
  • Travel & Vacation: Visiting Disney’s Epcot (Orlando, FL)


    My sweet princess!

    We saved Epcot to explore last since it was one that Jake wanted to go with us.  It was so much fun riding all the rides, exploring the various countries, watching the shows and so much more.  We had a blast, so much fun in fact that we decided that on our last day we wanted to go back to Epcot for one more day.  Thankful for a great time packed full of wonderful memories with my family.


    Feeding the manatees some lettuce


    Ready for a bright and sunny day at Epcot


    You can see this Epcot ball from our hotel


    Our picture from the Spaceship Earth adventure together


    Playing an energy game, pretty cool


    Brina racing her car


    We’re ready for the show!


    The Space section was a hit especially with Karlie!


    Our first Mission Space ride.  They generously chose to do the “green” (aka easy level) first since I get sick on some rides.  Thankfully we all survived!


    Delicious snack at one of the bakeries!  We split this heart shaped waffle with tasty jam inside.


    Stopping for a minute to rest while we check out the map for the next place we want to go.


    We’re ready and thankful for a moment to relax!


    The kids did amazing with their camel backs.  Not once they complain or get dehydrated or hungry (although we did have more potty breaks).

    Epcot, Dolphin Resort, Swan and Dolphin, Lights, Family, Disney, Walt Disney,

    Biotechnology Lab at Epcot.  It looks really neat and you see all kinds of cool produce being grown that will be used in various Disney restaurants.  The only odd about this ride is the second time we road it there were animal (dog shape) paw prints in the sand (not sure where those came from).


    Turtle Talk with Crush – super cute and very interactive with the audience!


    Living Seas Hydrolators and Seacab Ride


    Looks like the shark at a couple kids!


    Karlie is loving her time at Epcot

  • Free Ebooks: Lily Lemon Blossom, The Quest, Financial Freedom, Cast Iron Skillet, Paleo Diet, and more!

    The price to download these books is currently $0.00 (although the price may change at any time, please confirm prior to downloading).  The ebooks are specifically for Kindles, however, you can click here and download the free application that allows you to read Kindle ebooks on your PC.

    Download a free copy of Lily Lemon Blossom Welcome to Lily’s Room by Barbara Miller, Inga Shalvashvili

    Download a free copy of The Quest: The Untold Story of Steve, Book One: The Tale of a Hero by Mark Mulle

    Download a free copy of The Ultimate Guide to Becoming Financially Independent by Peter K. Black

    Download a free copy of Financial Freedom : How to Achieve Financial Freedom, Manage your Money and Reduce your Debt by Mike C. Adams

    Download a free copy of Cast Iron Skillet: 101 Cast Iron Recipes For Easy, Quick Dinners by Kristinq Newman

    Download a free copy of Paleo Diet: Unleash the Power of the Paleo Diet by Valerie Childs, Joy Louis

  • Travel & Vacation: Epcot’s Gardens (Orlando, FL)


    Our wild crew at Epcot!

    Our family had a blast exploring Walt Disney World’s Epcot park.  It was a lot of fun seeing all the beautiful sculptures made out of greenery all over the park.  Many Disney characters were represented in the gardens.  It was the kids first time visiting Epcot.  They loved it so much we chose to do it 2 days instead of just one.  Thankful for the opportunity to spend time with my family while seeing these amazing creations.


     Lady and the Trump


     Mickey Mouse instead a garden of flowers.


     Beautiful flower gardens at Epcot.  This was taken while passing through on the monorail.


     Snow White


    Kiddos in front of Beauty and the Beast


    Pausing for a moment!  These were my two favorite characters from Beauty and the Beast


     My sweet girl.


    They did an amazing job making these garden sculptures come to life!


     Monorail, flower gardens, and lake.


     Cinderella and Prince Charming


     Hanging out next to Winnie the Pooh Bear (his red balloon glowed at night).


     Look out for Captain Hook


     Brina liked the Frozen garden!


     Karlie, of course, liked the Buzz Lightyear


    Tinker Bell


     Too cute!


     The Frozen characters garden at night


    Beautiful garden across the water from where the boat drops you off at Epcot

  • Song: Hallelujah For The Cross by Newsboys

    As we reflect on the meaning of the Easter Holiday I am reminded of a Savior who sacrificed his life so that I might live.  “Hallelujah for the Cross” because He has defeated death and took my sin on Him.  Love this song and it great reminder of how instrumental Jesus and the cross are in the lives of believers.

    Up to the hill of Calvary
    My Savior went courageously
    And there He bled and died for me
    Hallelujah for the cross
    And on that day the world was changed
    A final, perfect lamb was slain
    Let earth and heaven now proclaim
    Hallelujah for the Cross
    Hallelujah for the war He fought
    Love has won, death has lost
    Hallelujah for the souls He bought
    Hallelujah for the Cross
    What good I’ve done could never save
    My debt too great for deeds to pay
    But God, my Savior, made a way
    Hallelujah for the cross
    A slave to sin, my life was bound
    But all my chains fell to the ground
    When Jesus’ blood came flowing down
    Hallelujah for the Cross

    And when I breathe my final breath
    I’ll have no need to fear that rest
    This hope will guide me into death
    Hallelujah for the cross
    Hallelujah for the Cross

  • Free Ebooks: Speed Cleaning & Decluttering, Grow Fruit Indoors, Cheap & Delicious, DIY Projects, How To Crochet, Natural Antibiotics, Frugal Living, and more!

    The price to download these books is currently $0.00 (although the price may change at any time, please confirm prior to downloading).  The ebooks are specifically for Kindles, however, you can click here and download the free application that allows you to read Kindle ebooks on your PC.

    Download a free copy of Guide for Busy Women: Speed Cleaning and Decluttering Your Home in Less Than 1 hour by Sophie Miller

    Download a free copy of Grow Fruit Indoors: The Ultimate Beginners Gardening Guide To Grow Exotic Fruits Indoors by Tony Gardner

    Download a free copy of Cheap and Delicious: Top Secrets For Money Saving while Cooking and Serving Delicious Meals by Emma Moore

    Download a free copy of DIY Projects: 22 Surprisingly Useful DIY Projects For Your Home And Everyday Life by Anna Dekker

    Download a free copy of How To Crochet: 10 Unique and Easy Granny Square Patterns by Cynthia Carter

    Download a free copy of Natural Antibiotics: The 10 Most Helpful Natural Remedies to Protect and Cure You from Illness by Michael King

    Download a free copy of Ayurveda: Restore Your Health Using These Simple and Easy Steps for Ayurveda by Sophia Campbell

    Download a free copy of Off The Grid 101: Practical Guide on How to Live a Subsistence Agrarian Life and Grow Your Own Food by Kendall Cobb

    Download a free copy of Frugal Living: 25 Ridiculously Simple Ways to Cut Your Spending Through Frugal Living by Alice Stokes

  • Travel & Vacation: Main Street Electrical Parade & Fireworks at Disney’s Magic Kingdom (Orlando, FL)


    Electric Lights Parade

    After dark at Magic Kingdom they do a Main Street Electrical Parade and Fireworks every night.  You will need to check the schedule for the days you want to go, but it is pretty consistent most weeks.  The electric lights parade was awesome.  Even though we squeezed in all the rides we could before the parade the kids were still able to get front row seats for the parade (thankfully it was less crowded when we went).  The parade was fascinating, the girls loved it.

    A little bit after the parade was done we found a spot to sit down and watch the lights, music, and fireworks next to the castle at Magic Kingdom.  It was beautiful.  We ended up sitting right in front of the castle and had a great view!  The kids really enjoyed it.  After the fireworks we decided to go do a few more rides which we walked right onto since the majority of people were leaving at that time.  It was a great day at Magic Kingdom.  We had a few hiccups with a couple rides and shows, but everyone took it in stride and we had an amazing time together.




    Bald eagle, flag, and fireworks!


    Colorful castle!


    Beautiful castle, lots of colors, music and fireworks who could ask for anything more!


    Blue castle and fireworks!  I lost count of the number of times the castle changed colors and the number of different songs they played during the show.


    Red, white, and blue – The castle is dark blue with white stars (a little hard to see in this picture) and the fireworks were a bright red.  Gorgeous!!!


    Turquoise blue


    Pretty pink


    The kids loved it


    A great ending to a wonderful show

  • Travel & Vacation: Swiss Family Treehouse, Tom Sawyer Island, Hall of Presidents, and Tomorrowland Speedway at Disney’s Magic Kingdom (Orlando, FL)


    Silly Karlie!

    While at Magic Kingdom we had so much fun!  It was great to get a chance to spend time having a grand time together as a family.  We enjoyed our adventures and exploring the various places around Magic Kingdom.  While we were in line we had opportunities to talk and catch up on the various activities that had been going on over the past few days.


    Jake and Karlie exploring the Swiss Family Robinson Treehouse


    Hanging out with my girls at the Swiss Family Treehouse


    Having fun


    My handsome man


    Hiking through the treehouse


    Target practice… on Tom Sawyer’s Island


    Look out!  Did she hit the target?!


    Fun times!


    Checking to make sure we were coming




    The girls loved this moving bridge over the water.


    This was my view across the river when I was crossing the bridge.  Pretty, but at a funky angle.


    Jake figured out that he could splash the water on the girls when he bounced a little on the bridge, they thought it was great.


    Hanging out


    Pausing for a moment on Tom Sawyer’s Island


    Hall of Presidents Show, very educational


    The girls enjoyed learning about all the different Presidents


    My driver on the Tomorrowland Speedway


    She was a good driver and all smiles!

  • Travel & Vacation: It’s a Small World, Pirates of the Caribbean, Jungle Cruise at Disney’s Magic Kingdom (Orlando, FL)


    Brina and Jake riding on the boat through It’s a Small World

    The lines weren’t too long so we were able to get onto several rides, however, we had a couple hiccups with some as well.  The kids liked It’s a Small World so much that we did it 2 times.  The Pirates of the Caribbean was a little bit of a disappointment because we stood in line for an hour and were 10 people from the front of the line when it broke down so we didn’t get to go on it.  It took us another 30 minutes to get back out because we had to wait for all the people behind us leave.  The girls did well and had a great attitude despite the long wait time.  The Jungle Cruise was a fun boat ride with lots of neat sights along the way.  The kids really enjoyed it.


    Smiling and soaking in all the sights at It’s a Small World


    It’s a Small World banner as you go in




    Always something to look at on the boat ride


    Still smiling while waiting in the long line for the Pirates of the Caribbean


     Catching up and chatting while in line


    Yay, found a place to sit while waiting


    Going on the Jungle Cruise


    All smiles on the Jungle Cruise


    Beautiful waterfall


    They loved looking at all the animals and sights on the Jungle Cruise


    So much fun!

  • Travel & Vacation: Train, Dumbo, and Winnie the Pooh Rides at Disney’s Magic Kingdom (Orlando, FL)


    Brina having a blast and laughing.

    We had the opportunity to go to Disney’s Magic Kingdom in Orlando, FL recently.  The girls and I headed out first thing in the morning while Jake was at his conference.  He was able to join us in the afternoon after the conference ended which was really nice.  We packed in as much fun as we could while at Magic Kingdom.  We were there only one day, but we had a blast!


    Karlie all smiles as we ride the train to our next stop!


    We walked onto the Dumbo ride that morning with no lines.


    Enjoying the ride!


    Something is laugh-out-loud funny to Karlie!


    Playing in the garden while waiting for the Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh ride


    We got onto the ride pretty quickly and now we are all set to go!


    Silly tigger


    Tigger pounced on Winnie the Pooh

  • Travel & Vacation: Swan & Dolphin Resort Pools (Orlando, FL)


    Beautiful view and we almost had the pool to ourselves!

    During our time at the Swan & Dolphin Resorts the kids had to check out their pools.  Yes, they have several pools and a playground.  We had a blast swimming and splashing around in their pools on the hottest day.  The girls can spend hours swimming around.


    Brina floating around!


    Karlie having fun!


    Being goofy under the water!


    How long can you hold your breathe


    Brina coming down the slide next to one of the pools.


    That was fun, let’s do it again!


    Karlie ready to go


    Karlie moving right along!


    I barely got a shot of her coming around the corner!  They loved the slide!


    A pool with a waterfall.  How awesome is that!?


    Hanging out by the waterfall.


    This pool was much quieter, but one of their favorites because it was easier to dive for items since it was less crowded.  That’s our hotel in the back ground.


    Swimming around


    Brina loves her goggles and her eyes don’t get nearly are red from the chlorine.


    Taking a break to chat


    Stopping for a few minutes to relax.