
  • Book: The Saddle Club “Horse Crazy” by Bonnie Bryant

    The girls picked out the first book they wanted me to read to them over the Summer Break.  They choose The Saddle Club Horse Crazy by Bonnie Bryant.  The girls have loved reading this book especially every part about the horses.  The book is about two girls who love horses and are excited about going on their Mountain Trail Overnight campout for all the students of Pine Hollow.   The only problem is Stevie’s parents won’t pay for it unless she improves her grades.  It is a cute story about friendship, horses, and fun that was a real treat to read with the girls.  They are so excited about the finding the Saddle Club books at the used book store.  If you have a young girl that enjoys animals or horses this is a great book to read together.

  • Song: “Here With Me” by MercyMe

    Thankful that we serve a God that longs to have a relationship with us.  Sometimes I find myself thinking why would he want to spend time with me?  It’s during those times I am reminded of His amazing love even when I fail.  I have found that when my heart is focus on things above all of the other things in life tend to fall into place.

    I long for your embrace
    Every single day
    To meet you in this place
    And see you face to face

    Will you show me?
    Reveal yourself to me
    Because of your mercy
    I fall down on my knees

    And I can feel your presence here with me
    Suddenly I’m lost within your beauty
    Caught up in the wonder of your touch
    Here in this moment I surrender to your love

  • Book: “More Than Enough” by Dave Ramsey

    On a recent trip I read the book More Than Enough by Dave Ramsey. I have read a couple other of Dave’s books and have enjoyed them.  This book is geared more towards self improvement and motivation.  Dave emphasizes the importance of being content and living an ethical life.  While this book does discuss money it’s primary focus is how finances relates to your spouse, children, work and every other area of your life.  The book makes us pause and reflect on our character, values, discipline, and how we interact with those around us.  Some of the areas discussed:

    • Discipline
    • Goal Setting
    • Values
    • Accountability
    • Patience
    • Generosity (both time & resources)

    Even though this book was a little different from Total Money Makeover I believe it contains some key components to having a successful life.   Having all the money in the world isn’t much if we are not content or don’t have someone to share it with.  As with anything we can find ourselves being too extreme when it comes to finances (too frugal or too loose with money).  I like how he ties it all together and builds on the importance of family, goal setting, values, generosity, and finding contentment beyond our finances.

    Also, included at the end of each chapter in this book are Thoughts from Sharon which is a paragraph or two from Dave’s wife and her insights regarding the topic that was discussed.  In the appendix of the book there are several financial worksheets that you can use to help you get started with your finances.


  • Song: “10,000 Reasons” by Matt Redman

    There are so many reasons to sing praises.  I am thankful for a loving God who is “rich in love and slow to anger” because I get life wrong so often.  One of the reasons I love music so much is it can express my thoughts clearly and bring my heart into a state of worship.  Here are some of the lyrics from the song that I enjoy:

    The sun comes up, it’s a new day dawning
    It’s time to sing Your song again
    Whatever may pass, and whatever lies before me
    Let me be singing when the evening comes

    Bless the Lord, O my soul
    O my soul
    Worship His holy name
    Sing like never before
    O my soul
    I’ll worship Your holy name

    You’re rich in love, and You’re slow to anger
    Your name is great, and Your heart is kind
    For all Your goodness I will keep on singing
    Ten thousand reasons for my heart to find

  • Book: Just Me and My Puppy by Mercer Mayer

    Brina loves animals….really any kind of animals dogs, cats, horses, goats, sheep……anything.  As she continues to pick out some of her own books to read to me I have started to notice a common theme, pretty much all of them are about an animal.  She has read Just Me and my Puppy by Mercer Mayer several times over the past two weeks.   The girls have always enjoyed “Little Critter” and all the stories he is in but this one has been a favorite especially for Brina.

    The story is about “Little Critter” and his new puppy.  It goes through all the different activities Little Critter does to take care of his new pet including feeding and training the puppy.  I like that it shows how he is taking responsibility even if everything doesn’t go perfectly.  The book makes the kids laugh and is silly but captivates their attention at the same time.  They enjoy reading it on their own or to me.  If you have a child who enjoys puppies this would be a fun one to read with them.

  • Song: “I See You” by Michael W. Smith

    When I look around at the amazing creation it is not hard to see God’s handiwork.  I am thankful for so much beauty around me in nature, people, and animals. My favorite line in this song is a great reminder – “And everywhere I go I see you”

    And everywhere I go I see you
    Everywhere I go I see you

    And You take my hand
    And You wash it clean
    I know the promised land
    Is light years ahead of me

  • Book: “Patch” by Kristin Earhart

    Last Christmas Karlie got Patch by Kristin Earhart from Grandpa and Grandma.  She was super excited to get a horse book.  Both Brina and Karlie have read this book many times.  The story is about a girl named Lauran and her horse named Patch.  If you have a child that loves horses or animals and is starting to read books more independently this is a good one to check out.

  • Song: “This Life” by MercyMe

    This is a great reminder of what our life should look like to others “this life was meant to shine.”  Our life on this earth is not forever so we need to make the most of each day.  May we continually look for ways we can make a positive impact on the lives of others.  Love this phrase –  “Every moment is a chance  to let your light break through”!

    This is not my home
    (this is not my space)
    This is not my style
    (this is not my place)

    Can’t get comfortable
    (cant get settled in)
    Simply don’t belong
    (cant get used to this)

    But I’m here right now
    (I can hear you say)
    Make the most of Me
    (this wont go to waste)
    If I’m out of my mind
    (yeah its all for Christ)
    If I’m making sense
    (then get it right)

    Every moment is a chance
    To let your light break through

    This life (oh oh oh oh)
    This life was meant to shine

  • Book: “Dash” by J. Elizabeth Mills

    Even though our girls are twins they have very different personalities.  One of the few things they have in common is their love of horses!  Both of them absolutely love anything about horses.  Lately I have been noticing that more and more horse books have been pulled off the shelf to read and when we go to the used book store they are always on the look out for new “horse” books.

    The other day I noticed that Karlie had been carrying this Scholastic book Dash by J. Elizabeth Mills around for several days and reading it over and over.  I asked if she would be willing to read the book to me and she did!  It is still hard to believe that my girls are old enough to be reading me books.  Granted this one isn’t a huge book but it does have four short chapters.

    The story is about a little girl named Jenny who wants to participate in a barrel racing competition.  She and her horse Dash train really hard for the big day.  Both of our girls love this book.  If your child loves horses and is starting to read independently this would be a great book to add to your library.

  • Song: “By Your Side” by Tenth Avenue North

    When days get busy and life picks up pace we tend to fill our lives with activities and things that will make feel better or complete us.  This song is a great reminder of where my focus should be.   Here is a glimpse at the song:

    Why are you striving these days
    Why are you trying to earn grace
    Why are you crying
    Let me lift up your face
    Just don’t turn away

    And I’ll be by your side
    Wherever you fall
    In the dead of night
    Whenever you call
    And please don’t fight
    These hands that are holding you
    My hands are holding you