
  • Travel & Vacation: Alpine Visitor’s Center & Trail Ridge Road (Colorado Rocky Mountains)


     We just came up that road

    It was the kids first time in the Rocky Mountains so we decided to take them up Trail Ridge Road.  We stopped at the Alpine Visitor’s Center and the Trail Ridge Gift Store to explore and take in the views.  The Alpine Visitor’s Center is on Fall River Pass at the junction of Trail Ridge Road and Old Fall River Road.  It is open daily, however, Trail Ridge Road is only open usually May to October due to the large amount of heavy snow it gets during the winter months.

    At the Alpine Visitor Center you can see amazing views of the tundra.  There are some educational items to look at in the visitor center as well as a bookstore, gift shop, and snack bar.  The snack bar at the Alpine Visitor’s Center is the only restaurant in the park so if you need something to eat this is where you need to stop.

    The Alpine Visitor Center is along Trail Ridge Road.  Trail Ridge Road extends from Estates Park to Grand Lake.  It climbs up over 11,000 feet and has 11 miles where the treeline ends.  At the treeline you will often still see snow in the summer time, trees twisted from the winds and more.  Along Trail Ridge Road you will see evergreen forests, tundra with no trees in sight, wildlife, wildflowers, and probably even some snow all from your car.  As kids we used to go up past the tree line in the summer time and have a snowball fight in our shorts and tshirts.  Which is fun for awhile then everyone is heading quickly back to the car to defrost.

    Neat Activity for Kids:  On the way up my Aunt and Uncle put a sealed bag of potato chips between the girls seats.  We didn’t say anything to them other than we are sitting the chips here so they won’t get crunched before our picnic.  As we made our way further up into the mountains the bag began to inflate.  The girls noticed about halfway up that the chip bag seemed to be growing larger (like an expanding balloon).  We didn’t make a big deal about it, but before we reached the top we heard a sudden “pop” in the car.  The girls immediately insisted that the potato chip bag had burst open.  Why do you think the chip bag expanded and popped open?  When packaged the bag of chips are sealed air tight to help preserve the chips longer.  When you go to higher altitudes the air is thinner which means there is less air pressure on the outside of your chip bag, however, the air inside the bag remains at the original higher air pressure.  This causes the chip bag to expand until the pressure both on the inside and outside of the bag are the same again.  Sometimes, like in our case, this will cause the bag of chips to actually explode or open when traveling to higher altitudes.  It is a fun activity to do with the kids (especially if you don’t say anything to them before hand).  They thought it was awesome!


     Wonder what animal lives in this cave….


     Looking out over the mountains from the Alpine Visitor Center.  As you can see from this picture there are no trees on the mountains because it’s above the tree line.  You will also see there is still snow even though this picture was taken in July.


     This area gets a lot of snow.  Even in the summer there is still snow sitting on this mountain.


     Rocky Mountains and it’s amazing natural rock displays


     A stop at the Alpine Visitor Center


     Beautiful green valley below the bare mountain tops


     It was colder up higher and still had areas with quite a bit of snow on the mountains around us.


     As we were looking around at the Alpine Visitor Center it got dark and cloudy outside.   Only a few minutes later we were getting hit with a rain storm.  It rained part of the way back down Trail Ridge Road, but after awhile it was bright and sunny again.

     The “Travel and Vacation” series is an insight into our trips together as a family, ways we relax, and tips on how to make trips more enjoyable.  Life is short and we were thrilled to have the opportunity to build memories with family and explore of of the most amazing places during our time away.  Explore with a good attitude, look for fun, and it will be an awesome trip jammed packed with positive memories.  It is refreshing having some time away from the regular routine.  Make it a once in a lifetime opportunity to meet new people and learn.  You just might see or try something new that takes your breath away!

  • Flashback Friday: Fun at Home

    Karlie so proud of herselfc

    Karlie loves hanging out in the Johnny Jump Up and playing with the toys, however, she would prefer spinning over jumping.

    Today’s Flashback Friday takes us back to September 2005 when the girls were 7 months old.  We spent a lot of time at home when the girls were younger.  It was a lot of work to take them out every day and since they were still small they were more likely to pick up germs we tried to keep our errands, doctors appointments, and activities to a minimum at least during the first few months.

    We had a lot of fun hanging out at home.  They loved to play, laugh, and explore.  The weekends and evenings were their favorite times of the week because Daddy was home to play with them.  They love their Daddy and always give him a winning smile.  He was great pitching in whenever possible with the kids.  They were used to having both of us feed, change, and play with them at various times throughout the week sometimes together and other times just one of us.

    Brina just thought she was so cool with her hat onc

    Brina thinks Mr. Octopus is so funny.

    Flashback Friday - A surprised Karlie, she didn't see me coming over to herc

    Karlie didn’t see me walk into the room and I startled her.  Love the expression on her face.

    Brina all smiles as Daddy pushes her in circlesc

    Brina is thrilled to be riding!

    Karlie loving it as Daddy pushes her in circlesc

     Karlie’s turn to ride now!

    Brina so proud that she can standc

    Brina loves holding onto your hands and standing up.  She can stand for longer periods of time now.

    Karlie so cute and smiley this morningc

    Such a happy Karlie baby

    Brina drinking from Mommy's cupc

    Brina stealing water from Mommy’s cup….looks like she had some help from Daddy

    Brina thinks she is so neat riding on Daddy's shouldersc

    Brina loves going for a ride on Daddy’s shoulders.

    Karlie thinks she is pretty cool riding on Daddy's shouldersc

     Karlie’s hanging out with Daddy

    Karlie loving her play timec

    Karlie relaxing, smiling, and playing

    Brina sleeping with her head on one side of the boppy and her feet on the other sidec

     Brina is all tuckered out – fast asleep with her feet are on one side of the boppy and her head on the other side

    Karlie showing off her hooded nightgownc

    Karlie is clean and ready for bed now

    Our two silly girls - Karlie and Brinac

    Our girls – Karlie and Brina

    Flashback Friday - Brina in a bucketc

    There’s a Brina in the toy bucket!  She is so proud of herself for “scaring” Mommy.  Giggly girl.

    Brina getting adjusted to the waterc

    Brina ready to try out the swimming pool.

    Karlie - okay I am in the pool now so where are the toysc

     Karlie looking for the toys in the pool.

    Every time Karlie tries to sit up her legs instantly go up in the air tooc

    Karlie – “Wow, Dad these sit ups are hard!”

    Karlie is interested in Cuddles the Cow book but Brina is more interested in Daddy who was taking the picturec

    Mommy reading a book to the girls.  Brina is more interested in Daddy who is taking the picture while Karlie is completely engrossed in the book.

    Brina looks so uncomfortable but she is totally asleep, we ended up waking her up fearing that she would get a kink in her neckx

    It makes my neck hurt just looking at her sleeping in this position.  Brina would literally jump until she crash.  This does not look like the most comfy position to take a nap in though kiddo.

    Flashback Friday - Brina and Karlie having fun with Little Lambc

    They think “Little Lamb” is hilarious!

    Brina showing off her toysc

    Brina having a blast!

    Karlie smiling as she sucks on her thumbc

    Karlie smiling and sucking her thumb at the same time.  That takes talent!

    Sleeping beauties - Brina and Karliec

    Sleeping beauties – Brina and Karlie

    Flashback Friday - Hanging out and having fun - Karlie and Brinac

    Life is so fun for these two little ones – Karlie and Brina!

    Karlie is excited to meet this other happy babyc

    Karlie is smiling and talking with the baby in the mirror at the Doctors office, little does she know that she will be getting a shot soon.

    Karlie so happy that she gets to sit on Daddy's deskc

    Karlie sitting on Daddy’s desk and “helping” him.

    Silly girls almost ready for their bottle - Brina and Karliec

    Giggling kiddos – Brina and Karlie

    Flashback Friday - Brina and Karlie being funnyc

    Brina and Karlie love hanging out and being silly together.

  • Travel & Vacation: Twin Sisters Mountain (Colorado Rocky Mountains)


    Twin Sisters Mountain

    The girls thought it was awesome that there was a mountain in the Colorado Rocky Mountains called the Twin Sisters Mountain!  The Twin Sisters Mountain has an elevation of over 11,000 feet above sea level.  The mountain can be seen from several locations, however, the twin peaks can only be seen from certain viewpoints.   It got its name because at the top of the mountain there are two almost identically high peaks, therefore, it was named Twin Sisters.  It had a couple other names, Tahosa and Lily Mountain, but in 1911 the Geographic Board decided to permanently name it “Twin Sisters Mountain”.

    Shortly after being named officially  Twin Sisters Mountain they put in a trail, lookout station, and ranger cabin.  Now there are a number of hiking trails to choose from on or near Twin Sisters Mountain.  There are easy to follow trails and a variety of hikes for any level.  Although there is no formal campground actually on Twin Sisters Mountain there is one located nearby at Long’s Peak Campground at 9,400ft which is open year round and there are 26 sites.


     Twin Sisters Mountain at 11, 428 feet


     Looking out over towards Twin Sisters Mountain


    Beautiful valley between us and Twin Sisters Mountain

     The “Travel and Vacation” series is an insight into our trips together as a family, ways we relax, and tips on how to make trips more enjoyable.  Life is short and we were thrilled to have the opportunity to build memories with family and explore of of the most amazing places during our time away.  Explore with a good attitude, look for fun, and it will be an awesome trip jammed packed with positive memories.  It is refreshing having some time away from the regular routine.  Make it a once in a lifetime opportunity to meet new people and learn.  You just might see or try something new that takes your breath away!

  • Travel & Vacation: Beautiful Scenery on Our Rocky Mountain Road Trip (Colorado)


     Beautiful Colorado Rockies

    Our family enjoys going to Colorado.  The scenery in the Colorado Rocky Mountains is beautiful.  If you ever get a chance to drive through the Rocky Mountains do it.  You’ll see wildlife and breath taking views.  There are a lot of places to stop to hike, eat, camp, or sight see along the way too.

    These pictures are from a road trip through the Rocky Mountains I took with my Mom, brother Josh, Aunt, Uncle, cousins and  our two girls.  We had a blast going through the mountains.  Depending on where you go the roads can have a lot of twists and turns, but the views are worth it.


     Our first sight of the mountains.  We were driving to Colorado from Kansas and the girls were excited to start seeing glimpses of the mountains where we would be spending the next few days!

    Travel & Vaction - Colorado - P1360860c

     Driving up to Estates Park


     They don’t call it “Rocky” Mountains for nothing…lots of cool rock formations


     Coming into Estates Park.  We stopped for a little bit to walk around, shop, and grab a bite to eat before heading on our way.


    Neat statue at Estates Park


    Driving up past Estates Park


    Beautiful day in the mountains


    Love just soaking all the beautiful scenery in as we drive


    Still heading up higher into the mountains


    Lots of evergreen trees on these mountains.

    The “Travel and Vacation” series is an insight into our trips together as a family, ways we relax, and tips on how to make trips more enjoyable.  Life is short and we were thrilled to have the opportunity to build memories with family and explore of of the most amazing places during our time away.  Explore with a good attitude, look for fun, and it will be an awesome trip jammed packed with positive memories.  It is refreshing having some time away from the regular routine.  Make it a once in a lifetime opportunity to meet new people and learn.  You just might see or try something new that takes your breath away!

  • Flashback Friday: NICU Graduation Celebration

    Such goofs - Brina and Karliec

    Ready for the NICU Graduation Celebration

    Today’s Flashback Friday goes back to September 2005 when the girls went to their NICU Graduation Celebration.  It is hard to believe they are now 7 months old.  We are thankful for all the doctors and nurses that helped our family during the time when the girls were staying in the NICU.  They took good care of our babies and we learned a lot from them during their stay.  It was a great event to celebrate.  Glad the girls were still growing and healthy.

    Flashback Friday - Brina and Karlie looking pretty in their outfits from Aunt Mary, Uncle Rick and Laurelc

    Relaxing while we pack up the diaper bag and get everything ready to head out.  The super cute dresses are from my Aunt Mary Ann, Uncle Rick, and cousins Renelle & Laurel in Colorado!  Thanks guys, they are adorable!

    Karlie getting her face painted at the NICU Graduate Partyc

     Karlie’s 1st Face Painting experience.  She was not too sure about a stranger touching and putting stuff on her face even though the rest of us were right there.

    Karlie unsure about this whole face painting experiencec

    Karlie made it through the face painting, but was not happy with us at the end.  She was not a big fan of it.  Her legs were kicking, arms waving, and was about to burst into tears to let us know that she was not impressed with this whole face painting adventure.  A little TLC and snuggle calmed her down quickly and she was fine for the rest of the event.

    Daddy holding Brina still so she could get her face paintedc

     Brina getting her face painted for the 1st time at the NICU Graduation Celebration.  She didn’t seem to mind it at all.

    Brina getting her face painted at the NICU Graduate Partyc

     Brina was relaxed and just let her paint her face.  She figured Daddy was there it must be okay.

    Karlie with her face painted from the NICU Graduate partyc

    Karlie is all smiles now.  She doesn’t even remember that her face is painted with a smiley face.

    Brina was constantly sucking on her dress today, maybe a different texture, who knowsc

    For some reason Brina loved chewing on this dress.  Must of tasted good or had an appealing texture.

    Brina smiling with her face painted from the NICU Graduate Partyc

    Brina talking and happy even though her pink heart is completely smeared all over her face from her fun NICU celebration adventure earlier that day!

    Karlie happy and smilingc

     Karlie is glad to be back home again.  Her smiley face stayed on for several hours after we arrived back home.

    Karlie and Brina having fun with their new toys from the NICU Party-they actually won one of the door prizesc

    Karlie and Brina are very lucky girls.  During the NICU Graduation Celebration they won a door prize for some toy blocks and shapes.  They are playing with their new toys now.   They have no clue they won anything, but were happy to play with the new toys.  So exciting!!!

  • Travel & Vacation: Colorado Rocky Mountain Wildlife


    Elk lounging around near where we parked

    I was going back over some trips that we had taken in the last few years when I came across a trip we took with my parents from Kansas to Colorado.  There were a lot of fun activities and adventures from that trip so I thought I would share a little bit with you and maybe you will see something you might want to do with your family.  I grew up going to Colorado for summer camp and vacation so I have made a few trips through the Rocky Mountains.

    On this particular trip it was the girls first time in the Colorado Rockies.  They loved it and thought it was amazing the number of animals that we saw on the side of the road and near where we were walking around.  All of these animals were in their native wildlife settings, however, some were pretty close to local towns and hiking trails.  They didn’t seem disturbed at all by us taking their pictures.  We did keep a safe distance away just in case (we didn’t want to upset any of the animals).


    The one on the left is the same one as in the first picture, but if you look closely to the right under the tree is another elk.  These were spotted next to the parking lot where our car was in near Estates Park.


     Mountain goat must have found something tasty to eat on the side of the road.


     He looked up briefly to look at us and went back to eating again.


     This little bird was making all kinds of noise on our hike and picnic.


     There are chipmunks everywhere.  You are not suppose to feed them, but they are very commonly seen around picnic areas scavenging for bits of food.


     Two chipmunks hanging out on a ledge together


     The girls want to pet or pick these little cute chipmunks up, but they are not tame and it wouldn’t be safe either.  They were fun to watch scurrying around.


     Elk sitting at the edge of the mountain looking down on the valley.  It didn’t even turn to look at us.


     Two elk eating food near where we were hiking.


     Several hours later after our hiking, exploring, picnic, and other adventures we came back down the mountain and it looked like the same goat was still eating from the same area near the road.  He must have found a lot of good food in that area!


    A lot of places in the area have hummingbird feeders.  If you want a few minutes you will see them coming and going.  They are fast and pretty neat to watch.

    The “Travel and Vacation” series is an insight into our trips together as a family, ways we relax, and tips on how to make trips more enjoyable.  Life is short and we were thrilled to have the opportunity to build memories with family and explore of of the most amazing places during our time away.  Explore with a good attitude, look for fun, and it will be an awesome trip jammed packed with positive memories.  It is refreshing having some time away from the regular routine.  Make it a once in a lifetime opportunity to meet new people and learn.  You just might see or try something new that takes your breath away!

  • Flashback Friday: Visit From Grandma

    Grandma Kay at the Falls Park with Karlie and Brinac

     Grandma Kay and the girls at Falls Park

    Today’s Flashback Friday goes back to September 2005 when Grandma Kay came to visit for a few days.  The girls were almost 7 months old and are a lot more active than they were when Grandma was here a few months ago (they were actually still in NICU).  We packed a lot of fun into the weekend.

    Falls Park downtown Greenville (Karlie and Brina)cc

    Our family at Falls Park – Karlie and Brina obviously were not impressed or we wore them out already because they were fast asleep in the stroller for their first picture at Falls Park.

    Karlie and Brina sleeping as we view the Fallsc

    First visit to Falls Park!  Brina and Karlie were so excited they fell asleep as we walked through the park.

    Karlie and Brina's 1st trip to the Falls Park downtown Greenvillec

     Karlie and Brina are ready for a fun stroll through the park.

    Karlie and Brina riding on a fire enginec

     Karlie, Brina and Grandma Kay at GattiTown

    Karlie and Brina's first ride on a carousel c

     Karlie and Mommy and Brina with Grandma Kay on the carousel.  They loved it and were fascinated by all the lights and sounds.

    Brina playing with Grandma Kayc

     Brina playing with Grandma Kay

    Grandma Kay playing with Brina and Karliec

     Having fun with Grandma Kay

    Karlie and Brina down for their nap, looks like someone isn't sleepingc

    Taking a siesta in their bassinets.  Karlie and Brina both have their legs hanging out as they sleep.  The bassinets may be getting too small for them now.

    Karlie and Brina love playingc

     Karlie and Brina playing with their toys.

    Karlie, Brina and Grandma Kay sitting next to Mr. Octopusc

     Grandma Kay, Karlie, and Brina playing

    Daddy and his two goofy girls (Karlie and Brina)c

     Jake and his girls

    Karlie giving us a cheeky smilec

    Someone woke up from her nap all smiles – Karlie Kool Kat

    Go ahead smile Brinac

    Brina Bee woke up with sweet smiles and laughter too.

    Grandma Kay hanging out with Brina and Karliec

     Brina and Karlie hanging out with Grandma Kay

    Playing ball with Grandma Kay - Karlie and Brinac

    Karlie and Brina kicking and pushing the ball back and forth across Grandma Kay’s lap

    Flashback Friday - Brina fell asleep holding Grandma Kay's necklacec

    Brina crashed and Karlie’s not far behind

    Flashback Friday - Silly babies - Brina and Karliec

    Giggling girls – Brina and Karlie

    Flashback Friday - Brina curious about Karlie's feetc

     Bath time Brina!

    Karlie chewing on Nemoc

    Karlie was more interested in chewing on the bath toys

    Karlie and Brina drying offc

    Karlie and Brina are now squeaky clean and ready to get in their jammies

    Brina watching Daddy play Settlers of Catanc

    Brina sporting a bowl as she supervises Daddy’s game of Settler’s of Catan

    Karlie is now sporting the yellow bowlc

    Karlie isn’t sure about the bowl thing, but relaxing with us as we play a game!

  • Flashback Friday: Fun with Friends and Bath Time

    GattiTown Birthday Party (Brina, Bridgette, Karlie, Mandy, Jack, Danielle and Riley)c

     First trip to GattiTown with Mandy, Jack, Danielle, and Riley (Brina & Karlie)

    Today our Flashback Friday is in August 2005 when the girls were 6 months old.  It is quite an adventure packing up and heading out to visit family, friends, or do errands, but we are getting better at it.  The process of just getting out of the house, into the car, and on our way is usually several minutes long.

    The girls have been enjoying going out and about more.  I try to do at least one fun activity outside of the house each week with family or friends.  They are usually exhausted by the time we get home, but we have fun.  It is good for me to spend time with other Moms too.

    Thankful for family and friends to hang out with.  The girls are really good and for the most part do really well when we are out and about.  They love watching everything.  It is neat to watch them soak everything in during our adventures.

    Mandy and Jack at GattiTownc

    Mandy and Jack on the carousel

    Riley and Danielle at GattiTownc

    Danielle and Riley on the carousel

    Flashback Friday - Brina - cool toy Riley, beep, beep, you  better watch out here I comec

     Brina very excited about driving Riley’s cool car!  Vroom…vroom….look out people here I come!

    Brina and Josh Kambc

     Josh carrying Brina

    Kari and Karliec

     Karlie hanging out with Kari

    Karlie and Christy Kambc

    Christy holding Karlie

    Flashback Friday - Aunt Vick and bouncing Brinac

     Aunt Vick hanging out with Brina as she bounces around

    Karlie eating with an audience, Uncle Brad, Jordan, Rachelc

    Cousins Jordan and Rachel feeding Karlie

    Flashback Friday - Brina watching Jack unwrap his presentsc

     Brina watching cousin Jack open his birthday gifts

    Jack getting excitedc

     Jack opening his birthday gifts.

    Karlie still sporting her Elmo party hatc

    Karlie starting to zone.  She didn’t like the party hat at first, but soon forgot about it.

    Our first bath together-they were greasy from sunblock (Karlie and Brina)c

     1st Bath together after being out with friends and having sunblock on them.  It was too hard to safely bath two wet babies at the same time before now.  They could sit up on their own and each had a place to safely sit in the tub now.  At first they were not sure what to do?  You mean we can play in here!?

    Brina's turn to get the sprayc

     Getting use to the bath time fun.

  • Flashback Friday: Sleepy Kids

    Flashback Friday - Brina totally asleep with her mouth clamped around the toy ringc

    Brina crashed in the middle of chewing in the ring

    Today’s Flashback Friday goes back 10 years when the girls were 6 months old.  They were exploring more and falling to sleep in random places.  Sometimes in the middle of playing with a toy.  I tried to move them a few times, but every time I did they would wake up so I just decided to leave them and let them rest.  Usually the random naps were small power naps and they were back to playing within a few minutes anyway.

    They are beginning to be more mobile and it took more energy to keep up with them.  It is so precious watching them sleep peacefully even if it is in their high chair at a weird angle.  Oh to be that flexible again.

    At this time they are still sleeping in the same crib.  As they grow and move around more in their sleep the crib it starting to get a little more chummy, but they look so sweet sleeping together I wasn’t ready to move them into separate cribs quite yet.  Occasionally we would come to check on them in the morning and we would see that during the night they scooted down in the crib until their feet were hanging out.  Not sure how it was comfortable, but they didn’t wake up or seem to mind it.

    Flashback Friday - Brina and Karlie's legs sticking through the crib railings, goof ballsc

     When we checked on this morning their were two sets of titty bitty toes sticking out from their crib.  It was all I could do not to squeeze those cute little toes, but they were sleeping so peacefully.

    Flashback Friday - Brina loves to have her feet in funny positions when she sleepsc

    Brina fast asleep in her hair chair.  Such a rough life.  Love how she folds her hands together sometimes when she sleeps.

    Cutie Pies, Brina and Karliec

    Brina and Karlie – sleepy babies.

    Playing is hard work - Brina and Karliec

     Taking a snooze during their play time with Mr. Octopus – Brina and Karlie

    The toy entainment wore them out, Karlie and Brina have officially crashedc

     Playing is such hard work for the little ones – Karlie and Brina

    Flashback Friday - Brina - playing is exhaustingc

     Brina fell asleep while playing in her exersaucer!

    Brina's sleep marks from her nap in the walkerc

    She woke up with some sleepy “toy lines” on her face.  Poor baby!

    Sleepy babies - Karlie and Brinac

     Playing in the exersaucers is exhausting.  Both have crashed during their play time.

    Karlie wiggled her way under the bumper during the nightc

    How can that be comfortable Karlie!?  Not sure how she was still sleeping so soundly with her legs sticking out like that?  I think my feet with get cold and go numb.  Guess that’s the fun of being a baby.

  • Flashback Friday: First Trip to the Zoo

    Flashback Friday - 1st Trip to the Zooc

     First trip to the Zoo

    Today’s Flashback Friday was the girls first trip to the zoo with our Moms group back in August 2005.  We went to the Greenville Zoo.  The girls looked around, took a nap in the stroller, and hung out.  They got some fresh air, vitamin D, and wore themselves out even though they did not get out of their stroller.  Thankful for friends and a chance to hang out at the zoo for a few hours.  We have had many trips to the zoo since this day!

    Brina and Karlie's first trip to the Zoo - see the turtle in the background (Karlie is awake but Brina is snoozing)c

    Brina sleeping in the front. Karlie still looking around, but starting to suck her thumb so she’s not far behind Brina.

    The hungry and cranky crittersMommy brought back from the zoo (Brina and Karlie)c

    They were great on their first trip to the Greenville Zoo, however, the two critters I brought back home with me were very hungry and ready for lunch by the time we walked into the house.  Once it was lunch time they were ready to eat and my happy babies were in tears if there happened to be a delay that day!