
  • Organized Chaos: Keeping Track of Water Bottles

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    Labeled Water Bottles

    Since we have two kids the same age and gender they have several items that are identical.  A common identical item that both kids have are their water bottles.  Like the blue water bottles with the owls on the outside pictured above.  A few months ago we had some issues with everybody using whatever water bottle they wanted (even if it was their sister’s), however, during the course of the school day their sister’s water bottle would get dropped, dented, scratched, broken, or misplaced. The next time that sister wanted to use her water bottle it was gone or had additional marks on it.

    I know it seems crazy, but there have been some serious discussions between the two kids in our house over damaged or lost special water bottles.  I am pretty sure no other household has these types of discussions in their home, but there were a few times I had to intervene in these conversations.  Although, items will get dropped or damaged the more they are used I had to find a solution so that these discussions would not be happening on a regular basis in our house. Prior to this year neither child cared which water bottle they took, but the older they get the more they want their items to look good and last longer.  I am happy they they want to take good care of their items we just had to find a method to track which water bottle belonged to who.

    My initial solution to the problem super easy, took only a couple seconds, and was very inexpensive.  I wrote their names on the special water bottles with a permanent black sharpie.  The names were written on the bottoms and / or sides of the water bottles so that each kid could easily see if it was theirs before taking it out of the drawer.  It was amazing how quickly the issue was resolved, however, after a several washings the permanent marker would wear off making it harder to tell whose water bottle it was again. Now I use several different methods to identify or keep track of the special water bottles:

    • Write the Names on the Water Bottles with Black Permanent Marker (easy and inexpensive, but washes off over time)
    • Use a washable Label with their Individual Names Printer on it – My personal favorite are the thin Lovable Labels ones because they stay on through MANY washes (anywhere from a few months to years as long as your kids don’t try peeling them off)
    • Purchase water bottles with their Names printed or engraved on them (usually more expensive, but works really well). My favorite place to get printed or engraved names on water bottles is Oriental Trading.

    There are several generic water bottles that anybody can use at any time in the drawer, however, the special ones have each child’s name on them.  The special water bottles usually have the child’s name written in permanent sharpie on the bottom and a label (or name printed / engraved) on the side of the water bottle.  Occasionally someone accidentally picks up the wrong water bottle, but for the most part everyone uses their own or a generic one.

    Now if they lose or damage their water bottle then they are the only ones inconvenienced by their actions.  One of our kids tends to be a little rougher on water bottles (clipping or tying them to her book bag which is bumped against everything in its path, dropping, or just forgetting it).  She has gotten a lot better as she is getting older, but I have to smile when she brings home just the water bottle top because I know that means the water bottle itself did not survive it’s nose dive to the concrete floor at school.

  • Travel & Vacation: Fernback Science Center (Atlanta, GA)


    Karlie excited to be standing by the Apollo 6

    We had the opportunity to spend some time in Atlanta, Georgia recently.  Actually we have had 2 recent trips to Georgia in the past couple of months!   Georgia is not too far away from where we live so it was nice to get away as a family for a little bit and hang out for a few days together.

    On this particular trip to Atlanta we visited the Fernbank Science Center for the first time.  It is part of the same association as the Roper Mountain Science Center.  It was already free admission, but since we are part of the association we were able to get free tickets to the IMAX shows throughout the day (we could go to as many as we wanted).  We were only there for a couple hours so we just went to one of the shows.  It is smaller than our local Science Center, but the kids still enjoyed learning and exploring the different items they had on display.  The Apollo 6 was Karlie’s favorite while the animals were Brina’s favorite.

    The Fernback Science Center is located at 156 Heaton Park Drive, Atlanta, GA 30307.  Phone number is  678-874-7102.  They also have an observatory open some nights and a library where you can relax and read some books (which the kids enjoyed).  For current events, programs, and shows please visit the Fernbank Science Center website.

    Museum, Atlanta, Georgia, Travel, Vacation

    Karlie trying to get the light bulb to glow.


    Jake and Karlie checking out the Apollo 6


    Apollo 6 Command Module

    If you look under the capsule you will see a series of holes.  The holes were drilled to investigate how the heat shield held up after this capsule re-entered the Earth’s atmosphere.

    Apollo 6 was the last unmanned Apollo mission and was launched on April 4, 1968.  The purpose of the mission was to test, for a second time, the Saturn V rocket.  At the time of the launch (one second past 7 a.m. EST) all five engines operated normally, then a series of sharp vibrations shook the rocket.  Minutes later two of the five rocket engines shut down.  For the next 80 seconds the Saturn V behaved like a drunk driver lurching back and forth, as NASA flight controllers decided whether to abort the mission or not. 

    After two earth orbits it was time to re-light a smaller rocket.  CS-IVB, to stimulate injecting the rocket into a path toward the moon, but this rocket failed.  Using a series of smaller rockets on the Service Module NASA scientists completed most of the planned maneuvers.  The spacecraft was returned safely to Earth.


    A monkey on the inside!


      Brina working on her balancing and building skills


    Her buildings with stood the Earthquake


    Karlie and Daddy working together to build a giant carbon nanotube.


    It was almost as tall as she was!


    Pretty bird

    The “Travel and Vacation” series is an insight into our trips together as a family and ways we relax.  Life is short and we were thrilled to have the opportunity to build memories with family and explore of of the most amazing places during our time away.  Explore with a good attitude, look for fun, and it will be an awesome trip jammed packed with positive memories.  It is refreshing having some time away from the regular routine.  Make it a once in a lifetime opportunity to meet new people and learn.  You just might see or try something new that takes your breath away!

  • Counting My Blessings: Week In Review

    It was a whirlwind and busy week.  There were some days that didn’t go as planned and I got upset about some minor inconveniences.  Rarely do my days go exactly as I plan, but sometimes I do not react well when it changes (need to work on this more).  Especially thankful for a gracious husband and understanding people in my life who encourage me when I feel like things are flying apart.  There was so much to be thankful for last week.

    I want to be accountable to you so the following are snip-its of some of the things I am thankful for this past week.  Counting My Blessings – Week In Review:

    Monday – Thankful for the kids teachers (it was teacher appreciation week).  The girls decided what they wanted to get their teachers, wrote their own thank you notes, and delivered them.  Being a teacher isn’t always easy (neither is being a student at times), but we are thankful for the time the teachers invest into our kids.

    Tuesday – Thankful for well behaved kids.  The girls had to go with me to one of my appointments and they sat patiently and quietly in the lobby for over an hour reading, drawing, and other activities while waiting on me to wrap things up.

    Wednesday – Thankful that Brina may only have one more week with spacer adjustments.  She is getting close to where she needs to be positioned.  If she gets to the right spot by this week, she will just need to hold in that position for the next several months without any more nightly turning. Yay!

    Thursday – Thankful for patient, understanding, and kind husband.  He listens.  He cares. Despite all my imperfections, failures, and the drama over the little stuff he still loves me.  I am truly blessed.

    Friday – Thankful for my cousin Renelle.  It is always great having a chance to catch up with each other.  Even though there are many miles between us it is good to know that we can still stay in touch and encourage each other as we go through various stages in life.  She always knows how to make me laugh.  It is nice having someone you can bounce ideas off of and they don’t think your crazy!

    What are you thankful for today?  I encourage you to take the time to write down a few blessings that you have in your life today.  It will help cheer you up and turn your focus on the amazing blessings you encounter each day!

  • Flashback Friday: Playing Around the House

    Daddy and Karliec

    Karlie talking to Daddy!

    This Flashback Friday took place about 10 years ago.  The girls loved having fun around the house (well at least we did).  It was nice when we had time to relax as a family.  Jake is always great with the kids.  The girls were still little, but were starting to move around more on their own.

    Karlie and Brina riding Tigerc

    Hanging out on Tigger!

    Karlie's unsurec

    Karlie is unsure about this Tigger animal.

    Flashback Friday - Wiggling Aroundc

    Karlie on the move while Brina rests peacefully on the floor.

  • Organized Chaos: Yard Clean Up & Bonfire


    Family yard clean up day

    I typically focus my “Organized Chaos” posts on items that have been done inside the house.  Sometimes being organized means going outside and getting stuff done too. We don’t always keep up with everything going on both inside and outside the house, but it feels good when we have a chance to pull together and have a productive day.

    Recently we had a family yard clean up day.  The girls and I spent the some time in the morning picking up fallen sticks from all the trees around our property while Jake changed the oil in our vehicles.  After he was done with the cars Jake mowed the yard.  We had a bonfire and got rid of a bunch of the sticks.  The yard looks better, at least until the grass grows with all the rain we’ve been getting.  The girls always enjoy cleaning up the yard and especially getting a chance to have a bonfire.


    Burning some dead tree branches we picked up in the yard.


    The girls were pretty good about helping feed the fire with dry sticks.

  • Travel & Vacation: Federal Reserve Bank, Atlanta Monetary Museum, & Zachary Coffin’s Rock Spinner (Atlanta, GA)


    On the steps of Atlanta’s Federal Reserve bank & Monetary Museum (white building on the right side of the picture)

    We had a lot of fun exploring Atlanta’s Federal Reserve Bank and Monetary Museum on one of our recent trips to Atlanta, Georgia.  The kids didn’t believe us at first when we told them that we were going to a bank to learn about money.  Although the more we talked about it the more interested they became.

    In order to go into Atlanta’s Federal Reserve Bank and Monetary Museum all adults must present a valid ID such as a driver’s license or passport.  You cannot carry any electronics, phones, cameras, purses, or other devices into the museum.  They do have lockers next to the restrooms to put your items into if you need them.  We just put my id in Jake’s wallet and that is the only thing we brought into the museum so he could carry everything we needed.  The admission and self guided tour is completely free.  The only thing we had to pay for was parking since it is near downtown Atlanta and there was not any free parking available at the time (it was just a couple of dollars for parking so it wasn’t too bad).

    It would have been really neat to be able to get some pictures of the museum and some of the items we saw while there, but no photography is allowed.  The employees were really nice and helpful.  The kids learned some cool history about money.

    Probably the kids favorite part was the robots toting the containers of money back and forth between the various rooms.  It was fascinating to watch them carry the bins full or partially filled with money from one place to another.  In some of the bins there may have been a million dollar or more in cash!  Did you know that they shred about 10 million dollars of cash every day?  These are bills that have been crumpled, destroyed, or otherwise deemed as unusable.  You could see people physically counting the bundles of money as they came in as well which was interesting to watch.

    The kids had a little “quiz” or worksheet they filled out as we explored.  It was a neat learning activity and the kids loved it.  At the end we picked up a bag of shredded money to take home (which the kids thought was awesome)!

    We did get some pictures on the outside of the Federal Reserve Bank though to help us remember our adventure that windy day in Atlanta.  You can locate the Atlanta’s Federal Reserve Bank and Monetary Museum at 1000 Peachtree Street, NE Atlanta, Georgia 30309.  If you are already at the Federal Reserve Bank you should check out the rock spinner is directly across the street from the Federal Reserve Bank.

    Across the street from the Federal Reserve Bank was the Zachary Coffin’s Rock Spinner (pictures below) which fascinated the kids as well. As we were waiting for the stoplight to turn so we could walk across the street I happened to read the description on the rock spinner and mentioned for the kids to come over to see if they could move the huge boulder.  They of course thought it was so cool they could spin such a massive rock!


     Large Federal Reserve Building in Atlanta


    Where’s Waldo…I mean Karlie, Brina, and I outside the building?  If you look for the specks in front of the statue that looks like spots of “Red, White, and Blue” that’s us!


     Our family visiting the Federal Reserve Bank in Atlanta

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     Zachary Coffin’s Rock Spinner!  Once the girls starting spinning the rock other kids stopped to try it out too!

    Zachary Coffin’s Rock Spinner – is a kinetic sculpture that helps you understand about the transformation of one’s relationship to mass.  This particular boulder weighs 22,000 pounds and would normally be considered immovable, however, with a little art and engineering this huge boulder becomes something fun to move and play with (both for kids and adults).  There is a plague next to it saying  “Take it for a spin!”  YES, you can spin it, stop it from moving, and switch directions, but no climbing is allowed on the boulder (for obvious reasons).


     Making is move…


    Brina and Karlie trying to see how fast they can get it to move


     Who knew that a spinning boulder could provide so much entertainment!?  If you are already in the area it is something neat to check out – Zachary Coffin’s Rock Spinner  The kids thought it was neat!

    The “Travel and Vacation” series is an insight into our trips together as a family and ways we relax.  Life is short and we were thrilled to have the opportunity to build memories with family and explore of of the most amazing places during our time away.  Explore with a good attitude, look for fun, and it will be an awesome trip jammed packed with positive memories.  It is refreshing having some time away from the regular routine.  Make it a once in a lifetime opportunity to meet new people and learn.  You just might see or try something new that takes your breath away!

  • Mother’s Day Celebration


    Huge Mother’s Day chalk message on the driveway from Karlie!

    I am blessed.  Yesterday I was reminded again of how much God has given me.  A family that loves me despite all my imperfections.  Jake and the girls showered me with love on Mother’s Day.  Even though Jake was on call this Mother’s Day weekend and was a little busier than normal, he made time to celebrate.  It was a great day with the family.

    They made me breakfast in bed.  We went to church.  Jake and the girls made an amazing lunch.  That afternoon we relaxed, read books together, opened gifts, played games, and had fun.  Thankful for my family and a chance to spend the day together.   Their thoughtfulness made me feel loved and appreciated.

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    Breakfast in bed – cheesy scrambled eggs, ham, and sauteed mushrooms! Delicious!


    Fresh flowers from the girls (they got them from Children’s Church)


    Putting together the pinwheel steaks!


    They choose what ingredients to stuff the steak with for lunch


     Pinwheel steaks ready to go into the oven!


    Stuffed with tomatoes, swiss cheese, goat cheese, bacon, ham, spinach, mushrooms, sunflowers, cranberries, and more goodies!


    My steak was AMAZING!


     Huge stuffed portobello mushroom!  Stuffed with spinach, hummus, and topped with toasted granola – so tasty!

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    Mother’s Day cards from Jake and the girls.  Karlie’s was the kitten and Brina’s the puppy.


    Brina picked out a beautiful pink rose bush for me!


    Karlie picked out a gorgeous red rose bush for me!

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    Adorable handmade flowers from my girls!  Brina made the bright yellow one and Karlie made the blue and red one!


    A place to sit and talk with Jake or read with the kids.  Very comfy!


     Sweet note from Brina.  The top says “I am thankful to have a Mom like you because you are nice to me and play with me.”   The bottom has a cute little poem!


    Colorful Mother’s Day Butterfly from Brina


    Cute card from Brina


    Mother’s Day note from Brina wanting to know if I can play or cook with her!  Love my girls!


    Vibrant Mother’s Day drawing from Karlie


     Sweet poem and note from Karlie on the back of her drawing.

    Roses are red,

    Violets are blue,

    But no one a flower,

    Just like you!

    Happy Mother’s Day! Hope you are having a nice and relaxing day.  Do you like the card and rose?  The rose is a rare blue rose that only grows on Neptune!  May you please read to me on the deck? 


    Thankful for my family!  I treasure these times we have together.  I am blessed.

  • My Sweet Girls – Brina and Karlie


    I have the privilege of being a Mom to these girls!

    I love being a Mom.  It is the most rewarding, yet most challenging part of my life.  I am thankful for the many blessings in my life and that my prayers to be a Mom were answered over 10 years ago.

    The girls bring me a lot of joy yet they know how to best push my buttons at the same time.  Being a Mom is a huge responsibility.   I want my kids to grow up to love the Lord.  I pray that God gives Jake and I the wisdom to raise these girls.

    While they keep me on my toes the kids also know how stretch me and make me laugh.  Thankful for the amazing girls who call me Mom.   What a blessing it is to be their Mom!

    I am thankful for my Mom, Mother-in-Law, Grandma’s, and the many women in my life who have shared their love, prayers, and words of wisdom with me.  Wishing all of you a very Happy Mother’s Day weekend!!!

    Happy Birthday Brina and Karlie

    Our girls!

  • Flashback Friday: Sleepy Babies

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     Karlie giving Brina a kiss as they are sleeping.

    The Flashback Friday goes back to when the girls were almost 3 months old.  It was so cute seeing the kids snuggled up together in their cribs when we went in to check on the at night or first thing in the morning.  They could sleep almost anywhere.  Thankful for these two sweet kids.

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     Karlie sound asleep in her carseat.  So comfortable.

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    Sleeping babies – Brina and Karlie!

    Flashback Friday - Brina and Karlie snugglingc

    Not sure how they sleep so well all piled up. (Brina on the left, Karlie on the right)

    Flashback Friday - Karlie sleeping with a pile of toys on herc

     Karlie asleep in her swing under a pile of toys.

  • Travel & Vacation: Cute Panda Bears and Wildlife Show at the Atlanta Zoo (Atlanta, GA)


    Panda Bear content to relax and eat bamboo

    The panda bears were one of the girls favorite animals to visit at the Atlanta Zoo.  I think the big fascination was watching the twin panda cubs.  It was a little harder to get a picture of both of them at the same time, but the kids loved watching them eat and play.  The Wildlife Show on birds was pretty neat too.  Of course the girls went up after the show to ask more questions about the birds.  The zoo worker was really great with the kids and patient in answering all the questions.  On the way out the girls wanted a picture with the gorilla.  It was a great day at the zoo.

    You can read more about our adventure at the Atlanta Zoo on my Travel & Vacation: Visiting the Atlanta Zoo (Atlanta, GA)Travel & Vacation: Lions, Tigers, Seals, Reptiles, Bears, and more at the Atlanta Zoo (Atlanta, GA), and Travel & Vacation: Orangutan Easter Egg Hunt at Atlanta Zoo (Atlanta, GA)  blog posts.


    Looking pretty cute!


    Look out, showing some teeth this time. Watch out!  They may look cute and adorable, but I think it would  not be a good idea to pet them with teeth that size.


    Someone found an Easter pinata


    Loving the bamboo


    Peeling the bamboo stick apart, eating some pieces, and putting the other pieces on his belly for later.


    Crunchy, but delicious


    Good stuff


    Panada’s look so cute


    Checking things out around the pen


    Heading towards some more goodies


    Twin panda’s in their cage.  One sleeping on the log and the other one eating some bamboo


    Relaxing and chewing on some bamboo


     Bird Show in the Wildlife Theater at the Atlanta Zoo


    Getting all their questions answered


    Brina giving Willie B a hug


    Karlie and Brina enjoyed the Atlanta Zoo


    Karlie all smiles