
  • Song: “Through It All” by Hillsong

    I am thankful that He never lets me go “through it all”.    We all have seasons of happiness and challenges throughout our lives.  Isn’t it wonderful knowing we don’t have to go through them alone.

    You are forever in my life
    You see me through the seasons
    Cover me with Your hand
    And lead me in Your righteousness

    And I look to You
    And I wait on You

  • Book: “If You Take a Mouse to School” by Laura Numeroff

    In celebration of the girls being in school for a few weeks now I decided to highlight a book that is about school.  The girls really enjoy Laura Numeroff’s book and one of their favorites is If You Take a Mouse to School.  It is a fun and engaging book about a mouse going to school.  The girls think it would be so neat to take a mouse (or any pet for that matter) to school with them.  We have read this book and several other ones by Laura Numeroff many times.  It is a great book for beginning readers.

    Here are a few of Laura Numeroff’s popular  “If You Give…”  books that are a hit in our family:

  • Free Audio Book: “Think” by John Piper

    FREE Audio Book Download

    For the month of October Christian Audio is offering a free download of their audio book .  This month the audio book is “Think  by John Piper.

    John Piper’s newest book will help Christians think about thinking. Focusing on the life of the mind helps us to know God better, love him more, and care for the world. Along with an emphasis on emotions and the experience of God, we also need to practice careful thinking about God. Piper contends that “thinking is indispensable on the path to passion for God.” So how are we to maintain a healthy balance of mind and heart, thinking and feeling?

    Piper urges us to think for the glory of God. He demonstrates from Scripture that glorifying God with our minds and hearts is not either-or, but both-and. Thinking carefully about God fuels passion and affections for God. Likewise, Christ-exalting emotion leads to disciplined thinking.

    Readers will be reminded that “the mind serves to know the truth that fuels the fires of the heart.” insert from Christian Audio

    If you have been wanting to listen to a book from John Piper throughout the day or while driving then this is a great opportunity to listen to the book for free when you download it from Christian Audio in October.   Make sure to submit your order by October 31, 2011  to get your free audio book.  Thanks Christian Audio!

  • Song: “Blessed Be Your Name” by Matt Redman

    Just listening to this song reminds me of the many blessings I have in my life.  Those blessings come from above.  I am thankful for the many ways we are shown his goodness and love. It is a great reminder that no matter what circumstances we are currently facing we can still praise him.

    Blessed be Your name
    In the land that is plentiful
    Where Your streams of abundance flow
    Blessed be Your name

    You give and take away
    You give and take away
    My heart will choose to say:
    Lord, blessed be Your name

  • Book: “You Were Born for This” by Bruce Wilkinson

    I recently finished the book “You Were Born for This”  Seven Keys to a Life of Predictable Miracles by Bruce Wilkinson.  In his book Bruce shares several stories of how God was able to use him to encourage believers as well as lead others to Christ.  He goes through ways that you can be guided by the Holy Spirit to deliver a miracle to another person.  There are four main parts to the book:

    • Welcome to Everyday Miracle Territory
    • Four Keys to a Life of Miracles
    • How to Deliver a Miracle
    • Three Keys to Special Delivery Miracles

    Bruce Wilkinson puts in a number of examples and stories of how he was used to deliver a miracle.  Included in the back of the book is a Epilogue with more stories from readers of his book.  If you want to go through the book with a group he provides discussion questions for either a four week or seven week study.

    I thought the book had a lot of great reminders of how important prayer is in our life and to be in tune with the Holy Spirit because you never know when you have the opportunity to share with someone.  Bruce also addresses that we often fear speaking directly to a stranger about something personal and will question the prompting we feel or justify a reason for not stepping up with excuses such as “Who Me?” or “Do What?” or “What Will They Think?”

    The author gives several step by step ways to learn how to act on these miracle missions from prayer, having the heart for people, allowing the Holy Spirit to guide you, and taking risks of faith.  I think we all have those moments when out of the blue we think of someone and fail to act on that prompting only to find out later that the person was going through a tough time; what an amazing blessing of encouragement we could have been if we had just called, written that letter, emailed or stopped by to see them.  Wouldn’t it be great living a life full of sharing blessings with those around you.  We do not know what the person next to us is going through at the moment.  A simple question like “I really want to help you.  What can I do for you?” can open the door for you to encourage someone.

    A handful of my favorite  quotes from the book:

    “I’ve noticed something reassuring. When we ask to be sent by God, He matches each of us with people we can help.”

    “A nudge is an inner push that directs us toward a person, a place, or an action.”

    “During a God arranged encounter you will know what God wants”

    “Knowing that we are sent, we take deliberate risks that place us in complete dependence on God for a miracle.”

    Rate my review & be entered into a giveaway: I reviewed this book for “Blogging for Books.”   By rating my review, it allows me to choose another book and enters you in a GIVEAWAY!   The rating is a two step process.

    Step 1:  Rate my review below (select the number of stars, enter your email, and hit submit).

    Step 2:  Check your email account for a message from Blogging for Books and click their link to verify your email.

    Once you rated my review AND confirmed your email, you will automatically entered in a giveaway for this book by WaterBrook Multnomah!!!  They will pick one person to receive a copy of the book for themselves!  WaterBrook Multnomah will contact the winner directly.

    Disclosure: I received a complimentary copy of this book for review purposes from the publisher through the Waterhouse Multnomah.  The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

  • Travel & Vacation: Welcome Home Mom & Dad

    I love having some time with my handsome man but coming home is AWESOME too!

    Jake and I had the opportunity to get away for a few days several months ago.  We took a cruise with extended family and the girls stayed with friends.  Our plane came in the late to Atlanta and we arrived home in the middle of the night so we were not able to see the girls until the next morning.  The girls came walking up the sidewalk carrying this HUGE “Welcome Home Mom & Dad” banner that they had made for us.  We were thrilled to see them and loved the cute banner.  They had a BLAST with our friends and made a lot of great memories.  The girls told me I need to get all Aunt Ashley’s recipes because she made the best food while we were away.

    Our friends (and the girls) brought us Dunkin Donuts for breakfast, so sweet!

    Jake and I were thankful for the chance to get away for a few days and we couldn’t have done it without the help of our friends.  They took great care of the girls (actually I am not sure if they were ready to come home yet, ha).  We are blessed to have amazing people in our lives.  Thanks Mike and Ashley!!!

    Our sweet Welcome Home banner the girls made for us!

    Life has been really busy.  As I was going back over some of the pictures from earlier in the year I found ones that I wanted to share.  The time away from home with your spouse is important, necessary and refreshing, however, coming home to two sweet girls is a huge blessing!

  • Song: “Let It Go” by Tenth Avenue North

    My intention was to share another great song by Tenth Avenue North when I was drawn to this one.  After listening to it a couple times it stuck in my mind for several hours.  How often in my life do I try to take control or at least want to feel  like I am in control of my life?  He wants me to just “let it go” and allow him to work in my life.

    What do I love?
    What do I hate?
    What will I lose?
    What will I gain?
    How do I save my soul?
    What if I bend?
    What if I break?
    What will it cost?
    What will it take?
    For you to save my soul.

    You say let it go, You say let it go
    You say life is waiting for the one’s who lose control
    You say You will be, everything I need
    You said if I lose my life it’s then I’ll find my soul

  • Book: “Space – The Ultimate Guide To The Universe”

    One of our girls loves planets, space and astronauts.  A family member gave her the “Space: The Ultimate Guide To The Universe” book a few years ago and it has been a huge hit!  It has been carried all over the house and gone on several road trips with us.  The book has pictures and information about space travel, astronomy, universe, solar system, stars and galaxies as well as posters of the universe and glow in the dark stars.  It has a lot of information packed in the variety of descriptions and colorful pictures.  The recommended age for the book is for 8 and up but if you have a child that loves space, astronauts, and planets then I would recommend it for them even at a younger age.  You’ll have to read it to a younger child but if they enjoy space as much as Karlie does then it will be a hit, not to mention educational!

  • Song: “Stained Glass Masquerade” by Casting Crowns

    Last week was a mixed of emotions….. One dear friend from church who had been battling cancer, lived a great life, and was an inspiration to many went home to be with her Savior.  Another friend and business acquaintance who we hadn’t seen for several months took his own life which came as a complete surprise to our family.   We received news about a couple other friends going through some tough times as well.  The girls went back to school, work was busy, and many other activities filled the week.

    As I was enjoying some quiet time today I decided to look through my journal of ideas, specifically the list of songs that caught my attention. When I came upon “Stained Glass Masquerade” by Casting Crowns I paused…..and thought about all the events throughout the week.  How many of us live in some form of masquerade, we each have our own weaknesses yet we think it is not acceptable to discuss those fears and failures with others.  When we look around us at our friends or acquaintances in church and in other areas of our lives everyone else seems to have their lives perfectly put together.  How often do we chose to not reach out to someone because we are afraid of what they will think of us or how they will react when we can see that they are struggling?

    Take a moment today to search your heart, confess your weaknesses to God and live the life that is meant for you.  Find a prayer partner, or two, that you can be open and honest with and pray earnestly for each other.  No one person can fill a void in your heart or life except Christ, however, having friends praying alongside you increases your chance of success and brings a lot of encouragement along the hills and valleys in each others journeys.

  • Book: “Farms ABC: An Alphabet Book” by B. A Hoena

    We read this book “Farms ABC: An Alphabet Book” by B. A. Hoena to the girls when they were really little and after the Grandparents were here visiting us from Kansas a couple weeks ago the girls picked this book out again from the library.  As we were reading it again I was impressed with how well the author incorporated many aspects of farming / ranching into the small book.  It is an excellent beginning readers book filled with information about farms (including Irrigation, Oats, Tractors, Planting Seeds, Repairs, Harvest and more).  The author goes through the alphabet highlighting each letter and describing the highlighted word in more detail.  In the back they add additional fun facts about farming for the kids to read.  For example:  “A dairy cow produces about 100 glasses of milk a day” and “Did you think that only cows eat grass?  Wheat is a type of grass that people eat.  It is used to make bread.”  Our girls know their ABC’s already but were fascinated by the pictures and descriptions.  This book would be a great addition to your library especially if you have  family in the farming business or your little one is fascinated by farm animals and equipment.