Travel & Vacation

  • Travel & Vacation: Swan & Dolphin Resort Pools (Orlando, FL)


    Beautiful view and we almost had the pool to ourselves!

    During our time at the Swan & Dolphin Resorts the kids had to check out their pools.  Yes, they have several pools and a playground.  We had a blast swimming and splashing around in their pools on the hottest day.  The girls can spend hours swimming around.


    Brina floating around!


    Karlie having fun!


    Being goofy under the water!


    How long can you hold your breathe


    Brina coming down the slide next to one of the pools.


    That was fun, let’s do it again!


    Karlie ready to go


    Karlie moving right along!


    I barely got a shot of her coming around the corner!  They loved the slide!


    A pool with a waterfall.  How awesome is that!?


    Hanging out by the waterfall.


    This pool was much quieter, but one of their favorites because it was easier to dive for items since it was less crowded.  That’s our hotel in the back ground.


    Swimming around


    Brina loves her goggles and her eyes don’t get nearly are red from the chlorine.


    Taking a break to chat


    Stopping for a few minutes to relax.

  • Travel & Vacation: Bippity Boppity Boutique Fairy Dust (Orlando, FL)


    Brina getting her fairy dust!

    At the Bippity Boppity Boutique downtown Disney you can stop by and get pixie fairy dust for free.  We were at the store looking around and walking by the boutique so stopped to have the girls gets some fairy dust.  They did a cute saying as the girls got the fairy dust sprinkled into their hair.  The fairy dust is basically glitter.  I don’t know if it was a special type of glitter or if the heat from running around in the hot sun all day, but that glitter stayed on for awhile.


    Karlie getting her fairy dust!

  • Travel & Vacation: Disney’s Fantasia Gardens Miniature Golf (Orlando, FL)


    Fun times playing miniature golf!

    While in Orlando the girls and I got tickets to play miniature golf.  The golf course was across the street from our resort so it was a short walk.  We went to Disney’s Fantasia Gardens Miniature Golf.  It was a lot of fun playing together even though we lost 3 balls.  We quickly realized that we would not be playing any professional miniature golf soon with our crazy scores, but was a great time.

    It was a warm day, but they had several courses with shooting water that seem to help cool it off.  After playing 18 rounds of miniature golf we headed back to the hotel for lunch in the room then out to the pools to have some more fun.  Thankful for some time with the kids.

    Brina was the only one that didn’t loose a ball.   I lost mine on the first hole in the bushes.  Karlie managed to lose 2 balls throughout our adventures.  The workers let us get more balls at the counter.  The girls both got “hole in ones”, but I never got one (2 shots was my lowest par).


    Hole 1 – each hole had a storybook with information and cute sayings on it.


    It was bright and sunny that day!


    Brina ready for her next hit.


    This hole was in a cave.  It was cool.  Both girls got a hole in one on this one.


    So close….  They were concerned a few times about me accidentally hitting their balls further away from the hole (a couple of times it was a valid concern).


    The greenery around the course was beautiful!


    Found a spot in the shade to rest for a minute.


    They had some cute decorations.  This elephant sprayed water when you shot the ball through the middle of the base.


     Lining up for a good shot.  This was harder than you think.

  • First Lego League (FLL): State STEM Lego Robotics Competition


    So proud of the girls and their teammates!  They won a Judges Award Trophy at State!

    Last weekend we had the privilege of going with the girls to State STEM Lego Robotics Competition.  The competition is called FLL or First Lego League!  The state competition was in Columbia, South Carolina and they had to be there by 7:45 am on Saturday morning.  It was a full day, but it went by quickly.  The kids had several presentations in front of the judges as well as three rounds with their robot completing various tasks.  In between they had the opportunity to trade swag with other teams and doing various other activities.

    There were 60 teams participating at the event.  They were competing alongside a variety of great elementary and middle schools from around the state.  Even with that many teams and their first time at State they ended up bringing home a Judges Award trophy for the Rising Star.  The kids were so excited!

    Both the kids and their coaches have put in countless hours of research, programing, practice and more since October.  Thankful for a great team of coaches who volunteer their time after school twice a week to help mentor and encourage these kids to learn.  There are 4 faculty members from the kids school who help  – Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. Ponder, Mr. Moore, and Mrs. Husso.   They have truly been an amazing blessing to these kids!

    The quote the coaches gave at the beginning of this club year was – “It’s the hardest fun you’ll have!”  It is hard work, yet a great way to learn not only about STEM, robotics, research, but also how to work effectively as a team.  Proud of the team and coaches for all they were able to accomplish this year so far and looking forward to the fun things they have in store for the remaining meetings this year.


    One of the few times all 4 of us are matching (well 5 if you include Skipper who was not cooperating for the picture).  Jake and I had team shirts too! 🙂

    State STEM Lego Robotics Competition

    Solar SySTEM in the parade at the beginning of the event!


    First robotics map round!


    The kids were troopers and had great attitudes all day with all the activities, events, presentations, and more!


    Cheering and clapping for their team!

    State STEM Lego Robotics Competition

    The coaches put together goody bags for the kids to trade with the other teams at State!  Lots of good loot.  Not sure if our girls came home with many items that were originally in their bags!


    Listening intently to Coach Johnson’s instructions for an upcoming presentation.


    The kids designed and decorated their table displays, posters, presentation props, and more.


    Hanging out for a few minutes in between events with Coach Ponder!


    They had a few moments in between to relax a little and even play a game with friends.


    Ready for the next event!


    Watching closely!


    There were a lot of people at State FLL


    Waiting for the awards to be presented!


    Their team number was drawn to come up in front of every person and team at the FLL Competition!  They did a great job.  Karlie was the first one to answer a question in front of a huge crowd and she was so excited about her project she wasn’t nervous talking with a mike in front of a very large crowd!


    They won a trophy!  WOOHOO!


    Way to go!  Solar SySTEM team with 2 of their coaches.


    Yay!  It was a great day for the team!


    Love the FLL trophies!  They are made out of legos!  Very neat!


    Slogan and shirt designed by the kids!  “Stay in Orbit!”

  • Travel & Vacation: Festival of the Lion King at Animal Kingdom (Orlando, FL)


    Festival of the Lion King

    Karlie had been wanting to go to the Festival of the Lion King at Animal Kingdom all day, but every time we passed that area we were not there at a time close to show time or we were heading for another activity.  We finally got a chance to go towards the end of the day and we only had about a 15 minute wait in the stand-by line.

    The girls were hoping that the show had live animals, but were pleasantly surprised by all the cool things to watch (even though there were no live animals).  We got great seats only three rows from the front.  If you are looking for a good show, a cool place on a hot day, and a place to sit down and be entertained this is a good spot to go.  It was a really neat show.


    Bringing out the giraffe!


    Super tall!!!


    These orange “creatures” did some amazing flips right in front of us!


    The lights, smoke, and movement made it harder to capture all the cool pictures, but this was beautiful!


    The girls had a fun time trying to figure out what animals all the people were dressed up as.


    Singing along to the Lion King songs as we watch.


    Timon from Lion King, he was hilarious!


    Lots of fun music and action with this show.


    The girls enjoyed this one!

  • Travel & Vacation: Petting Zoo at Animal Kingdom (Orlando, FL)


    Petting Zoo at Animal Kingdom!

    The girls were thrilled to find the petting zoo at Animal Kingdom!  They had a section were you could brush, pet, and interact with a variety of farm animals.  They had goats, sheep, pigs, and a cow that you could help groom.  There were llamas too, but they were not out in the big pen, the kids could see and pet them, but they did not interact as much as the other animals.  The kids loved brushing, petting, and hanging out with the animals.

    We got there about 30 minutes before the workers took the animals into the barn for the night for their evening meal.  The animals were very active and it was fascinating to watch them trot into their barn stalls.  They knew when it was time to go into the barn and which stall contained their food.

    They had an area in the shade that was roped off and contained a small jungle gym where the animals could go if they needed a break or didn’t want to be petted or brushed at that time.  You would see a handful of animals in that area, but for the most part they would go in run a loop through the jungle gym and come back out with the kids.  There were always plenty of animals out walking or laying around in the non-fenced off area that the kids had a blast.

    You have to take the Wildlife Express Train to get to Rafiki’s Planet Watch and the Petting Zoo area.


     Loved this part of Animal Kingdom!


    Petting, brushing, and talking with the cow.


    Brushing a pig


    Giving this pig a good brushing!


     Laughing at the animals being silly.  Brina had a blast in the petting zoo.  I think if they hadn’t taken the animals into the barn while we were there it would have been hard getting her to leave this area!


    Karlie brushing a goat.


     All the pets in this area were very well groomed, probably from all the kids brushing them every day.  They were very tame and interactive with the kids.


    You want to brush the goat Mom?!


     A herd of sheep.


    Walking with a new friend


    Giving her a good brushing!


     Finished brushing the cow now ready to find a new animal to groom!


    The goat enjoying a face rub.


    Waiting for the train to go back to the rest of Animal Kingdom


    The train and our cargo have arrived!

  • Travel & Vacation: Interesting Characters at Animal Kingdom (Orlando, FL)

    Daisy Duck at Disney Animal Kingdom

    Hanging out with Daisy Duck!

    We met some fun Disney Characters while at Animal Kingdom.   There were a few that we did not get an autograph or picture with because the line was too long or we were headed to a specific activity.  We did get a few which was another fun experience while at the park.  At Animal Kingdom we met and got pictures as well as autographs from Daisy Duck, Chip & Dale, and Rafiki.


    Daisy Duck autographs


    Chip & Dale were mischievous and fun.  They tried taking a sip of gatorade from Karlie’s camelback hose, using Brina’s hand sanitizer, and other silly actions.  These two were probably the girls favorite characters they met because they were so funny and the cast member helping them was very good interacting with them too.


    Rafiki getting ready to give Brina a big hug!


    Autographs and picture with Rafiki!

  • Travel & Vacation: Dinoland at Animal Kingdom (Orlando, FL)


    Triceratop Spin

    The girls convinced me to go on the Triceratop Spin in the Dinoland section at Animal Kingdom.  They know I don’t handle spinning rides well which they thought it was funny.  The ride wasn’t too bad and since the wait was less than 8 minutes we did it twice back to back.  Dinoland also has other rides, a bone yard, huge jungle gym, carnival games (although some of the carnival games require additional payment), shops, restaurants, Wilderness Explorer stops and more!

    We had a blast in Dinoland and explored as much as time would allow before heading to the next section.  While we were at Dinoland it did sprinkle a little but not enough to get out the ponchos or get us wet so we journeyed on.  It was the only day we had any rain so we were very fortunate.


    Checking behind them to make sure I had my seat belt on.  Karlie ended up coming back with me before the ride started so she could run the controller!


    In the triceratop ride the front seat controls whether your dinosaur goes up and down.  The back seat controls whether you are tilting forward or backwards.  We had to ride the ride twice so both girls could try each controller.


    Having a blast and checking to see if I was getting dizzy yet!


     Big dinosaur!


    Pausing on the jungle gym for a brief picture.  They had fun exploring the jungle gym and I got to sit down for a few minutes while they played.  Nice place for the parents to catch a breathier plus the area is fully enclosed so the kids (which helps even more for the younger ones) are more contained.


    Exploring together!


     Sitting on a dinosaur bone as we talk about where to go next!


    Huge dinosaur bridge that led over to the Bone Yard


     Hanging out on the bridge!


    Digging for dinosaur bones.  She found one.  Loved that this area didn’t have the little grains of sands, but more like small pebbles.  It was much easier to clean off the kids.


    Finding another perfect spot to dig!

  • Travel & Vacation: Amazing Kilimanjaro Safari at Animal Kingdom (Orlando, FL)


    Brina ready to head out on the Kilimanjaro Safari at Animal Kingdom

    The fast passes were gone for the Kilimanjaro Safari at Animal Kingdom before we decided which day we would be going to the park which is a sign that this is a popular activity.  We waited in line for about an hour to go on the safari, but it was very worth it.  This is the longest we had to wait for any activity while at Animal Kingdom.  During this safari we were able to see real animals in their natural habitats during the expedition through the Safari.

    We got to ride out to the safari where many animals were living in the wild.   We went through mud, standing water, on “shaky” bridges, and more while seeing animals at every turn.  Many of these animals I would not want to meet out in the jungle, however, the animals in this jungle looked well fed, peaceful, and relaxed.  It was a wonderful experience.  The kids LOVED this and rated the Safari as one of their favorite activities while at Animal Kingdom.  If you are ever at Animal Kingdom don’t miss this activity if you like seeing a lot of wild animals fairly close!


    Karlie on the lookout for animals!


    An okapi which is half zebra and half giraffe!


    Hippo sunning itself on the bank by the water.


    A group of hippo hanging out in the water.


    Beautiful scenery!


    That’s a lot of alligators in one spot!


    Thankfully that big guy is heading that  direction and not our way!


    Life is rough!


    Very tall termite mound!  Surprised at how many of these were around in a variety of different sizes and shapes.


    Giraffes nibbling on the tree!




    Friendly elephant!


    The elephants were covering themselves with mud to keep from getting sunburned.


    A cluster of elephants rooming around.


    The upside down tree (looks like the roots are growing out of the top).


    Pink flamingos hanging out around the water.


    Rhinos munching on hay!


    Had to stop our drive through the grasslands when a rhino decided to cross the road in front of us.


    Meandering along!


    A gathering of rhinos helping themselves to some delicious rhino snacks.


    Cheetah napping in the shade.


    Lion sleeping in the cool rocks.


    Zebras munching on the grass.


    Warthogs resting


    Ostrich eggs?


    Zebras were pretty!


    The animals were so peaceful!



  • Travel & Vacation: Kids Wilderness Explorers Program at Animal Kingdom (Orlando, FL)


     Learning about the Wilderness Explorers program!

    While at Animal Kingdom the girls participated in their Wilderness Explorers program.  It was a great having a chance to stop at the various stations throughout Animal Kingdom, get a sticker, and learn about a variety of educational animal topics.  They quickly figured out that they just needed to look out for workers wearing the Wilderness Explorer uniforms (brown, tan, and orange).  They wore the orange bags with stickers.  In order to get their sticker for that activity they had to participate in an activity and / or listen to a presentation.

    It was fun and educational.  The only thing that we had problem we had was occasionally with missed a sticker because we couldn’t find the worker.  This is a wonderful program especially for kids who can read or enjoy learning about various animal educational items.  You can get a Wilderness Explorer book, your first sticker, an explanation, and a Wilderness cheer.


     Looking through their Wilderness Explorer books to check where we need to go next.


    Learning about a variety of animal sounds!


    Standing in front of the Tree of Life looking through their Wilderness Explorer packets!