
  • November 30-30-30 Challenge: Saying Thanks 30 Ways to 30 People for 30 Days (Day 11 & Day 12)

    As I was reflecting back on the many amazing blessings in my life I realized that don’t let those around me know how much I truly appreciate them enough.  The idea of participating in a “thankfulness” challenge for the month of November was started a few months ago when I purchased cards for my family to send out for the Thanksgiving Holiday (see the picture of the front of the card below).

    It is my wish to show my gratitude to the people I interact with day to day.  For the month of November I am planning a 30-30-30 Challenge.  It is my goal to say thanks in 30 ways to 30 people for 30 days.  Each day I plan to do at least one activity expressing my thanks to one person every day for thirty days.

    Day 12

    Who:  Nutritionist

    When one of our girls was tested for dyslexia earlier this year she was also tested for a variety of nutritional / allergy items.   She came back high in diary, peanuts and eggs so we have adjusted our meals to make sure she had none of those items for about 2 months and are now re-introducing them slowly to see how she reacts.  She has been going to the nutritionist and tutor for several weeks now and it has been a real blessing.  She loves going and today she hand delivered a thank you card and a hug to them today.

    Day 11

    Who:  Doctors & Nurses

    Today I am thankful for Doctors and nurses.  Within the last few days we had a sick kid, several doctor appointments, our yearly physicals, 4 trips to the pharmacy, and 2 trips to the urgent care.  As much as I dislike going to the doctor I am thankful that they are available when we need them.  Many nurses, doctors, and health care professionals work all week, the weekend, and even Holidays.  Today I sincerely “thanked” the staff for all their help.

    Day 10

    Who:  Aunts & Uncles

    I am thankful for the great Aunts & Uncles in my life.  Today I sent an “I’m Thankful For…..” cards and sent a note of thanks.

  • Intentional Living: Weekly Goals

    Last week did….not…go…as planned (ever have weeks that go like that, ha)?!  Jake was in Charleston for work, one of the girls got really sick, Skipper was barking all the time (even in the middle of the night), unexpected activities, time spent in the Urgent Care, last minute stuff, doctor visits and more in between all the normal weekly activities so many of the items on my list this week are still leftover from last week.  Hopefully this week will (go as planned or at least some what “normal”) and I will be able to tackle more items on my list!

    Last week’s goals:

    Family Goals

    1. Read to the girls and have them read to me daily
    2. Lunch Boxes & Book Bags packed the night before
    3. Daily School Activities & Homework Completed
    4. Attend After School Activities
    5. Plan one special Activity with the Family
    6. Spend extra time with the Girls since they have a couple days off school

    Personal Goals

    1. Exercise at least 5 days this week – with a couple nights without sleep with a sick little one and a barking dog this wasn’t my top priority
    2. Drink 8 glasses of water each day – all the doctor appointments and extra activities so I didn’t stay on top of how much I was drinking
    3. Finish reading The Christian’s Secret of a Happy Life by Hannah Whitall Smith – still reading
    4. Reading / listening through my Bible – doing the 90 day plan through YouVersionstaying on track and continuing to listen faithfully
    5. Vote in the 2012 Electionvoted! 🙂

    Home Management Goals

    1. All laundry for the week washed, folded, and put away in one day
    2. Weekly Dinner Menu planned out for the week
    3. Tackle Fall Cleaning & Organization Projects (Focus – Office / Garage) – got some stuff done but with all the unexpected items I wasn’t able to get these two completed (I did make a little headway though)
    4. Pay all upcoming bills – have a couple that I need to pay this week
    5. Winterize the Garden – didn’t get it done
    6. Put printed pictures in the photo albumgot the ones I had at home put into the albums and ordered another set
    7. Clean Out Fridge – cleaned out the fridge and freezer, something I been wanting to do for 2 weeks now! Yay, for small victories! 🙂 
    8. Recycle old Magazines & update with November editions

    Business Goals

    1. Work on ideas for upcoming blog posts
    2. Keep up with the day to day items that need my attention – I missed a few items with all the unexpected items but hopefully I can pick up the slack this week
    3. Send out invoices
    4. Finish scheduling November work dates

    Ministry Goals

    1. Meet a friend or family member for Breakfast or Lunch
    2. Write and Send Out Community Group Email
    3. Re-organize the Alms & Legs Food Pantry – the girls helped me clean out, organize the pantry, and donate a bunch of items to PERC (Piedmont Emergency Relief Center).  They were a HUGE help and doing this together gave us a lot of opportunities to talk about the many amazing blessings in our lives.

    Financial Goals

    1. Stay within Budget on Groceries $40 for 4
    2. Payoff the Van – working on putting extra money aside
    3. Emergency Fund – save 3 months worth of living expenses (we are trying to build this back up because we had to take some out for unexpected expenses recently.) – putting a little bit aside

    My goals for the upcoming week:

    Family Goals

    1. Read to the girls and have them read to me daily
    2. Lunch Boxes & Book Bags packed the night before
    3. Daily School Activities & Homework Completed
    4. Attend After School Activities
    5. Plan one special Activity with the Family

    Personal Goals

    1. Exercise at least 5 days this week
    2. Drink 8 glasses of water each day
    3. Finish reading The Christian’s Secret of a Happy Life by Hannah Whitall Smith
    4. Reading / listening through my Bible – doing the 90 day plan through YouVersion

    Home Management Goals

    1. All laundry for the week washed, folded, and put away in one day
    2. Weekly Dinner Menu planned out for the week
    3. Tackle Fall Cleaning & Organization Projects (Focus – Office / Garage)
    4. Pay all upcoming bills
    5. Winterize the Garden
    6. Put any new printed pictures that we receive this week in the photo album

    Business Goals

    1. Work on ideas for upcoming blog posts
    2. Keep up with the day to day items that need my attention

    Ministry Goals

    1. Meet a friend or family member for Breakfast or Lunch
    2. Write and Send Out Community Group Email
    3. Send out the Alms & Legs Food Meeting Reminder to the Team Members

    Financial Goals

    1. Stay within Budget on Groceries $40 for 4
    2. Payoff the Van
    3. Emergency Fund – save 3 months worth of living expenses (we are trying to build this back up because we had to take some out for unexpected expenses recently.)
    4. Stay within Christmas Budget

    I think it is important to share and encourage each other as we seek to improve our lives and the lives of those around us.  I want to live intentionally not just hope all my dreams and goals come true.  When I focus on small steps of improvement I am able to see results as I get closer to my goals.  Some weeks I get closer to the goals I have in my life and other weeks a take a few steps back (life happens, emergencies occur, people get sick).  Once the goals are written down and shared it provides a guideline for what I aim to accomplish this week.

  • November 30-30-30 Challenge: Saying Thanks 30 Ways to 30 People for 30 Days (Day 10)

    As I was reflecting back on the many amazing blessings in my life I realized that don’t let those around me know how much I truly appreciate them enough.  The idea of participating in a “thankfulness” challenge for the month of November was started a few months ago when I purchased cards for my family to send out for the Thanksgiving Holiday (see the picture of the front of the card below).

    It is my wish to show my gratitude to the people I interact with day to day.  For the month of November I am planning a 30-30-30 Challenge.  It is my goal to say thanks in 30 ways to 30 people for 30 days.  Each day I plan to do at least one activity expressing my thanks to one person every day for thirty days.

    Day 10

    Who:  Aunts & Uncles

    I am thankful for the great Aunts & Uncles in my life.  Today I sent an “I’m Thankful For…..” cards and sent a note of thanks.

    Day 9

    Who:  Cousins

    I grew up in a big family and a lot of extended family members.  Family get togethers (like for the Holidays) usually consisted of a house / yard full of people from tiny babies to the grandparents.  The best thing about being part of a large extended family is you always have someone to play with since all your cousins would come to the family celebration too.  I am thankful for the many cousins in my life.  Some of them I am closer to than others but I am grateful for each one.  Today, I mailed out some “I’m Thankful For….” cards and sent Facebook messages to several letting them know I was thankful for them.

    Day 8

    Who:  Grandparents

    I am thankful for the grandparents in my life.  It has been a real privilege not only having a relationship with all of my grandparents but all 4 of my great grandmother’s when I was growing up.  I have many wonderful memories with my grandparents.  Today I sent out the “I’m Thankful For….” cards and sent emails letting them know I was thankful for them.

  • November 30-30-30 Challenge: Saying Thanks 30 Ways to 30 People for 30 Days (Day 9)

    As I was reflecting back on the many amazing blessings in my life I realized that don’t let those around me know how much I truly appreciate them enough.  The idea of participating in a “thankfulness” challenge for the month of November was started a few months ago when I purchased cards for my family to send out for the Thanksgiving Holiday (see the picture of the front of the card below).

    It is my wish to show my gratitude to the people I interact with day to day.  For the month of November I am planning a 30-30-30 Challenge.  It is my goal to say thanks in 30 ways to 30 people for 30 days.  Each day I plan to do at least one activity expressing my thanks to one person every day for thirty days.

    Day 9

    Who:  Cousins

    I grew up in a big family and a lot of extended family members.  Family get togethers (like for the Holidays) usually consisted of a house / yard full of people from tiny babies to the grandparents.  The best thing about being part of a large extended family is you always have someone to play with since all your cousins would come to the family celebration too.  I am thankful for the many cousins in my life.  Some of them I am closer to than others but I am grateful for each one.  Today, I mailed out some “I’m Thankful For….” cards and sent Facebook messages to several letting them know I was thankful for them.

    Day 8

    Who:  Grandparents

    I am thankful for the grandparents in my life.  It has been a real privilege not only having a relationship with all of my grandparents but all 4 of my great grandmother’s when I was growing up.  I have many wonderful memories with my grandparents.  Today I sent out the “I’m Thankful For….” cards and sent emails letting them know I was thankful for them.

    Day 7

    Who:  Friends

    Do you have those people in your life that you have been friends with for years and they have been an encouragement in your life in the good times and the bad?  These are “true blue lifelong friends” who in many ways are like a sister or brother.  Whenever you get together you pick back up like you seen each other just the day before when in reality it has probably been several months or in some cases years.  Although I am thankful for technology because it makes it easier to stay in touch even though there may be many miles apart.  I am thankful for the blessing of these special friendships.  Today I mailed out “I’m Thankful For….” cards and sent messages to several others

  • November 30-30-30 Challenge: Saying Thanks 30 Ways to 30 People for 30 Days (Day 8)

    As I was reflecting back on the many amazing blessings in my life I realized that don’t let those around me know how much I truly appreciate them enough.  The idea of participating in a “thankfulness” challenge for the month of November was started a few months ago when I purchased cards for my family to send out for the Thanksgiving Holiday (see the picture of the front of the card below).

    It is my wish to show my gratitude to the people I interact with day to day.  For the month of November I am planning a 30-30-30 Challenge.  It is my goal to say thanks in 30 ways to 30 people for 30 days.  Each day I plan to do at least one activity expressing my thanks to one person every day for thirty days.

    Day 8

    Who:  Grandparents

    I am thankful for the grandparents in my life.  It has been a real privilege not only having a relationship with all of my grandparents but all 4 of my great grandmother’s when I was growing up.  I have many wonderful memories with my grandparents.  Today I sent out the “I’m Thankful For….” cards and sent emails letting them know I was thankful for them.

    Day 7

    Who:  Friends

    Do you have those people in your life that you have been friends with for years and they have been an encouragement in your life in the good times and the bad?  These are “true blue lifelong friends” who in many ways are like a sister or brother.  Whenever you get together you pick back up like you seen each other just the day before when in reality it has probably been several months or in some cases years.  Although I am thankful for technology because it makes it easier to stay in touch even though there may be many miles apart.  I am thankful for the blessing of these special friendships.  Today I mailed out “I’m Thankful For….” cards and sent messages to several others

    Day 6

    Who:  Siblings

    Today I mailed out “I’m Thankful For…..” cards to our siblings and sent texts to several of them.  Even though I had my fair share of sibling disputes with my brothers growing up I love them dearly and am so very thankful for them.  I am thankful for my sister-in-laws and brother-in-laws too, they are awesome!  I am very blessed with wonderful siblings (and their spouses) and appreciate them so much!

    Additional Activity:  The girls and I spent a couple hours today cleaning and organizing our church’s food pantry.  It was a great time of working together, talking about the many amazing blessings we have in our lives, and why it is important to share what we have with others (i.e. giving food to people within our local community).  The girls worked hard and cheerfully.  I couldn’t have gotten it done as quickly if they hadn’t pitched in and helped.  The best part was as we were leaving a lady walked up to us and wanted to know if we had any food.  I was able to pull some items from the pantry and share them with her.  The girls were excited that we were able to help someone.  Although we never know the full situation or the intent of an individuals heart many people within our own community are struggling.  I am thankful for moments when the girls can experience situations like these because it really does make a positive impact on the lives of our children.

  • November 30-30-30 Challenge: Saying Thanks 30 Ways to 30 People for 30 Days (Day 7)

    As I was reflecting back on the many amazing blessings in my life I realized that don’t let those around me know how much I truly appreciate them enough.  The idea of participating in a “thankfulness” challenge for the month of November was started a few months ago when I purchased cards for my family to send out for the Thanksgiving Holiday (see the picture of the front of the card below).

    It is my wish to show my gratitude to the people I interact with day to day.  For the month of November I am planning a 30-30-30 Challenge.  It is my goal to say thanks in 30 ways to 30 people for 30 days.  Each day I plan to do at least one activity expressing my thanks to one person every day for thirty days.

    Day 7

    Who:  Friends

    Do you have those people in your life that you have been friends with for years and they have been an encouragement in your life in the good times and the bad?  These are “true blue lifelong friends” who in many ways are like a sister or brother.  Whenever you get together you pick back up like you seen each other just the day before when in reality it has probably been several months or in some cases years.  Although I am thankful for technology because it makes it easier to stay in touch even though there may be many miles apart.  I am thankful for the blessing of these special friendships.  Today I mailed out “I’m Thankful For….” cards and sent messages to several others

    Day 6

    Who:  Siblings

    Today I mailed out “I’m Thankful For…..” cards to our siblings and sent texts to several of them.  Even though I had my fair share of sibling disputes with my brothers growing up I love them dearly and am so very thankful for them.  I am thankful for my sister-in-laws and brother-in-laws too, they are awesome!  I am very blessed with wonderful siblings (and their spouses) and appreciate them so much!

    Additional Activity:  The girls and I spent a couple hours today cleaning and organizing our church’s food pantry.  It was a great time of working together, talking about the many amazing blessings we have in our lives, and why it is important to share what we have with others (i.e. giving food to people within our local community).  The girls worked hard and cheerfully.  I couldn’t have gotten it done as quickly if they hadn’t pitched in and helped.  The best part was as we were leaving a lady walked up to us and wanted to know if we had any food.  I was able to pull some items from the pantry and share them with her.  The girls were excited that we were able to help someone.  Although we never know the full situation or the intent of an individuals heart many people within our own community are struggling.  I am thankful for moments when the girls can experience situations like these because it really does make a positive impact on the lives of our children.

    Day 5

    Who: Parents

    Mailed out thank you notes to our parents and called them to talk for a few minutes.  I am thankful for the godly parents in my life.  Although, they are human like myself they are loving and kind.  I have been blessed with great parents.

  • November 30-30-30 Challenge: Saying Thanks 30 Ways to 30 People for 30 Days (Day 6)

    As I was reflecting back on the many amazing blessings in my life I realized that don’t let those around me know how much I truly appreciate them enough.  The idea of participating in a “thankfulness” challenge for the month of November was started a few months ago when I purchased cards for my family to send out for the Thanksgiving Holiday (see the picture of the front of the card below).

    It is my wish to show my gratitude to the people I interact with day to day.  For the month of November I am planning a 30-30-30 Challenge.  It is my goal to say thanks in 30 ways to 30 people for 30 days.  Each day I plan to do at least one activity expressing my thanks to one person every day for thirty days.

    Day 6

    Who:  Siblings

    Today I mailed out “I’m Thankful For…..” cards to our siblings and sent texts to several of them.  Even though I had my fair share of sibling disputes with my brothers growing up I love them dearly and am so very thankful for them.  I am thankful for my sister-in-laws and brother-in-laws too, they are awesome!  I am very blessed with wonderful siblings (and their spouses) and appreciate them so much!

    Additional Activity:  The girls and I spent a couple hours today cleaning and organizing our church’s food pantry.  It was a great time of working together, talking about the many amazing blessings we have in our lives, and why it is important to share what we have with others (i.e. giving food to people within our local community).  The girls worked hard and cheerfully.  I couldn’t have gotten it done as quickly if they hadn’t pitched in and helped.  The best part was as we were leaving a lady walked up to us and wanted to know if we had any food.  I was able to pull some items from the pantry and share them with her.  The girls were excited that we were able to help someone.  Although we never know the full situation or the intent of an individuals heart many people within our own community are struggling.  I am thankful for moments when the girls can experience situations like these because it really does make a positive impact on the lives of our children.

    Day 5

    Who: Parents

    Mailed out thank you notes to our parents and called them to talk for a few minutes.  I am thankful for the godly parents in my life.  Although, they are human like myself they are loving and kind.  I have been blessed with great parents.

    Day 4

    Who:  Pastors

    Dropped off thank you notes at the church office on the way into service.

  • November 30-30-30 Challenge: Saying Thanks 30 Ways to 30 People for 30 Days (Day 4 & 5)

    As I was reflecting back on the many amazing blessings in my life I realized that don’t let those around me know how much I truly appreciate them enough.  The idea of participating in a “thankfulness” challenge for the month of November was started a few months ago when I purchased cards for my family to send out for the Thanksgiving Holiday (see the picture of the front of the card below).

    It is my wish to show my gratitude to the people I interact with day to day.  For the month of November I am planning a 30-30-30 Challenge.  It is my goal to say thanks in 30 ways to 30 people for 30 days.  Each day I plan to do at least one activity expressing my thanks to one person every day for thirty days.

    Day 1

    Who:  Hair Stylist

    I needed a hair cut after putting it off for several weeks so I headed to the salon.  My hair has a pretty simple and easy cut so it usually only takes a few minutes for a hair stylist.   I had never met the person who cut my hair before, but took the time to learn a little bit about her.  She has two small kids, ages 2 and 6.  For my expression of thanks today I made it a point to give her a generous tip and tell her “thank you”.

    Day 2

    Who: My Spouse – Jake

     I am so thankful for everything Jake does for our family.  He works really hard, is an awesome Dad to our girls, and loves me.  Jake is my best friend and I am very grateful for him.  He takes good care of all of us and I don’t tell him “thanks” enough.  Today I gave him a hand written thank you card and a bag of chocolate truffles

    Day 3

    Who:  Daughters – Brina & Karlie

    I am very thankful for my two girls!  They light up my world, make me laugh, and help build extra character in my life.  It took many prayers and a few tears before God gave these two precious blessings in my life.  You can read more about my journey with my  Loosening My Grip: Why Can’t I Get Pregnant? series.   As a way of saying thank you to the girls I gave them thank you notes and spent time reading some of our current book Little House in the Big Woods together.

  • November 30-30-30 Challenge: Saying Thanks 30 Ways to 30 People for 30 Days (Day 3)

    As I was reflecting back on the many amazing blessings in my life I realized that don’t let those around me know how much I truly appreciate them enough.  The idea of participating in a “thankfulness” challenge for the month of November was started a few months ago when I purchased cards for my family to send out for the Thanksgiving Holiday (see the picture of the front of the card below).

    It is my wish to show my gratitude to the people I interact with day to day.  For the month of November I am planning a 30-30-30 Challenge.  It is my goal to say thanks in 30 ways to 30 people for 30 days.  Each day I plan to do at least one activity expressing my thanks to one person every day for thirty days.

    Day 1

    Who:  Hair Stylist

    I needed a hair cut after putting it off for several weeks so I headed to the salon.  My hair has a pretty simple and easy cut so it usually only takes a few minutes for a hair stylist.   I had never met the person who cut my hair before, but took the time to learn a little bit about her.  She has two small kids, ages 2 and 6.  For my expression of thanks today I made it a point to give her a generous tip and tell her “thank you”.

    Day 2

    Who: My Spouse – Jake

     I am so thankful for everything Jake does for our family.  He works really hard, is an awesome Dad to our girls, and loves me.  Jake is my best friend and I am very grateful for him.  He takes good care of all of us and I don’t tell him “thanks” enough.  Today I gave him a hand written thank you card and a bag of chocolate truffles

    Day 3

    Who:  Daughters – Brina & Karlie

    I am very thankful for my two girls!  They light up my world, make me laugh, and help build extra character in my life.  It took many prayers and a few tears before God gave these two precious blessings in my life.  You can read more about my journey with my  Loosening My Grip: Why Can’t I Get Pregnant? series.   As a way of saying thank you to the girls I gave them thank you notes and spent time reading some of our current book Little House in the Big Woods together.

    People appreciate sincere thanks.  I want to make a positive impact on the lives of others.  As I share my 30-30-30 challenge with you I hope it will spark your imagination and encourage you to share your story too.

    In everything give thanks!

    – 1 Thessalonians 5:18