
  • Travel & Vacation: Walt Disney World’s Trading Pins


     Ready to trade!

    When we went to Disney recently we decided to add a fun event to the girls days while in the parks.  I was looking online for neat activities and inexpensive souvenirs when I discovered the Disney Trading Pin idea.  None of us had ever done this before, but it intrigue me so I researched it more.

    Get a Disney Trading Pin Starter Pack.  We decided to buy a starter pack of Walt Disney World Trading Pins for the girls and see how it goes.  You can find a lot of sets for sell on Amazon or EBay.  If you do purchase from Amazon OR EBay, please check the seller’s feedback and verify that the trading pins you are purchasing are truly official Disney Trading Pins.  The official Disney Trading Pins will all be made of metal and contain the mickey mouse head printed on the the backs.  If they are not “official Disney Trading Pins” you will not be able to trade them at the parks.  We purchased a set of 50 Disney Trading Pins for less than $0.50 per pin including shipping.  The only catch with the pins we got was that we couldn’t “pick” which pins came in our package.  We really didn’t have any preference on the pins we wanted to get starting and didn’t have any specific sets we were trying to collect any way so it made sense to get started with a decent number of pins by getting them online prior to going to Disney.  You can also pick up various themed starter packs at any of the Disney stores.

    Make it a game and prepare the kids before leaving home.  A couple days before we left for Disney we put all the trading pins into a bowl and had the girls choose one out at a time so it was random.  We explained what the pins were for, how to use them, and that they were theirs to keep, trade, and do as they please with them.  They were really excited by this new fun game!  After they drew all the trading pins that we had been sent they practiced their trading abilities by trading a couple among themselves.

    Decide which ones you want to keep and which ones to trade.  They sorted them by categories – ones they wanted to keep, ones they wanted to trade with others because they didn’t want them, and ones that they hadn’t decided whether or not they wanted to keep into their “maybe” stack.  We used 4 lanyards that Jake had collected through the various conferences he has attended to attached their pins.

    Make sure to get a lanyard or hat to store them on.  Separate out the ones you want to keep from the ones you want to trade. They had one lanyard that they wore or kept readily available so they could trade with any cast member or other guest while at the Disney parks, on the transportation systems, hotel, standing in line, and various other places throughout our travels.  The other lanyard they kept separate and that contained all the trading pins they really wanted to keep or try to collect.  We kept the lanyard with the pieces they wanted to save in their back packs so they didn’t accidentally trade the wrong ones.  Also, we discovered that occasionally the back would come off of a trading pin and at times the pin itself would fall off.  If they lost one they were already trading it would not be as disappointing as losing one that they really wanted to keep.

    Meet a lot of neat people and enjoy a variety of fun conversations.  We weren’t entirely sure how well it would work, if the kids would like it, or if it would be fun for them, but we gave it a try.  They LOVED it!!!  It was so neat to see them talking, interacting, and trading not only with various cast members, but other guests as well.  They had to be okay if someone didn’t want to trade and learn how to interact politely with both kids and adults.  It was a great learning experience for both of the kids.  They had a grand time and had so many interesting conversations with people we met throughout the week that we probably would have never talked with had they not been trading.

    Educational souvenir and perfect for older kids.  Let the kids handle as much as the interaction on their own.  It was educational, fun, and for the most part inexpensive souvenir.  The new trading pins in the stores sell for $6 and more per trading pin!  This activity is particularly good for older children, probably 6 and up.  The younger ones can do it too, but it takes more parent supervision.  Most of the time I would step back and let the kids do all the conversations and interactions on their own.  They got really good at it and had a blast at the same time.  If your looking for a fun activities that can be done no matter where you are at in the Disney vicinity this is a wonderful activity.  Once the girls knew what they wanted to collect it became like a scavenger hunt game for them.

    Manners Matter.  It is probably obvious, but like anything else in life it is important to be polite and use your manners when you are interacting with cast members and other guests.  There are some people that absolutely do not want to trade and you have to be okay with that too!  The girls ended up getting some pretty neat pins and even a couple extra ones when trading.  I believe a large part of them getting a few extra pins was that they were polite and respectful when interacting with people during the trading process (plus wearing their birthday celebration buttons helped with that as well).

    How to trade pins with cast members and guests.  Any cast member will trade up to 2 pins with you as long as you do not give them one that they already have.  Other guests do not have to trade with you, but there is no limit on the number of trades you can do with other guests.  We had many opportunities to trade throughout the entire week!  The kids were very excited by the pins they were able to collect during the week.  They even collected a full set or two.  They can back with only a handful of the 25 pins they began the week with before heading to Disney  It was interesting to see how they choose to handle their sets and how their different personalities shown through in this activity.

    Disney Trading Pins

    Brina’s starter set.  The top row was her want to keep and “maybe” sets.


    At the end of the week Brina’s “keep” set on the left and “trade later” set on the right.


    Brina made up her mind almost immediately what she wanted to collect, never changed her mind, and consistently only looked for those specific items.  She managed to complete one full set and is only 1 away from completing her 2nd set.  Brina especially enjoyed talking and trading with the kids (both the little ones and older ones).  She would trade any of her stash of trading buttons with them just for fun even if they didn’t have something she wanted in return.  It was a great social activity and she really enjoyed it!


    Karlie’s Disney Trading Pins starter set.  She separated hers out into to save, trade, and “maybe” trade categories.


    Karlie’s two sets by the end of the week.  On the left are her “keep” pins and on the right are her “still can be traded at a later day” pins.  As you can see she has some of the same pins and a variety of new ones.


    Karlie was fun to watch trade.  She would trade with anyone and everyone.  It was a great adventure for her to go up to workers, other guests, and just start up a conversation.  She was always excited about a variety of pins.  Although she originally only had one or two sets she was collecting by the end of the week she had several different sets she was collecting because she kept adding more ones she wanted to keep.  She didn’t complete any of her sets, but she did get some very “Karlie” type pins which was cool!

    If you want some more information about how to get started with the Disney Trading Pins you can go to Disney or Disney Blog or other individuals who have shared great advice with a lot of information for those who are looking at beginning to trade the Disney pins:

    These should help you get off to a great start in your Disney Trading Pin adventure!  Happy Trading!!!

  • Flashback Friday: Exhausting Day

    Daddy, Brina and Karlie nappingc

    Must have been an exhausting day!

    Our Flashback Friday goes back to April 2005 when the girls were almost 2 months old.  Jake and the girls were playing while I was making dinner.  When I came back to check on them this is what I discovered.  Everyone was napping peacefully.  Must have been a busy day for the crew.  Maybe it is all those middle of the night feedings interrupting our sleep.

    Thankful for my family and the blessings in my life. They look so peaceful when they are sleeping.  Those first few months were especially tiring for Jake and I.  I am not sure how he did everything.  He got up every night to help me with feeding the girls and then go work a full day.  There weren’t a lot of parties and late night fun activities other than taking care of babies during this season of our life.

  • Travel & Vacation: Walt Disney World Swan & Dolphin Resort (Orlando, FL)

    Walt Disney World Dolphin Resort Hotel

    Walt Disney World Dolphin Resort

    Our “Home Away from Home” during our stay in Orlando was at the Walt Disney Swan & Dolphin Resort.  We didn’t spend a large amount of time actually in our room, although it was nice to crash some place comfortable every night after a busy day of exploring.  Our room (I think each room had the same) had a mini-refrigerator and plenty of space to put food and snacks.

    We did all our breakfasts and dinners (except one) in our hotel room.  For our lunches we packed sandwiches to take with us in our backpacks so we wouldn’t have to stop and eat.  I shared a few tidbits about earlier resort and the neat pools they have on the resort.  The only thing that really bothered the girls about the resort was that the fish on the signs and around the hotel did not actually look like a dolphin (something they pointed out to me on multiple occasions).  They still loved it though!


    Fun jungle gym.  Great place to vent out any extra energy the kids may have had.


    The ducks were very friendly.  We were walking on the sidewalk when this duck decided to take a stroll with us.

    Waiting with smiles for the bus to arrive.  Sometimes we didn’t wait very long and other days it took longer before the bus arrived.


    I had fun hanging out with the girls while Jake was in his conference!


    Wild crew.  Not sure how the girls sustained all their energy throughout the days and late into the evenings.  We had a blast!


    The girls were standing in the walkway for our hotel.  It was really beautiful at night.


    Our Mickey and Minnie Mouse in front of the fountain after a very long day at the park.


    Our balcony overlooked this walkway outside of our hotel.


    It was mesmerizing watching all the lights change colors.


    It was very relaxing to sit out on the balcony at night, listen to the music from below, and watch the different lights fade in and out.


    Pretty trees….


    Several nights the kids would eat there dinner on the balcony so they could watch the lights.


    You could even smell some of the great food from the restaurants nearby as you relaxed on the balcony.


    I don’t know if it was the pretty lights, music, smell of good food, or the fact we were sitting down after walking around all day, but we spent a good bit of time hanging out on our balcony every night as everyone relaxed for the evening and got showers done before hitting the bed.


    Goodbye Orlando….until next time!  We had a great trip!  Many fun activities happened and memories were made.  Now it’s time to head on home!

  • Travel & Vacation: Character Breakfast at the Garden Grove (Orlando, FL)


    Meeting Goofy at Breakfast!

    We were able to go to the Saturday morning Character Breakfast at Garden Grove Cafe while we were in Orlando.  It is located on the Swan and Dolphin Resort, but anyone can come and eat there if they want.  They had great food and we got to meet a couple of the Disney Characters during our meal.  The girls thought it was pretty neat too.  If you do want to eat at a character to meal make sure you work that into your budget while in the planning stages because they are a little higher priced than some of the other options.  Also, if you have a choice choose the breakfast over the dinner Character meal because it is a little less expensive.  If you have older kids any kid 10 years and up is charged the adult prices (both for the meal as well as to get into the Disney parks).

    The kids did amazing the entire week.  We were going full throttle this entire week, they didn’t miss a beat, and had great attitudes.  We were going from sun up to way past sun down every night too.  They did crash as soon as the hit the pillows every night, but still popped up as soon as the first ray of sunlight hit our room!

    Purple Flowers, Snake, Epcot, Disney, Walt Disney, Breakfast, Buffet, Fun, Activities,

     Delicious food complete with a Mickey Mouse Waffle!  The fresh fruit and fresh fruit smoothies were amazing!!!


    Having fun even at breakfast!


     Hanging out with Pluto!


     Love spending time with my man!

  • Travel & Vacation: Disney Epcot at Night (Orlando, FL)


     Hanging out at Epcot

    Walt Disney World’s Epcot looks beautiful during the day, however, at night with all the lights it looks amazing!  Thankful for a full and fun day exploring Epcot with the family.  We were there when they opened and stayed until they closed the gates.  The second day we left about 30 minutes early since we were driving home that night and wanted to get ahead of the crowds and traffic.  Even with leaving early it still took us almost an hour to get from the hotel parking lot to the interstate.  The kids were out cold and snoozing before we even left the hotel parking lot.


     Our little Minnie and Mickey at Epcot


     The Epcot ball and water fountain looked super cool.


    Epcot’s World Showcase lit up from across the water


     Epcot’s huge globe during the fireworks.  The kids loved seeing this globe and watching it move as well as open up!


     It was hard to get a clear picture of the moving Earth in the dark during the fireworks, but here is the North and South America side of the globe!


    IllumiNations: Reflections of Earth  at Epcot!


     Fireworks are always a hit with our kids!


    They had a lot of different fireworks and music during their firework show!


     So neat!

  • Counting My Blessings: Week In Review

    Last week was a whirlwind of activities as we got back into the regular school and work routine!  It was a busy week, but I am thankful for time together with the family too.  There was so much to be thankful for last week.

    I want to be accountable to you so the following are snip-its of some of the things I am thankful for this past week.  Counting My Blessings – Week In Review:

    Monday – Thankful for my Mom and the opportunity to celebrate her birthday!  Wish I could be there to celebrate with her.  Also, grateful for the nurses and Doctors looking after my Grandma in the hospital.  We had a scare today, but thankfully everything is okay.

    Tuesday – Thankful for two kids who work hard at school even when it isn’t always easy.  We received their report cards today and I am very proud of them.

    Wednesday – Thankful for those people who help keep me accountable.

    Thursday – Thankful for Jake and he’s willingness to pitch in and help anywhere I need it from homework to meals and around the house.  He is very thoughtful and considerate, I am blessed.

    Friday – Thankful for an opportunity to go to the Zoo with the family and for a Date Night with my sweet Brina Bee.

    What are you thankful for today?  I encourage you to take the time to write down a few blessings that you have in your life today.  It will help cheer you up and turn your focus on the amazing blessings you encounter each day!

  • Travel & Vacation: Walt Disney World Epcot (Orlando, FL)


    Spending the day at Epcot

    Thankful for a chance to spend time with the family at Disney’s Epcot.  It was so much fun.  The kids kept up remarkably well and had great attitudes the entire busy day.  I am grateful for kids who love to learn and explore new places.  They just soaked in all the neat stuff going on at Epcot in.  The second day was not as hot which was nice too.


    They got me to go on Mission Space again.  This time we went on the Orange ride which is more intense.  Let’s just say I was looking a little green after this ride, thankfully this picture was taken before take off.


    Jake and Brina cruising along


    Image Works was a cool place to explore


    Playing music at Image Works


    Our own little Mickey Mouse.  Karlie wanted the black hat and ears.


    Our own little Minnie Mouse.  Brina wanted the headband with a red and white Minnie Mouse bow.


    Walking with Dad, so exciting!


    Sweet girls.


    All smiles


    Pausing graciously to let me take a picture even though she’s worried about missing something!


    Brina Bee


    On the move


    Taking in all the cool sights around her


    We found a place that engraved names onto leather bracelets.


    The girls have unique names which makes it impossible to find items with their names on it so we got these for them as a souvenir.  They were fascinated watching the worker do the engraving and proud of their bracelets.

  • Travel & Vacaation: Disney Epcot’s Butterflies on the Go Flower Garden (Orlando, FL)


    Beautiful flowers at Epcot

    The kids had a blast going into Disney Epcot’s Butterflies on the Go Flower Garden during their International Flower and Garden Festival.  The flowers were absolutely beautiful and butterflies were fluttering all around us.  You could even see butterflies emerging from their chrysalis!  It was pretty neat seeing these winged creatures buzzing all around and a house containing rows of chrysalis.  Not to mention educational for the kids too!


    Resting on a leaf


     Rows of chrysalis in various stages


      You could actually see some coming out and stretching their wings for the first time which was really neat


    2 butterflies hanging out in the flowers.


    Loved the flowers as much as the butterflies.  Epcot’s gardens were amazing!

  • Travel & Vacation: Disney Epcot’s Countries Around the World (Orlando, FL)


    Hanging out together at Epcot

    The kids loved learning about the various countries in Epcot’s World Showcase.  We got to see many shows, talk with a lot of people, learn about the countries, visit the Kid’s Epcot sections and more.  We were not able to get a lot of pictures from the actual shows because several of them do not allow photography during the presentation.


    At the China World Showcase we got to watch the Dragon Legend Acrobats!  It was fascinating.  They did some awesome jumps and tricks over basically a thin carpet pad and cement.


    She flipped up into this chair which is being held by one of the guys on their team.


    Neat formation


    The flying jumps were awesome, even if they made me a little nervous


    A stunning performance!


    The girls loved talking with all the people at the Kidcot stations at every country.  They had their passports stamped and signed in all the different languages around the showcase.


    Hanging out with Daddy


    Beautiful tower lit up at the Morocco World Showcase


    Hanging out in Morocco


    On our way to visit Canada


    Beautiful gardens in the Canada World Showcase


    Canadian Lumberjack Show takes place on the Mill Stage.  It was a neat competition including axe throwing, log rolling, sawing, and more.


    The red and blue team competing on a log in the water.


    Giving the kids in the crowd “high fives”!


    Those on the front row did get a little wet from this competition, but the girls thought it was awesome


    It was a neat show to watch.  The kids were able to get up front and see everything which was cool.

  • Travel & Vacation: Visiting Disney’s Epcot (Orlando, FL)


    My sweet princess!

    We saved Epcot to explore last since it was one that Jake wanted to go with us.  It was so much fun riding all the rides, exploring the various countries, watching the shows and so much more.  We had a blast, so much fun in fact that we decided that on our last day we wanted to go back to Epcot for one more day.  Thankful for a great time packed full of wonderful memories with my family.


    Feeding the manatees some lettuce


    Ready for a bright and sunny day at Epcot


    You can see this Epcot ball from our hotel


    Our picture from the Spaceship Earth adventure together


    Playing an energy game, pretty cool


    Brina racing her car


    We’re ready for the show!


    The Space section was a hit especially with Karlie!


    Our first Mission Space ride.  They generously chose to do the “green” (aka easy level) first since I get sick on some rides.  Thankfully we all survived!


    Delicious snack at one of the bakeries!  We split this heart shaped waffle with tasty jam inside.


    Stopping for a minute to rest while we check out the map for the next place we want to go.


    We’re ready and thankful for a moment to relax!


    The kids did amazing with their camel backs.  Not once they complain or get dehydrated or hungry (although we did have more potty breaks).

    Epcot, Dolphin Resort, Swan and Dolphin, Lights, Family, Disney, Walt Disney,

    Biotechnology Lab at Epcot.  It looks really neat and you see all kinds of cool produce being grown that will be used in various Disney restaurants.  The only odd about this ride is the second time we road it there were animal (dog shape) paw prints in the sand (not sure where those came from).


    Turtle Talk with Crush – super cute and very interactive with the audience!


    Living Seas Hydrolators and Seacab Ride


    Looks like the shark at a couple kids!


    Karlie is loving her time at Epcot