
  • Book: “The Millionaire Next Door” by Thomas Stanley

    My husband and I listened to The Millionaire Next Door by Thomas Stanley the first time together.  I found the book at the library book sale and went through it again.  It is about the study of Americas deca-millionaires by leading expert Thomas Stanley and the surprising habits and lifestyles of America’s wealthy.  It was a neat book to listen to as a couple or read on your own.  It provides some great topics for discussion.

  • Song: “Beautiful” by MercyMe

    I have been blessed with two beautiful daughters.  We all have been created by a loving God who made each of us beautiful and unique.  I am thankful for the uniqueness in each of my girls.  This song is to remind every girl and woman that you are a beautiful treasure in the heavenly Father’s eyes!

  • Book: Better Homes and Gardens

    Grandma Willa gave me this cook book –  Better Homes and Gardens New Cook Book as a wedding gift and we use it all the time.  Grandma Willa is one of the most amazing cooks I know.  I am thankful for the times we had cooking together.  Grandma is still cooking a lot of meals for family and friends but due to distance I am not able to participate in her cooking adventures as often as I like.  Below is the note she put in my cook book, which I treasure even more then the cook book itself:

    What’s Cooking?


    My Aunt Zell Body, gave me a BETTER HOMES AND GARDENS cook book as a Wedding gift.  It was my first and faithful cook book, and I found it to have many helpful hints as well as great recipes.

    I and the girls wore one out, and almost the second one over the many years.  If I couldn’t find something, needed to substitute, know cuts of meat etc….. I’d go to old faithful BETTER HOMES AND GARDENS.  I hope this new version is as good or better than my old one was.

    Happy Cooking!!!


    Grandma Willa

    “And Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life he that cometh to me shall never hunger, and he that believeth on me shall never thirst.” – John 6:35

  • Song: “From The Inside Out” by Hillsong

    Even though I fail many times every day He is always faithful.   The first verse of this song hits home for me every time I hear it:

    “A thousand times I’ve failed

    Still Your mercy remains

    And should I stumble again

    I’m caught in Your grace.”

    I am thankful to have a Savior who chooses to extend grace, mercy, and love to me even though I don’t deserve it.

  • Book: “My Good Night Devotions” by Susan Lingo

    We purchased “My Good Night Devotions” by Susan Lingo at Goodwill for $0.25 after reading through a couple stories, our copy has a couple markings in it but otherwise in great condition.  It has 45 devotional stories for kids.    The girls LOVE it!  Each lesson has a short scripture verse, a story, thinking time (with a 1 to 3 questions), prayer and sleeping time game or activity for them to go to bed thinking about.  Brina and Karlie’s favorite character is “Night Light” a little firefly that is hidden in each picture and throughout the devotional.  If you are looking for a neat devotional that shows how God’s Word works in everyday situations for your young kids check out this book.

  • Song: “Healing Begins” Tenth Avenue North

    It is easy to put walls up around us when we are going through a trial.  The tough times are when God is molding and stretching us.  Just because someone looks like they have it all together, doesn’t mean everything’s perfect, God knows our hearts.   Having the support and prayers of family, friends, and church body makes an eternal impact on our lives.  Do you have family and friends praying for you?  Are your walls coming down?

  • Song: “Give It All Away” by Aaron Shust

    With the busy Holiday Season I am reminded that my schedule and plans are in God’s hands.  He has done so much for me and has many wonderful plans for my life.  I am thankful for opportunity to serve him.