington Beach State Park (Murrells Inlet, SC)

    Enjoying the rain on the beach!

    We had a wonderful time on the beach at Huntington Beach State Park.  It was a mix of sun and rain!  The rain didn’t stop us from heading to the beach for some fun in the sand and water.  We stayed at the Huntington Beach Campgrounds, it was a nice walk to the beach.  Access to the beach wasn’t too far from our campground and it was pretty quiet.  Only a few families were on the beach near us.  If you walk further down the beach it got a little bit more crowded especially on the nicer days.  Thankful for an opportunity to get away together and enjoy some time at the beach.

    Digging in the sand and watching the little critters

    On the run

    Fun on the beach

    Birds, Sand and the Atlantic Ocean

    Sand art

    My crew

    All smiles

    On the move

    Atlantic Ocean

    Dusk walk on the beach

    Sun is going down and the rain clouds are moving in now.

    Enjoyed our time at Huntington Beach