Local Activities

  • Teaching Our Children: Target Practicing Skills

    A few weeks ago the girls were reminiscing about our adventure earlier this year to the local Shooting Range so we decided to take out Daddy’s paintball gun and have them try target practicing off the back porch.  They almost always hit the tree they were aiming for even if it was in different spots.  The paintball gun was lighter so they could hold it themselves and it gave us another opportunity to discuss gun safety as well as a chance for them to target practice for a little bit.

    Brina trying to hit the tree with the paint ball gun.

    I think Brina actually enjoyed the paintball gun more.  It was really easy to see if she hit her target.  “Splatting” the tree brought several triumphant giggles as they hit their unsuspecting target.

    Karlie target practing with the paintball gun.

    Each girl had their own color of paint to make it easier to see where they had hit the target.  This activity was a great way to teach kids learning about gun safety and target practicing without having to deal with as much danger or gun powder residue.  The girls had a blast and were very pleased with being able to hit the target.

  • Travel & Vacation: Angel Oak Tree and other Family Adventures near Charleston, SC

    Canopy of trees on the way to the Angel Oak Tree

    The girls and I ventured out a little ways to check out the Angel Oak Tree while Jake was working in Charleston one day.  The picture above is the beautiful canopy of trees we saw on the bumpy country road that led to our amazing tree adventure that was recommended to us by my friend Janet.

    Facts about the Angel Oak Tree

    In case you cannot read the sheet above here are some of the details –  The Angel Oak Tree we visited is said to be between 300 to 400 years old, 65 feet tall, the circumference is 25.5 feet, area of shade 17,000 square feet and the largest limb is 11.25 feet in circumference and 89 feet long.  It is located on John’s Island near Charleston, SC.  Some people believe that the tree is over 1500 years old.

    Angel Oak Tree near Charleston, South Carolina

    The Angel Oak Tree is massive, it was really hard to get a picture that truly shows it’s size.  I took a few pictures from different angles but I couldn’t get the entire tree to fit in one picture.  It was simply amazing to see such a huge tree.

    Beautiful and huge Angel Oak Tree

    If you look closely you can see the supports helping hold up the limbs.  The girls and I were nearly speechless at the size of the tree.  We walked around it several times just in awe!

    Brina inspecting the large carrot we picked out at a local Farmer's Market

    We stopped at this really neat local Farmers Market store on our way back from the Angel Oak Tree adventure.  Their carrots were very BIG, the girls have never seen carrots that huge before (not sure I had either).  They must have had some great soil for carrots.  We picked out a large carrot and nibbled on it for a couple days (I didn’t think to weigh to but I am think it could have been over a pound).

    Great quote the girls and I discovered along our adventures

    The girls love traveling with Jake and I on road trips.  We are always on the look out for neat ideas or something interesting to share.  Of course one of the areas we frequently visited in our travels were a variety of restrooms.  Sometimes the girls were in dire need of a restroom by the time with found one.  The girls wanted me to read this sign in the Farmers Market restroom, we all had a good laugh at it as we reminisced together of some times just in the last few months we felt like a minute was a very long time as we waited on the other side of the door.

    Walking down one of the girls favorite piers.

    Some days the water is low and all the greenery is out of the water other days it is complete under water.  Love the little “sand” trail that you can see under the water.

    The guy fishing off the pier caught a little one!

    As we were walking down the pier we notice a guy fishing.  We asked if he had caught anything yet and he showed us his catch of the morning.  The girls thought it was such a cute little fish!  They were very excited for him.

    Daddy brought us a blue raspberry slushy.

    After a fun day at the park and pool Daddy brought his girls a blue raspberry slushy.  It was amazing!

    We had blue tongues after just a few minutes.

    The blue raspberry slushy made all of our tongues blue!  I think the girls drink more of the slushy based off their tongue color, ha!

    Cannon outside the hotel.

     The girls always hoped that our room was never in the line of fire.  Thankfully our room never faced the cannon.  The girls always loved looking at it!

    After dinner we took a little walk together and found a pond with turtles.

    I am not sure how long we watched these turtles but it was a lot of fun.  The girls were mesmerized by these cute little turtles.   According to the girl there was a whole family of turtles (we did see quite a few).

    Crashed on the pull out couch after a few minutes of chitchat about their "super fun" day

    We got back to the hotel, gave the girls baths and they spent a few minutes talking and giggling about their “super fun” day before crashing.  They were exhausted but in good spirits.  We really did pack a lot into one day!

    The “Travel and Vacation” series is an insight into our trips together as a family and ways we relax.  Life is short and we were thrilled to have the opportunity to build memories with family and explore of of the most amazing places during our time away.  Explore with a good attitude, look for fun and it will be an awesome trip jammed packed with positive memories.  It is refreshing having some time away from the regular routine.  Make it a once in a lifetime opportunity to meet new people and learn.  You just might see or try something new that takes your breath away!

  • Raising Twins: Multiples Party at Shipwreck Cove

    As I was going back through some of the pictures the last several months I realized I never posted anything about this great event (better late than never right!?).  I have the privilege of being a part of the Upstate Mother’s of Multiples Club.  It is a great group of Moms and families that have been supportive from the days when I was on bedrest and beyond.  Once a season we get together with the families (Moms, Dads, and all the kids) and enjoy some fun activities.  Here is a little taste of our adventure at Shipwreck Cove in Duncan, South Carolina:

    Karlie ready to go down the slide.

     The girls love pools, water parks, and the beach (really anything with water, including splashing around in the tub).  They had a blast swimming, sliding and tubing at Shipwreck Cove.

    Mommy had a blast too!

    Honestly I am not sure had more fun….the little kids or the big kids!  I enjoyed the many trips down the big slides, catching up with friends, floating along on the lazy river and swimming just as much as the girls did.

    View from the top of the big slides (part of Shipwreck Cove Waterpark).

    When we first arrived at the water park it was pretty quiet other than our groups munchkins running and swimming around.  As the day got later more people arrived, but we still had a blast.

    Karlie going down the big slide all by herself.

    So proud of the girls for going down the big kid slides.  I had a mixture of excitement and sadness to see how much they had grown up over the last few years.  It was a wonderful day of memories for the whole family.

    Brina going down the red slide again.

    Glad to see them having a blast at the water park!  Brina’s favorite slide was the big red one that was open at the top, but she did try both slides.

    Karlie getting sprayed by a water canon while floating on the lazy river.

    Karlie thought it was hilarious when she got sprayed by the canons as she was floating by.  We went around the lazy river several times that day.

    Brina waiting to go down the slide.

    This slide was on the “palm tree island” and a favorite to play on in between going down the big slides and floating along on the lazy river.

    Karlie waiting for another turn on the big slides.

    The slides were a HUGE hit with Karlie girl!  She didn’t mind standing in line to go down the slides again and again and again and again.

    Brina enjoying the water jets.

    The water park was really nice.  It did surprise us to find out the that water was “salt” water not fresh water.

    Having fun in the water.

    Brina enjoying her time at the water park.

    Pausing for a moment to let me take a picture.

     Glad for those quick pauses to take  pictures.

    Thankful for a great time playing with my family!

  • Local Activities: “Dine Out for Mom” Event on Thursday, October 20th

    There is a special event going on tomorrow, Thursday, October 20, 2011 called “Dine Out For Mom” which is a part of the “Let There Be Mom” organization.  As a Mom with small children it is important for me to remember that life is precious, sweet, and short.  We never know what joys and trials life will bring our way.  You may know of a friend or family member that has gone through serious illness and given only a short amount of time to live.   This event is to remind us to celebrate life, create memories, cherish our family, and help others because our life here on earth is not forever.

    What is “Let There Be Mom”? It is an organization that provides help to Moms when they or their spouse is diagnosed with a serious illness.  How was it started?   “Let There Be Mom” comes along side the family going through this difficult time to preserve memories.  They do this through a variety of services tailored to meet the needs and wishes of the individual families. Some examples of ways you can get involved – photography, scrapbooks,  journals, videos, meals, errands, special events, care packages, family cookbooks, and many more wonderful activities.  The “Dine Out For Mom” event tomorrow is designed to help raise funds for this great organization.   When you eat at one of the participating restaurants they will donate a portion of the proceeds to “Let There Be Mom” so they can continue to help families that are losing a loved one.

    Take some time out of your busy day to meet a friend for lunch or take the family out for dinner.  What a great way to spend time with those you love while helping a wonderful organization that is committed to preserving family memories.

    For more information about the “Let There Be Mom” organization, their services, and how to get involved please visit their website.

  • Travel & Vacation: Places to Stay and Play in Charleston

    Pizza picnic at the pool in Charleston!

    We got Domino’s (they had a buy 1 pizza get 1 free coupon) and brought it back to the hotel to eat. The girls wanted to check out the pool so we ate by the pool then went swimming.  The first night we stayed at the Holiday Inn in Mt Pleasant, it was literally a block away from Waterfront Park.  It was a busy weekend with a lot baseball tournaments, American Idol tryouts, and a couple other community activities. We still had a blast together and Jake was able to get his work done as well. The biggest down side to this hotel is their breakfast was pretty expensive for families but there are plenty of restaurant chains nearby you can get a breakfast for a great price.

    Swimming with Daddy in the pool.

    The girls enjoyed having some time to swim in the pool after a very hot day at the parks around town.  Thankful for an opportunity to spend some time relaxing together as a family.

    Karlie relaxing and snacking in her makeshift bed.

    Baths were taken and pedicures were done so Karlie decided to take a few minutes to relax and snack in her bed before brushing her teeth and going to sleep.  Glad the girls enjoy going on adventures and are flexible during the trips.

    Karlie, Brina and Mommy's fancy hot pink and purple pedicures!

    On one of our trips this summer I surprised the girls with bringing finger nail polish.  It soon became a tradition when we went on a trip for me to bring a couple “wild” colors and all the girls get their fingernails and toenails painted the first evening in the hotel.  The girls loved spending the time together and getting beautiful in the process.  Sometimes it is the little things you do together that make the most impact.

    Karlie ready to try out a new pool.

    We stayed at the Rodeway Hotel the second night of our trip to Charleston, it was literally across the street from the Holiday Inn so we didn’t have to go too far!  I was so thrilled to see the girls confidence in the water increase over the past few months.  They loved their noodles but were okay not having on their life jackets in the pool.  The hotel had a really great hot breakfast every morning, plus ice cold lemonade any time of the day which was a huge hit with the hot kiddos!

    Brina talking and motioning with her noodle.

    The noodles were great in the water but I remember getting bopped with them several times outside of the pool.  The girls were good about making sure to bring them to the pool but sometimes in the process of walking and talking the noodle was more like a weapon, ha!

    Relaxing at the hotel before crashing.

    We introduced the girls to the show “America’s Funniest Home Videos” on this trip.  They thought it was hilarious and as you can see from this picture they were completely captivated by the show.  Their favorites were the silly animal clips!

    The “Travel and Vacation” series is an insight into our trips together as a family and ways we relax.  Life is short and we were thrilled to have the opportunity to build memories with family and explore of of the most amazing places during our time away.  Explore with a good attitude, look for fun and it will be an awesome trip jammed packed with positive memories.  It is refreshing having some time away from the regular routine.  Make it a once in a lifetime opportunity to meet new people and learn.  You just might see or try something new that takes your breath away!

  • Blockbuster Express: Coupon Codes for FREE DVD Rentals

    Are you looking for a fun way to relax with your family this week or over the weekend?  Blockbuster Express has FREE rental codes available right now:

    • Code –  7650BW8
    • Code –  65DWTM7
    • Code – 73MAYB6
    • Code –  74ABDP3
    • Code – 97KRFT5
    • Code – 63SLRH5
    • Code – 49WHZS3
    • Code – 24NCCC7

    The above Coupon Codes are good through midnight Thursday, October 13, 2011.

    The coupon codes can be used to get DVDs from your nearest Blockbuster Express kiosk.  Some codes may only work online so make sure to reserve your rental before picking it up.  A credit card required to rent.  The codes are valid on $1 movies not on Blu-rays or new releases.  Make sure to return you DVD on time to avoid paying any late fees.

  • Travel & Vacation: Great Parks in the Charleston, SC Area

    Cool moving bridge at Center Park

    We found a cute little park on Daniel’s Island, SC with a lot of shade and water fountains (thankfully since it was over 107 and humid that day) only a couple miles down the road from where Jake was working.  This was the most entertaining part on the whole jungle gym!  It was a moving bridge!  You could get on it at one location of the jungle gym and either have someone push you across or you could stand at other side and spin a wheel that pulls you across to the other side of the jungle gym.  The girls (and Mommy) where fascinated by this cool moving bridge and it provided quite a bit of entertainment for all of us!

    Karlie sitting on the wall!

    Karlie thought this wall in the park was awesome!  She would climb up, sit for a few minutes watching everyone and talk anyone nearby then get down.  I think she liked being up higher and over looking the park!

    Brina coming through the blue tunnel at Center Park.

    She thought it was hilarious going through the random tunnels and would giggle when she “caught” me watching at her!  So sneaky!

    Brina saying "hi" to her new friend

    These bubble blowers were such a HUGE hit!  It was so cute seeing Brina just checking out it’s face, it really was a bug friend to her!

    So....when I blew through here bubbles come out?!

    I tried to find these again this year but they must have sold out.  When you blow through the tail of the dragon fly the silver wings spin and a lot of bubbles come out of the dragon fly’s mouth.

    Mommy's about to get blasted with dragonfly bubbles

    This was shortly before a wave of bubbles came my way.  Brina thought it was awesome blowing dragonfly bubbles my direction!

    Karlie on the run at Waterfront Park under the Arthur Ravenel Bridge

    The Waterfront Park under the Arthur Ravenel Bridge is one of our favorite parks to hang out at in Charleston.  It always has shade from the bridge and has very clean restrooms and a cold water fountain.

    Brina playing at Waterfront Park in Mt Pleasant / Charleston, SC

    The Waterfront park is a great place to hang out before going into Downtown Charleston.  You can play in the park, walk on the pier, enjoy ice cream from the snack shop or watch free movies in the evenings during the summer months.

    Sitting on the slide at Waterfront Park

    Brina and Karlie taking a few minutes to cool down and talk while sitting on the slide.  They thought it was such a cool place to sit!

    Karlie relaxing on the boat's railing

    Karlie content to relax for a few moments against the boat’s railing.  This little park is in front of the Information Center for Daniel’s Island right next to a pier.  The girls really liked this park even though it did not have a lot of shade, a restroom or water fountain they still requested to go to this park to walk the pier and “pet” their turtle friends.

    Karlie and Brina driving the little white boat

    The girls thought it was very cool having the boat in the park.

    Hanging out with Daddy on the boat.

    Karlie is laughing at Daddy, while Brina and Daddy look at the camera.  The girls thought this park was so much fun that they had to take Daddy by to check it out too!

    Talking about the boat.

    An inside shot of the boat.  The girls and Daddy were having a fun decision about boats by the time I got their.  Jake had to be melting that day, it was well over 100 degrees and he was in pants and a long sleeved shirt.  Thankfully he was okay going to the “turtle park” to have a picnic with his girls over lunch despite the heat.

    One of the turtles

    They named each turtle and every time we go back they catch on their friends.

    My two little monkeys on top of the jungle gym!

    Karlie and Brina on the top for the jungle gym at a park across from one of the Daniel Island schools.  I was thankful for the higher railings at the top since they one was a good distance up.  They thought it was so funny how little Mommy looked from WAY up high!  It was over 108 degrees that day and no one else was brave enough to play on the jungle gym (or maybe they were smart enough to stay inside).  This park had really nice restaurants but the water fountain was broken.

    Brina bringing their flip-flops over

    This is the Mt. Pleasant Palmetto Islands County Park.  It has a wide area with the rubber padding.  The girls loved playing at this park.  You could also rent paddle boats, go to a Water Park or go on a hike.

    Caught Karlie sneaking down the long slide.

    The girls loved being “big” enough to climb up to the top of the tallest jungle gym and go down the long slide.  It took them several tries to work up enough courage to get up the climbing wall or pole but it was well worth it!

    Spinning in the yellow tire swing.

    The girls liked spinning and spinning in the yellow tire swing.  It made me sick just spinning and watching them after a few minutes.  They thought it was hilarious to jump off and run across the playground after spinning for several minutes!

    Karlie riding on another one of the spinning items at the park.

    She could spin herself but her preference was to have me stand beside her and spin until she said that was good.

    They literally wore out their flip-flops on this Charleston trip.  Since we were staying in a different location we were able to visit several parks and they girls played hard.  We tried to meet Daddy over lunch most days to take him on a picnic to one of the cool parks the girls have discovered, if we didn’t get a chance to go with him over lunch they would insist he check out the parks after dinner in the evening.  The girls were very good despite the heat during our visit to Charleston that week!  Although they would crash by the time we got back to the hotel at night, they were ready to head back out at the break of dawn!  What amazing memories we made during our park explorations in Charleston!  We are already looking forward to our next trip together!

  • SkyTop Orchard: $1.00 off a Bushel of Apples Coupon

    If you are looking for a great fall family activity you might want to try Apple Picking!

    SkyTop Orchard is now open for apple picking and is offering a coupon for $1.00 a bushel of Apples.

    You can pick your own apples or buy apples they have picked in their store

    What is at SkyTop Orchard:

    • Pick Your Own Apples, Peaches, Pears, and Grapes (check to see what is currently in season)
    • “Made While You Watch” Apple Cake Doughnuts
    • Hayrides
    • Pick Pumpkins, Gourds, and Fall Decorations
    • Picnic Areas
    • Barnyard Goats, Sheep, Chickens, Turkeys, Peacocks, Ducks and Geese
    • Free Apple Cider
    • Nature Trail through a Bamboo Forest
    • Orchard Pond
    • Bees working in their Beehive
    • Apple Goods, Hot Apple Cider, Caramel Apples, Fudge Apples and More
    • Honey, Jams, and Gifts
    • Kids Playground
    • Wooden cut-outs for pictures
    • And More!

    Where is SkyTop Orchard:

  • Vacation & Travel: Exploring History in San Juan, Puerto Rico (Part 2, Pictures)

    One of the congress buildings in San Juan.

    During our tour of San Juan, Puerto Rico we stopped by this beautiful congress buildings.

    Ceiling inside the political building, amazing art work.

    They had beautiful marble and artwork inside the senate building.  It was really neat to see the art and read about the history of San Juan.

    In their Senate building looking down into foyer at their Articles of Constitution

    The circular item in the middle of the foyer is San Juan’s “Articles of Constitution”.  You can actually read the documents and sign the signatures.

    Exploring Fort San Cristobal

    We had a blast exploring the Fort.  The Fort had many amazing views of the city and a lot of neat history regarding the city of San Juan.

    Following Dad through one for the long tunnels in the Fort.

    The fort had a maze of tunnels you could walk through.  If you look to the right you can see a glow of a light.  When the fort was built they used candles in those sections to help light the tunnels for the soldiers to see, (thankfully they use traditional lighting these days).  I wouldn’t want to be in one of the tunnels when all the lights went out!

    A large courtyard inside the fort.

    Inside the fort they had a couple large courtyard areas.  You could stand in the middle of the courtyard and see people touring the fort in about every direction.  I could only imagine what it looked like if the fort was buzzing with soldiers during it’s active days.

    An upper section where they placed cannons to defend the fort.

    The fort was built approximately 150 feet up from sea level.  On the upper sections of the fort the walls were huge!  Most of the places we above your head but when you looked out where the cannons were located you could see a great distance and get more of perspective of how high you truly were.

    Looking out of one of the cannon notches to the city of San Juan.

    It was amazing looking out the various cannon portals and seeing the city as well as ocean around the fort.  In some ways it is hard to believe at one time that there were cannons sitting in these notches.

    Gazing out at the beach and city around the fort.

    We are looking out of a “window” in the fort at the city and beach below.  If you look in the upper left hand corner of the picture you will see a piece of the fort sticking up with two horizontal slits in it, that is similar to the “window” we are taking the picture through.

    In the background of the picture you can see another piece of the fort.

     The fort is very long with houses and businesses along the outer walls of the fort.  There is area between the larger pieces of the fort are longer and narrower which follow the coast line of San Juan.

    As we were walking through the fort we found a friend on the grassy area.

    A large iguana (at least I think that is what it was) was stretched out on the grass right next to us.

    We had a lot of fun in a few hours exploring San Juan, Puerto Rico.  My personal favorite was touring the fort and learning snip-its of history about it.  I am thankful for the opportunity to not only spend time exploring other parts of the world on our trip but also spending extra time with family.

    A Vacation To Remember series is a reflection on our recent trip and ways we relaxed.  Life is short and we were thrilled to have the opportunity to build memories with family and explore of of the most amazing places during our time away.  Explore with a good attitude, look for fun and it will be an awesome trip jammed packed with positive memories.  It is refreshing having some time away from the regular routine.  Make it a once in a lifetime opportunity to meet new people and learn.  You just might see or try something new that takes your breath away!

  • Yard Sale Deals: Children’s Books

    I only had the opportunity to go to a few yard sales this summer with all the traveling, however, a couple of the ones I went to were awesome!  Our family LOVES books!  I have always encouraged the girls to read both with us and without us.  They enjoy reading and we do our best to read to them every day as well.

    One Saturday I went to a yard sale that was being given by a retired elementary school teacher.   I didn’t get there until about mid-morning and she still had a couple big boxes of books.  I picked up 49 children’s books for $3.50, making them 7 cents each.  Most of the books were paperback, one was a Veggie Tales Devotional, a few hardbacks, and several beginning readers ones that are perfect for the girls as they continue to improve their reading skills.

    The girls were VERY excited about the book on top, “Apple Trouble” because it was a book we read together a couple years ago from the library that they really enjoyed.  Of course it was the first book I read to them when we got home from the yard sales.  Other than removing the stickers with the teachers name on it and a few disinfectant wipes the books were as good as new.  I purchased a couple crafts and some brown paper bags for activities from that yard sale as well which have come in handy over the summer with the girls. What great deals have you found at yard sales recently?