
  • Book: “No One to Call Me Home” by James Close

    As I was going through a stack a books we had in the house and trying to decide which ones to keep, sale, giveaway, or donate I came across this book.  I cannot remember where it came from and hadn’t read it before but it captivated my attention so I decided to read it.  The book is called No One To Call Me Home by Reverend James J. Close and it is about Reverend Close’s ministry at the Mercy Boys Home in Chicago.  His ministry provides a home, meals, clothing, and a loving environment for homeless teenage boys.  The boys typically range between 14 to 18 years old (sometimes they take in younger siblings).  There is also a Mercy Girls Home but Reverend Close lived and worked at the Boys Home so the majority of the book discussed not only the lives of the kids he impacted but some of their struggles as well as successes.

    Some of the stories he told brought tears to my eyes…..stories of some of the obstacles small children and teenagers had to face such as starvation, stealing, crime, abuse, drugs, alcohol, neglect and so much more.  None of these children asked to grow up in these families.   The Mercy Home has reached out to many of these hurt teenagers and provided them a safe and healthy environment in hopes that they will be able to encourage the kids to heal and become successful adults.

    As a parent this book made me not only appreciate the stable (although not perfect) home environment I was raised in and motivates me to pray for wisdom as I raise my kids as well as find ways to make a positive impact on the lives of other children.  The book is short and a quick read but touches on many areas of the heart.  Although I don’t have all the same religious beliefs as Reverend Close I think he is on the right track with providing a safe, stable environment for these teenagers.  Not every story he has is successful but it is encouraging to know that through their ministry they are making a wonderful impact on many individuals and families.  It really makes you think about the ways you can make a positive impact on the lives of others.

    A few quotes that made an impact on me:

    The Mercy kids are some of the most courageous and extraordinary persons I have ever met.  Many have overcome immense odds to succeed in life.  Others were not so fortunate.  But each of them taught me about life and made me grateful for the simple blessings to be found in each day.

    Our street was as big as the universe to me…..when it started getting dark, the other kids’ moms would lean out the windows and start calling to their kids – it’s time to come home.  I would stay out there and keep playing until I was alone. I was always the last one to come home.  I always had to decide when to go in. There was never anyone to call me in – to call me home.

    Our kids have so few of the simple family experiences that most kids have growing up, it nearly boggles the mind.  I’m not talking about ritzy family vacations and Christmas Eve around the fireplace.  I’m talking about food in the refrigerator and the same bed every night.

    If all you’ve known is disappointment, if all you’ve been told is what a loser you are, if all you’ve seen is poverty and life on the other side of the law – it is hard to believe things can ever change for someone like you.

    I’m a strong believer in the power of prayer combined with effort and love

    They are just kids.  They need a place to live and someone to love them unconditionally.

  • Free Audio Book: “Hearing God” by Dallas Willard

    For the month of June Christian Audio is offering a free download of an audio book .  This month the audio book is Hearing God by Dallas Willard.

    Being close to God means communicating with him–telling him what is on our hearts in prayer and hearing and understanding what he is saying to us. It is this second half of our conversation with God that is so important but that can also be so difficult. How do we hear his voice? How can we be sure that what we think we hear is not our own subconscious? What role does the Bible play? What if what God says to us is not clear?  (information from Christian Audio)

    If you have been wanting to a book to listen to throughout the day or while driving then this is a great opportunity to get a book for free when you download it from Christian Audio in June.   Make sure to submit your order by June 30, 2012  to get your free audio book.  Thanks Christian Audio!

  • CONGRATULATIONS to Our Autographed “Born Again” CD Winner!

    The name has been drawn for the giveaway!



    for winning an

    Autographed Born Again CD by Newsboys!

    Thanks for making a comment in honor of our Giveaway!

    An email has been sent to you with more information*

    Enjoy listening to Your New Born Again CD!

    Don’t forget to enter our next Giveaway (the next giveaway will be announced later this morning)!

    *Giveaway must be claimed within 5 business days of the prize being announced.  Failure to claim the prize within the allotted time frame means you forfeit the prize.

  • Book: “Gregory the Terrible Eater” by Mitchell Sharmat

    Brina and Karlie recently received Gregory the Terrible Eater by Mitchell Sharmat from Uncle Paul, Aunt Mirm, Noah, Noelle and Nadia.  The girls loved reading about Gregory the goat.   Gregory’s parents were concerned because he wanted to eat eggs, vegetables, fruit, and fish when “normal” goats eat tin cans, tires, boxes, clothes, and other garbage.  His parents take him to see Doctor Ram to find out how to help Gregory eat more like a goat.  This is a silly story that makes our girls laugh. If your kid like animals or have spent some time around goats they will probably enjoy reading this story as well.

  • Song: “Way Beyond Myself” by Newsboys

    As I was listening to my CD from the Newsboys this song caught my attention.  I am thankful that I don’t have to do everything on my own because I fall so often.   The two phrases that stood out to me were “I believe in something way beyond myself” and “You move me to my knees”.  When you believe in something bigger than yourself it is not surprising that you are moved to your knees.  Here is part of the song I really enjoyed:

    There’s so much more than meets the eye

    Or what’s going on inside

    I believe in something way beyond myself

    Like the wind that moves the leaves Lord,

    You move me to my knees

    Giving into something way beyond myself

    I’m giving into something way beyond myself

  • Book & Pony Set: “Misty of Chincoteague” by Marguerite Henry

    Book Misty of Chincoteague (couldn’t find a picture of “Misty” and “Phantom” that came with the girls set)

    Book & Pony Set – Misty of Chincoteague  (with “Misty” and “Stormy” similar to the one we got, but couldn’t find a picture of the first book with the ponies)

    My girls are very different in many ways, even though they are twins, but they do have two things in common that they both love…….books and horses / ponies.  While I was in India my Mom came to stay with the girls and she brought their birthday gifts.  She gave the girls the book and “Misty” & “Phantom” ponies.  They were so excited when I got home to show me their book and ponies that went with it.  After we finished reading the current book they were going through they both agreed that the next book should be Misty of Chincoteague by Marguerite Henry.  Every time I would read the book the girls would get out the ponies and each of them hold one while I read.  They loved this story about a little boy and girl who worked hard to buy and raise these ponies.  It was a cute story that our family enjoyed.

    All the incidents in this story are real.  They did not happen in just the order they are recorded, but they all happened at one time or another on the little island of Chincoteague.  All the characters in the book Misty of Chincoteague really lived on Chincoteague Island.  – Marguerite Henry

    The part that was really neat about the story is it was based off a real family and event “Pony Penning Day”.   After getting into the book you quickly grow to love the Beebe family.  The grandparents dialogue is a little choppy to read but otherwise it was a wonderful story to share with your kids especially if they love horses or ponies!

  • Song: “A Mother’s Prayer” by Celine Dion

    In celebration of Mother’s Day this week I picked out a song about Mother’s.  This song is about the prayer of a Mother for her children as they grow up.  I am thankful for my Mom and everything that she has done in my life.  She is still an encouragement in my life.

    Being a Mom is one of the most rewarding yet challenging roles I have in my life.  The girls are an amazing blessing, however, I find that they tend to stretch my character a little bit too.  It is my prayer that I will be the best Mom I can be for my children and that they will not only see past my faults and failures but more importantly that they will learn to rely on Jesus (who never fails) for their strength and portion every day.

  • Giveaway: Autographed “Born Again” CD by Newsboys


    I am thrilled to announce a new giveaway on Blessings Multiplied!   The winner of this giveaway will receive an autographed “Born Again” CD by Newsboys!  Jake and I were able to hear them live in concert.  It was so neat hearing them sing then meeting all the members of the band.  They have a lot of great songs on this CD including – Born Again, One Shot, Way Beyond Myself, Impossible, Build Us Back, Escape, Miracles, Running to You, On Your Knees, Mighty to Save, and more (a few links to the songs on YouTube are included for you).   Here’s how to enter the giveaway:

    1. Sign up to follow my blog (if you haven’t done so already) and leave a comment below telling us how you follow Blessings Multiplied.  Sign up to receive Blessings Multiplied via email or like on Facebook.
    2. You can get a bonus entry into the drawing if you leave a separate comment below sharing what type of music you enjoy the most.

    All comments must be made by May 31st at 10:00 PM EST to be entered into the drawing.

  • Song: “O the Blood” by Gateway Worship

    I make so many mistakes every day of my life.  I cannot count the number of times this past week I have had to go back to talk with someone (my kids included) or call people that I had wronged in some way to ask for forgiveness.  Thankfully I have a Savior who willingly forgives me everyday when I mess up.  It can be difficult not to over react during a stressful situation or say things that are not positive when someone has hurt you.  The tongue is a powerful tool that can be used to uplift or destroy.  This is a beautiful song sung by Kari Jobe and wonderful reminder of the price that has been paid for you and me.

    O the blood of Jesus washes me
    O the blood of Jesus shed for me
    What a sacrifice that saved my life
    Yes, the blood, it is my victory